CS:GO Discussion

not good on the ping front, i haven't played a match yet since the new update has been released.

with the new defuse kits can you move away from the bomb while defusing?
Famas is ok, you might actually use the weapon. I had a game where someone on my team was determined to walk the entire round with dualies and bizon. Slowly slowly use those two weapons seems complete fail to me but we won anyway despite random derp moves, another good usa solo queue. mm queue system gives rank advantage to higher ping players 70% sure


You cannot move away from the bomb defuse and they fixed the bug showing wires to someone not defusing

So FPS wrecked, ping wrecked and m4a1 changed substantially is like a perfect storm for some people. I forget which game I read this but every update they have disables the hacks till they are also updated so they have brief moments of pure clarity where all the games are legit I wish that was csgo.

One of the major hack creators posts on hltv reguarly which is kinda morbidly interesting I guess

I have no ping issues, no fps issues and always preferred the M4A4 anyway - not that the M4A1 changes are so drastically game changing...

So, we have better hitboxes, better animation and yet all everyone can do it complain? Impressive.
yep, as well as the massive fps drop i got a constant ping of 142 earlier, broad band speed test showed every thing was normal!
Yesterday my ping was fine but today it's doubled so it's averaging just below 100ms now. Proving hard to hit anything with this latency even though it isn't as bad as some peoples!
can anyone reccomend some Servers/Ip for some decent casual/comp? Tryin to get bak into the game and volvo casual/DM is horrible?
Yesterday my ping was fine but today it's doubled so it's averaging just below 100ms now. Proving hard to hit anything with this latency even though it isn't as bad as some peoples!

dam I got to master guardian elite and I normally play with 130 ping minimum since someone in my house is always downloading / watching netflix or playing online games as well, I envy those who have under 100 ping lol makes me feel pro that i got to a decent rank with sh!t ping :P
dam I got to master guardian elite and I normally play with 130 ping minimum since someone in my house is always downloading / watching netflix or playing online games as well, I envy those who have under 100 ping lol makes me feel pro that i got to a decent rank with sh!t ping :P

On the other hand your used to playing at that ping so you'll know where people will generally be when 'lagging' for us we're not so in my case I can empty a mag into where someone is on my screen only to be shot as they aren't in that spot at all.

Reminds me of playing COD on the 360 with p2p hosts :(
Not played MM since Thursday with the lag, finished that game and was still MG1, just logged in and I'm showing GNM again :confused:
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