After some good games at the weekend I've clawed my way up to DMG again.
Had a great game on overpass pulling off an ace and a kill count over 35.
But the last few games i've been playing shockingly.
I'm so inconsistent, one day I'll be playing fairly well and the next I cant hit a thing.
Its been like this since I started playing csgo, I'm up and down the ranks like a yoyo.
Any one else find this happens to them?
any tips to get over it?
Had a great game on overpass pulling off an ace and a kill count over 35.
But the last few games i've been playing shockingly.
I'm so inconsistent, one day I'll be playing fairly well and the next I cant hit a thing.
Its been like this since I started playing csgo, I'm up and down the ranks like a yoyo.
Any one else find this happens to them?
any tips to get over it?