CS:GO Discussion

Me and a friend jumped into a few comp games last night - only to be teamed up with Russians!

Really really annoys me and puts me off my game when they're screaming down the mic trying to tell me how to play or that they want an AVP!
Hit LEM on my smurf, woop woop. Actually having more fun playing on the smurf as I don't care about how the games goes nor the ranking implications of a loss.

Thankfully over the lull in my awful performance over the last week or so, reactions and gamesense appear to be back on track. Apologies for my shoddy performance in one of the games on Friday guys :p
Hoping to win my last 2 placement matches tonight and see where I end up. Imagine it'll be in gold with some of the dreadful performances I've had.
Will take longer for the 2nd rank in a week because bonus goes. I think over 10 hours is more like it. Demo might be the best for someone who can ace every round because there is only 5 people to kill and in theory you can make it real fast game and get a lot of points.
At one stage I worked out the 2nd rank would take 70 arms race games, I was coming top 3 every game so thats max points every 6 or 7 mins but its just not fast enough really

Placements matchs whichever ranks show at game end pretty much. Placement gave me my highest rank ever which is not that much but I played it on 60fps to get lower not higher, it gives the benefit of the doubt maybe. Low mm wins can change rank every 2 games, near 500 I find it takes maybe 10 games now though its also down to ELO as 49 kills should accelerate things whoever it was got that :O

Very strange games between CLG and LG, 58 rounds over 3 maps in bo3. I won the bet but 8esport altered reported odds to 87% after the game, it was 77% at game start :eek:

Hotted89 is trading cobble package for $35 items though I cant find tradelink right now :/
47 opened, 46 white and blue


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Anyone else transitioned from 60hz to 144hz? Feels like an entire new game lol. Sensitivity feels way faster as well for some reason but I guess that's just cause I'm not used to the smoothness/clarity
Anyone else transitioned from 60hz to 144hz? Feels like an entire new game lol. Sensitivity feels way faster as well for some reason but I guess that's just cause I'm not used to the smoothness/clarity

Did you increase resolution at the same time?
Anyone else transitioned from 60hz to 144hz? Feels like an entire new game lol. Sensitivity feels way faster as well for some reason but I guess that's just cause I'm not used to the smoothness/clarity

Yes, at least 5 years ago :p

*awaits someone saying they still play at 200hz on their 12 year old CRT* :p
Anyone else transitioned from 60hz to 144hz? Feels like an entire new game lol. Sensitivity feels way faster as well for some reason but I guess that's just cause I'm not used to the smoothness/clarity

I've noticed the difference going from 1080p to my 1440p 144Hz rog swift, to me it just feels smoother and much more slick, I'm used to it now though so I'd probably notice a bugger difference if I dropped back down again now.
I'm so confused by CSGO, having been a competitive CSS player for years, i just didn't like csgo from the start (has it really been 5 years!? Is that badge right!?) but i've decided to give it another go recently.............what the hell, train is all like....shiney in places. I feel so confused by the menus these days too, it's all gone TF2 like, what's with all the items!?

Quite enjoying it again though which is good, still feel like there's a heaviness to the character movements compared to previous cs games that i haven't quite got used to yet though.
Items mostly dont matter but you can choose before the game to alter your pistol type. So you can alter the model sometimes, most items are just skins or patterns. There is only one AK47 and no alternative so nothing to choose there, the galil is always available alongside it
There is 2 M4, silencer or not. You can have a 5-7 pistol or a cz-75 - all 4 there cost the same but different damage etc
Inventory is available in warmup but not a full game

The movement is more stock, they locked a lot of the old settings I think
I'm so confused by CSGO, having been a competitive CSS player for years, i just didn't like csgo from the start (has it really been 5 years!? Is that badge right!?) but i've decided to give it another go recently.............what the hell, train is all like....shiney in places. I feel so confused by the menus these days too, it's all gone TF2 like, what's with all the items!?

Quite enjoying it again though which is good, still feel like there's a heaviness to the character movements compared to previous cs games that i haven't quite got used to yet though.

It's been 3 years I think, the 5 year coin is just when Steam start measuring game hours etc.. So it means you've had cs for at least that long.

Yeah it takes a little getting used to, but you'll feel comfortable with it soon enough.
Got my rank finally, was expecting to be lower rank, 9 matches purely pugged and one with Andy's smurf. Now to try getting the AK.


Put myself on the spreadsheet.
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