CS:GO Discussion

any one else notice a massive performance decrease since the update?

I do! My fps dropped from 300+ to 150-200fps... Valve for once don't break the game.

BTW The hitboxes are better, but that said the decrease in performance is not helping!
anyone tried this?

Yeah tried and it didn't help.
Also tried the disable controller commands and that hasn't worked either.
setting fps_max 0 made a slight improvement but only a few frames.
Practice. I also found the coin missions that force you to a certain weapon really help you get to grips with the fire spread, more than doing normal matches.

I think a common thing to get your head around is to think about aiming down and not straight or up as you would do in most fps's to compensate for recoil as you cant really rely on getting head-shots all the time.
I like the awp mission because I never play that weapon, I have like 40 kills in csgo comp. scout also though that takes more skill or teamwork for a kill
Weird thing is the very last shot in a bad spray where you failed to kill, should be on their head. As you let go, put the dot on their head and often I get a headshot I notice.
I find all the guns you pretty much have to headshot to be competetive, mark it as a fail but lucky kill otherwise prehaps.

i often have a ping of 150-250 and can honestly say its a disadvantage.

when i have a good ping i can get a lot of kills but with a high ping i cant. i peek, see no one, go back into cover and get killed (not through a wall)

Yea I wasnt trying to do a blanket statement, high ping, no skins, no hours, no on par ability to aim or control a spray just gets the dink on players coming into view. Im guilty of all those myself :p Just I think you can tell from a combination during a game its no longer proper csgo just some kids trolling with software. ie. they are very fast with 100 or 200 ping, your right its a disadvantage but to them its not so all in all it doesnt add up, a disparity
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This ranked cooldown crap after 2 wins sucks :(

On the plus side I now no longer have random killers in my casual game stomping everyone.
Had a look at it this morning, dont know what to make of the ak and m4 skins. Also the knives are ok but theres not a lot of knife lol This will also introduce the age of valuing knives based on 3 surfaces not 2
Same here. First time I've played since the update...what's going on? Is it a Valve issue?

Ah so it's not just me then? Was playing last night and several games my ping was ~100 when its normally 30-40. What's going on?? Felt like a large handicap.

Surprised if M4 isnt well accepted, its got a snake so practically a dragonlore. My M4A4 Daybreak which had perfect minimal wear float was sold in its last price spike, thought I was well smart and now its doubled gone up 50%

Had two games last night since ranking upto MG1, first game we had a guy who was using a wall and trigger bot lost that one.

Second game had two people in (rank 35 and 40+1) boosting one guy resulting in the rest of my team giving up and leaving, 2 got 7 day bans for that.

Shall see what happens tonight, though lately I seem to play better when I don't take it as serious and try relaxing whilst playing.
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