CS:GO Discussion

I don't get why on these missions it won't pair you against a team of people all wanting to do it aswell, pistol battles would be so much more fun.

Rather then putting you in with people who are constantly trying to be 'pro'
Had a tonne of completely crap games tonight and downranked again from MG1 to GNM for the second time now. All my 1 tap and sniper headshots never connected, even though I'm aimed directly at the head in the 60 fps videos I've recorded each and every time. I can even see the bullet go THROUGH the players body, then blood shows for the console to then inform me that I never hit. The hit boxes in this game and netcoding is utter turd! A friend of mine got an awp kill on someone and didn't even aim at them. Infact, he was aimed over a metre behind them whilst they were running, yet gets the kill. Obviously he hit the hitbox and not the player, but I thought this **** was left in 1.6 were it belonged?! Do I now have to start trailing all my shots on moving targets to aim at hitboxes and not what I actually see?
Had a tonne of completely crap games tonight and downranked again from MG1 to GNM for the second time now. All my 1 tap and sniper headshots never connected, even though I'm aimed directly at the head in the 60 fps videos I've recorded each and every time. I can even see the bullet go THROUGH the players body, then blood shows for the console to then inform me that I never hit. The hit boxes in this game and netcoding is utter turd! A friend of mine got an awp kill on someone and didn't even aim at them. Infact, he was aimed over a metre behind them whilst they were running, yet gets the kill. Obviously he hit the hitbox and not the player, but I thought this **** was left in 1.6 were it belonged?! Do I now have to start trailing all my shots on moving targets to aim at hitboxes and not what I actually see?

Something going on since last update it seems. Dev responded here.


On another note.. decided to play a mm with 1 mate. DMG and LE. We get 3 teammates that don't speak, callout ever... doesnt buy his teammates weapons when needed..
Still magicly managed to 15-15 it but **** me MM is getting depressing lately tbh. Think better off just going Faceit/ESEA.
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Made a VP wallpaper open to requests if anyone has anything they would like to see


I don't consider myself any good at this game and I was always around the single AK level and thought it was an accomplishment to get to the double AK. Since the update that happened a month ago and possible VAC bans I am now somehow at LE level
^ Yup, little too easy to rank up currently.

Been playing on my smurf a bit lately, gone from LE to SMFC in 7/8 games.

That also includes 2/3 games letting nova friends use the account.
Wonder if I can get it to GE by 30 wins.
Been getting such terrible ping to all MM Servers recently. My internet connection really does suck. I have BT infinity 30 down, 5 up but it's interleaved so heavily due to distance from cabinet/poor quality house wiring. I get ~15-30 ping more than my friend who lives 30 miles away. Playing at 55-80 ping on these MM servers that have been utter trash recently since the updates just really killing the fun.
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c9 seriously upseting fnatic who are not their best ?

mm servers vary, swedes get really low ping apparently. Try these to guage esea also try faceit ones

I was always around the single AK level
mg game resembled silver the other day, we really had no clue but almost won. zero comms except to curse people out, last person killing only 2 or 3 is not valid critism so quality idiots/trolls tbh
On the other hand, plenty of hacks still there. 2 games 2 wallhack in a row is pretty discouraging, not sure I'd call it easy exactly though I realise some can still win

nova 1 i used to play with are eagles in a few cases. Mg now supreme though I think he said he was only low from all the hacks

Going to start my journey into ranked over the
weekend, see where I end up getting placed then might be able to join some of you guys.

Can you queue up to do the missions in a party or is that purely solo?

You can always queue up if you have 5 and if ranks are close with less, I dont think unranked is restricted actually. Missions count either way, it'll show progress on scoreboard

I don't get why on these missions it won't pair you against a team of people all wanting to do it aswell, pistol battles would be so much more fun.

Rather then putting you in with people who are constantly trying to be 'pro'

All on missions would have an ironic effect where people take turns losing. Like my sergei mission was like that

Why oh why is there not a feature to select regions?
m7 csgo server picker

I didn't knew you can bet on VIP's in CS, LOL.
There is a VIP game mode in cs. Have not seen it on csgo but the objective is to kill that one player (200 armor with pistol), the CT team must escape from end of the map to the other
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Rolled my winnings onto TSM, I like c9 to win but just imo from my silver pov today TSM were deadly on all points in their earlier game (making the odds look correct) & can beat c9 but who knows what sgares will do

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Funny to think that the idea of a NA team beating Fnatic to get in a final of a massive tournament with all the big EU teams in it a month ago would have been absurd.

Cloud9 look so strong. TSM will be a big challenge though.

The amount whine about skins lost is probably glorious. If I was a betting man I would have gone for a small ish bet on C9 though. The odds were heavily in Fnatics favor, and C9 nearly beat them the last time they played, look super confident and strong whereas Fnatic look to be a downswing recently.
74% Fnatic 26% Cloud 9.

Interesting to see the odds are at: TSM 55% C9 45% atm.
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Gotta love the CS Community.

Managed a draw 15-15 and to win the game I was 1v1 he defused but had kits so I peaked boom Insta headshot.. I got called "****" then when the ranks came up my team were as followed also in scoreboard order.


Against LEMS/LE Yup im **** performing better than guys two lets be honest quite substantial ranks above me against ranks above me!!!


Edit: Who were obviously a premade and didn't take notice of a word I said or give call outs in game chat guessing they were on TS
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How many kills did the mg2 get ? When I played eagle or esea previously, I swear I wouldnt even really peek properly because of that situation. Just pretend to and fire wallbang a bit and hopefully they go away thinking you peeked super fast :p On the A site you can fully headshot the T on short without ever seeing him, one of the box corners can be shot through. Not sure who I copied from but it works great vs higher ranks, people with faster reactions when you end up solo, etc
Any situation their position is limited and you know where they are already (or might be), preaim prefire and wallbang ideally can win

Wallbanging mirage B site into apps kitchen and moved after firing, he returned fire perfectly on me at distance and yep on the demo after he was tracking through walls. Usually with a smoke its decent intimidation to them, some damage

training/warmup - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=368026786
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How many kills did the mg2 get ? When I played eagle or esea previously, I swear I wouldnt even really peek properly because of that situation. Just pretend to and fire wallbang a bit and hopefully they go away thinking you peeked super fast :p On the A site you can fully headshot the T on short without ever seeing him, one of the box corners can be shot through. Not sure who I copied from but it works great vs higher ranks, people with faster reactions when you end up solo, etc
Any situation their position is limited and you know where they are already (or might be), preaim prefire and wallbang ideally can win

Wallbanging mirage B site into apps kitchen and moved after firing, he returned fire perfectly on me at distance and yep on the demo after he was tracking through walls. Usually with a smoke its decent intimidation to them, some damage

He got 13-3-27 (34 Points) I managed 24-7-18 (74 points) to be honest the MG2 did okay only a few kills behind one of the supremes but none of the kills were entry frags or clutches etc so it isn't really an accurate representation yeah I know better to be honest but I was CT on A site mirage I basically prefired and came off a lot worse nevermind :p Just the logic of out performing two guys being higher ranked than me against people higher than my rank then can call me whatever winds me up.
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The game I've just had has made me question why I still bother playing, one guy pre aiming literally everyone on mirage, 400 hour account, end of the round he's 3 ranks below everyone else...

Comments on his steam profile by others calling him out as well, it's about time valve put some money into an anti-cheat system that works instead of leaving it up to other players to watch and vote to ban them.
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