CS:GO Discussion

Had a 2 month break as a Master Guardian 2... come back and now I can't play matchmaking because I'm not ranked up enough?!


Add yourself to this list. I think xp change was more then 2 months ago. I'll add you for casual or maybe demo or arms race. Casual takes forever because people hide and wait out the long timer

No, do I have to?
Yes GabeN's orders


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3 more games on my Smurf tonight and all 3 were with hackers and got raped in all 3, teams were awful anyway but the concentration of hackers at the moment is unbearable.

Kinda pondering if to jack in CSGO at the moment
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Blatant hacker in my team on Office last night. Headshotting everyone, finding people hiding in obscure places instantly etc. He finished on something like 55-5, in 7 rounds!. I tried to votekick him and my team voted no, wtf? He wasn't even leaving anything for us to kill.
Blatant hacker in my team on Office last night. Headshotting everyone, finding people hiding in obscure places instantly etc. He finished on something like 55-5, in 7 rounds!. I tried to votekick him and my team voted no, wtf? He wasn't even leaving anything for us to kill.

You'll find people don't care that often how they win aslong as they do to keep or upgrade their precious rank.
Thing is the game win gets wiped on a ban, doesnt happen that often but if its really obvious hack it can be 48hrs and any benefit is reversed. I always say that in matches, some are paying the hack for a certain level.
We had someone who got every distance shot as a headshot with bizon spray, he was gone that fast

Used it a couple of times and seems to be a good site. Got ranked against some SMFC's majority of the times I played

Popflash is excellent around the popular times 5-8pm

They put in a 3 rank limit to games I believe so I need to be a higher rank for it to find any game as most are high level. Or at least I should update my rank on it somehow
popflash said:
The queue is closed until further notice.

In the meantime, you are welcome to run a 10 man scrim:New Scrim

Try fragshack if you can win DM, should be a bigger challenge



rarest item actually is this I think, have to get a map into the game
Ignore bronze badges, you can buy them for brand new accounts. Hackers apparently like to look like they played bravo, it cant be silver colour as the operation had long ended when they paid for the pass.
I will have to bother to get silver bloodhound now just for that reason :o
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Managed a quick game last night with randoms once i got back from the firearms range and got a comfortable win and a reasonable k/d ratio, need to play some more this weekend and sort my ranking out
Doesn't seem to matter what I do I am stuck on lem. I even played a game with 9 smfc and still no rank up. Other games are about 60% smfc. Maybe its because wins are more 16/14. Doesn't seem to be many that know smokes apart from mirage.
.... Doesn't seem to be many that know smokes apart from mirage.

I was blowing the mind of the ruskies on the opposing team on Overpass last night by smoking the barrels on B first time everytime from T spawn. Spent a bit of time experimenting with it and to get it the margins are tight but the opposing team kept wondering where the hell the smoke came from.
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Was grouped with 2 chaps from Saudi Arabia last night, a friend and I joined as a pre-made of 2.

My god, do they all play and shout down the mic like they are on the brink of overdosing after a 12 hour meth binge?!?! Had the mute them as it was unbearable, fortunately we snagged a 15-15 even with 3 of my team members being muted.

Can't be far off SMFC on my smurf now.
i like CS:GO, and bought it a couple of weeks ago..
But i SUCK at it!

I play Call of Duty a lot, and am pretty good at it, but i get rekd on CS:GO..

Other than being a fps that's about where the similarities end. They are very, very different games cod you can run and gun, cs you can't really do it effectively other than with the p90.

Best way to start is, jump into a game with no bots so you just have an empty map to run around. (Dust 2 is the best for this) Look up the console commands to give you infinite ammo and the ak47. Stand relatively close to a wall and just spam a magazine at the wall without moving the mouse, you will see the difference between this and cod right there with the recoil pattern.

Look up war owls videos on you tube he has some really good basic tutorials which will give you an idea of what to do, as you play a lot of cod you should be able to aim reasonably well as frankly pointing a crosshair at someone is the same in every game, but concentrate on movement and recoil control and you will start to improve, the only way to get better at this game is to practice, you can get to a reasonable level by just running around spamming the p90, don't do that as you will get found out. Learn the basics and play with the ak47 and m4 and it may take you longer but you will learn.

Also add people from here to play with, most of us are happy to help out new players and some of us have smurf accounts that are ranked low so you can play against people of a similar level to you, I know raider has a low (ish) ranked smurf, I'm just about to get my new account to level 3 so I can get it ranked.
i like CS:GO, and bought it a couple of weeks ago..
But i SUCK at it!

I play Call of Duty a lot, and am pretty good at it, but i get rekd on CS:GO..

Ill be on tonight and i'm happy to run through a few basics with you and some useful tips/smokes etc in a closed server. I've done this with Rochie and Glanza and even the right honourable Jwargh when he was a silver 2/3 (Not the LE Lord he is now lol)

Add me on Steam Hybridxs


Hit me up dude (konvict vivivi steam ID) I just started out too.

Same thing for you if you want :)
Yeah it will take some getting use to, I've been on for around 5 weeks having come from being very good at COD/BF3/BF4/BFH and I am still learning and getting use to things, and that's after nearly 100 comp wins and MGE/DMG.

Old habits (run & spray / jump & spray / etc etc) are hard to shake off after years and years of doing it.

All comes with time
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