CS:GO Discussion

After some good games at the weekend I've clawed my way up to DMG again.
Had a great game on overpass pulling off an ace and a kill count over 35.

But the last few games i've been playing shockingly.

I'm so inconsistent, one day I'll be playing fairly well and the next I cant hit a thing.

Its been like this since I started playing csgo, I'm up and down the ranks like a yoyo.

Any one else find this happens to them?

any tips to get over it?
After some good games at the weekend I've clawed my way up to DMG again.
Had a great game on overpass pulling off an ace and a kill count over 35.

But the last few games i've been playing shockingly.

I'm so inconsistent, one day I'll be playing fairly well and the next I cant hit a thing.

Its been like this since I started playing csgo, I'm up and down the ranks like a yoyo.

Any one else find this happens to them?

any tips to get over it?

I have this problem - really annoys me! Think it's just how it is!
Got my rank finally, was expecting to be lower rank, 9 matches purely pugged and one with Andy's smurf. Now to try getting the AK.


Put myself on the spreadsheet.

Grats mate, I de-ranked from DMG to MGE after a loss tonight then bottom fragged 11-16 in the next game we won. (Mouse broke so was using PS2 connection optical mouse)
Think it's just how it is!
Nah, I think thats muscle memory or reflex, not to the same level obviously but the hiko-esque accurate flick shots or whatever. Also dont take mm 100% serious, there is a lot of bad players using extra software. So really its bad practise to play vs these guys, I top the scoreboard then I realise this is too easy because they are just standing there waiting to die (for 200ms or whatever) and that isnt normal dmg or eagle.

Use this map for practise, it'll raise your bot kill skills anyhow and vs guys who peek perfect timing but aim bad

Theres others also I think. Grtz Glanza, you got a lot of badges like gold pickem so you played cs a while then
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Dabbled on and off but never bothered with MM. Pick em was from the last ESL. I only got gold as was lucky on the last day with my picks.
Wait, so the loadout is what's available to buy from the buy menu and I can change what is available to buy?

Also camos, are these unlocked via those crates or can you make your own?
Wait, so the loadout is what's available to buy from the buy menu and I can change what is available to buy?

Also camos, are these unlocked via those crates or can you make your own?

Pretty much, there are a few variations to the type of guns you can use, although for example you can choose between a Tec-9 or a CZ but they both take up the same slot.

Skins mainly come from crates, although if you buy a pass i believe they drop after each game as well. You can pick up really cheap ones on the market. you cannot make your own skins either.
no tips for consistancy

it's muscle memory and practice.

play enough and you'll just run around with the crosshair in the right place a lot more.

One thing i would say is don't beat yourself up and if you are having a bad day with your aim. Just stop playing comp and play some DM or on a pub server and just relax. Or leave all together and play something else.
no tips for consistancy

it's muscle memory and practice.

play enough and you'll just run around with the crosshair in the right place a lot more.

One thing i would say is don't beat yourself up and if you are having a bad day with your aim. Just stop playing comp and play some DM or on a pub server and just relax. Or leave all together and play something else.

I feel the best thing for consistency is too have a routine. What I like to do is a copy of what kennyS does.

100 - Pistol Kills
100 - AK-47 Kills
100 - M4 Kills
100 - AWP Kills

These are minimum requirements that I like to achieve. Sometimes I will go over and do 200 kill on the AK if I feel I'm slacking on that day or if I have more time/bored etc. I will do these in either HS DM or Bot DM or both. For movement, BHop or Surf servers are great for that.

This may seem a bit over the top, but I really do want to become really good at this game. Also, make sure your set-up is always consistent. Ensure you don't change your sensitivity/resolution every day, keep it the same and consistent. Another tip for crosshair placement and stuff like that is just to watch competitive games and professional streams.
Suddenly gone from 30ms ping to 50-100 (average about 90) in CSGO.
Ping to everything else is fine but everyone else in the game, also based in UK is getting 25ms ping

Virgin Media - any ideas from anyone? Using an RTN66U router - QOS makes no difference
no tips for consistancy

it's muscle memory and practice.

play enough and you'll just run around with the crosshair in the right place a lot more.

One thing i would say is don't beat yourself up and if you are having a bad day with your aim. Just stop playing comp and play some DM or on a pub server and just relax. Or leave all together and play something else.

Pretty much sums it up. Practice will improve your aim and help but mainly it will improve your game sense, bottom line is nobody aims consistently but you can mitigate that to an extent by playing clever, holding good angles working with your team etc etc. You will have days where your aim is off, but the key is to not put yourself in a situation where your aim and only your aim is going to save you.

A high level example is scream, when his aim is on point he is a monster and is almost unstoppable but he rarely does it for a whole game, and is often not hugely useful, compare him to say flusha who's aim is almost as good but because he is a far more clever player he will dominate game after game even if his aim isn't as good as it can be.
I haven't played as much recently but have found that on one day I can be top fragger then just get absolutely dominated and not be able to hit anything in the next 2 games. I am also coming across a lot of what I'd consider suspect plays I.E Players always being in the right place or hiding in the right corner no matter where you go.

It is likely me being salty but who knows. Ah well. Am only at DMG so not exactly high, Think I may have peaked unless I start to put mad hours in.
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