Actually things like strafe firing are in way more games than CoD so keep that elitist crap to yourself.
Thanks for the spawn death tip, I'll see if I can give casuals a go until I'm a high enough level for ranked.
If you play dm, don't take any notice whatsoever of your score, go into dm with an idea of what you want to learn/do.
I usually start off only using the five-seven and tap shooting, it will help your aim no-end as you need to get 2 headshots at range or just one up close, it will also help with your movement as you will be against people with superior guns so if you dont move between shots you will die. (movement is very important) no matter how good your aim you have to avoid getting shot otherwise your aim won't bail you out a lot of the time, also you will have days where your aim is off, if you can get the movement down (stutter step, strafe shooting etc, etc) having an off day with your aim won't make as big a difference. Then i'll move to an ak, again tapshooting only, then start bursting with the ak, then i'll move onto the m4 and finally a couple of rounds with the awp.
There are a few workshop maps which are helpful, ulletical (sp?) has a recoil traning map, also an aim prac map with bots, you also have the training aim map (there are several versions but all basically the same) which has loads of settings to help you work on your aim.
You can also watch videos, adren has a few good tutorials, also warowl has loads of tutorials for different weapons etc, etc, natosaphix as well.
A few of us on here have smurf accounts so will hapily play with you and help you learn ( i need a new one, as well frankly i'm rubbish at smurfing as i have 3 accounts my 2 "smurfs" are ranked LE and my main is dmg, so i need to get one and get it ranked low)