CS:GO Discussion

I'd like to try competitive with some of your guys.

I usually play casual because the one time I tried competitive with randoms, we got owned.

Anyone willing to allow a semi-n00b on their team? :D.
Here you go

If anyone wants to play demo mode, I dont mind that. So long as you are trying to win, I like cs the ranks I dont really care about and demo is very fast to try

Cool thanks for the pic. I take it you must need some serious win totals to get to those higher levels?
My gameplay seems to fluctuate massively, some days I'll be top of the board with 6:1 ratios or similar. The other day I played a full (casual) office game and didn't die once, think I finished 15:0, felt like a boss. Then next map suddenly I'm barely scraping a 1:1 score lol
depends on how much you want to keep your rank and win streak if you are on one

Do you know when your going to derank or is it just purely 'oh I've lost 5 games might derank'

I'd like to try competitive with some of your guys.

I usually play casual because the one time I tried competitive with randoms, we got owned.

Anyone willing to allow a semi-n00b on their team? :D.

Have you done your 10 placement wins yet?
have not a clue but depends on how badly you loose your rounds and your score etc

Its roughly based on an ELO system but the actual workings are not public. Things we "know" are you are effected more when there is a gap in ranks. E.g if your a DMG and beat some LEMs then you will get more "points" than if you beat Gold novas. Similarly if you lose to a gold nova you will lose more "points" than if you lost to a LEM.
Cool thanks for the pic. I take it you must need some serious win totals to get to those higher levels?

For new players, yes. In reality it doesn't take many at all to get to Global from 0 wins but Global isn't what it once was. I was stuck at MG2 before the ranks changed and I'm now hovering around LEM/Supreme.
Of course a lot of the higher ranks aren't what they once were, a whole bunch of cheaters got banned in the last 5 months. Couple that with an influx of new players and things have shifted a lot.

GE has a vey large skill variance and still quite a lot of cheaters. Kinda stopped playing MM anyways, it's an awful experience usually! I'm mostly playing on 3rd party services like faceit much higher skill over all.
Of course a lot of the higher ranks aren't what they once were, a whole bunch of cheaters got banned in the last 5 months. Couple that with an influx of new players and things have shifted a lot.

GE has a vey large skill variance and still quite a lot of cheaters. Kinda stopped playing MM anyways, it's an awful experience usually! I'm mostly playing on 3rd party services like faceit much higher skill over all.

SMFC / GE is pretty awful at the moment tbh, most people ahve decent aim but don't even know how to do a default strat for T side...they all just follow 1 guy around like novas/

^ Yup.

See post 11621 for GE in 30 wins, yes I'm willy waving :p

I thought the police gave you a caution last time you did that?

I don't get that whole argument... I have got to MGE, purely with P90 no other gun!

I just love annoying people. Especially when you 5 man dust2 as last man standing with a p90... and other team are scratching their heads

People have got to GE only using pistols but that doesn't mean it's a good way to learn to play CS. Frankly bud, it's a crutch. You need to learn how to move properly and use AK/M4.
On the plus side, once you win arms race seventy times mg2 can go pro now :p

GE has a vey large skill variance
Thats as it should be, like the top 1% in height difference it'll vary a lot. The tightest ranks in skill terms but largest in actual population will be near the rank medium of high nova I think

it's an awful experience usually! I'm mostly playing on 3rd party services like faceit much higher skill over all.
The teams can be very uneven but playing vs higher ranks should be better practise
The hackers are definitely making it back in slowly but surely. Each game is a real struggle now. If it isnt a blatant hacker its a global smurf who jumps around a corner and 1 taps you with the AK.

Also had people disconnect in the past 3 games. **** cs for today!
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