CS:GO Discussion

Going to start my journey into ranked over the weekend, see where I end up getting placed then might be able to join some of you guys.

Can you queue up to do the missions in a party or is that purely solo?
VP were at a wedding, probably still whacked. No energy and you get wrecked, didnt see but nice to see Scream and co have some more success

Very old logic now, dont bet high (%) VP not in earlier stages at least

but been up against LEM/DMG
If you can go vs LEM and not totally fail I will put a wild guess and say you get MG rank depends how much you solo
I find solo games, well a total mess really and its all about aim not proper play. The team chokes, the other rushes and shoots from behind or similar

That knife looks worth a lot, no rush to sell it. My theory is prices spike on lan majors, there is one August
I will, and beg you to gift me the knife (or scam you)
Send a large trade offer and hide a high value item in small low items is one scam. Lounge destroyer is an extension that prices up offers, could be useful. If you have a decent inventory, turn on steam guard and all that
Did a mission last night where I needed shotgun kills on rail, god that was hard work against try hard awpers.

you don't know the art of the rush :D

got 7 in one round by smoking their view and rushing from upper to mid and up the ladder behind them all,

but then i'm a pub hero :D
gz on the knife. falchion knife are butugly though, but you got one thats worth quite a bit.

Sell it and get the stuff you want.

Yeah, still trying to work out what it's probably worth, they are around £125 on the market but could do with someone who trades regularly to maybe give me an indication of worth.
If you can go vs LEM and not totally fail I will put a wild guess and say you get MG rank depends how much you solo
I find solo games, well a total mess really and its all about aim not proper play. The team chokes, the other rushes and shoots from behind or similar

That knife looks worth a lot, no rush to sell it. My theory is prices spike on lan majors, there is one August

Well we lost the games, but I was placing a bit higher than Gold Novas, inexperience in some situations was clear but I wasn't totally useless :) As for the knife, I'm in no rush to sell it, not before I get an idea of if the design is worth more anyway.
Yeah, still trying to work out what it's probably worth, they are around £125 on the market but could do with someone who trades regularly to maybe give me an indication of worth.

Wait what Joe raider has to say, theres also another dude in this thread who traded up a lot, cant remember who it was but im sure he will respond.
Joel was the one who traded up massivley and made lots of money from it.
Tbh though its probably not gonna be much more than market as its a knife very few people want.
Still n1 on unboxing it. Seems low/unranked accounts get all the luck....
So, I got this bad boy last night...




Anyone know where I can get it appraised, as I'm led to believe by people who know far more about CS: GO than I do, it could be worth more than market value based on the pattern. Also, please feel free to add me on Steam - ChugNorrisUK, I'm on CS most evenings now, not particularly great by any stretch but getting better :)

Pretty much what Joel said, the diamond is nice but the heart is less wanted. So I guess CSGOLounge might be your best bet or above market price on steam.
Still can't decide whether I like falchion knives or not, but that one looks nice. :)

Edit: As for VP I always use the 'golden rule' now. They're still one of my favourite teams though.
Yeah, still trying to work out what it's probably worth, they are around £125 on the market but could do with someone who trades regularly to maybe give me an indication of worth.

Like previously said its worth slightly more than market but if you intend to sell on steam market it makes no difference. It's only worth as much as someone will pay and on the steam market they will only pay market price.
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