CS:GO Discussion

Just gone against the most obvious hackers I've seen at MGE so far. Headshots through smoke in places that aren't obvious checks and prefiring corners when you'd never even know a player was there. Puts me in a foul mood playing against such a load of ****
Hi all,

Finally got my 10 placement wins. I'm currently ranked at MGE, I would like to play with others as a team to see where I really belong (assuming that it would be higher). I had some rough games towards the end of my placement games, 2 draws and a few squash matches. I felt if I had a better team that was more interested in listening and working together some of the games may have been better.

Anyway I will put my details on the spreadsheet

My steam name is: PLEYOR


I am around most week day evenings.

My smurf is up to LE now and hoping it stays there, been loving the deagle only. Getting the guy on overpass long or mirage mid is so satisfying. Got enough cool shots for a video, I may throw one up.
I nearly always molotov sandbags from tree as 1st thing at round start, helps prevent ct's pushing to car and cooks anyone at bags.

Molotov the car, check the bags from car roof. Its more about distraction because its opposite to B site - same deal applies to mirage b site
I always check since a nasty incident with a jumping mag 7

General mistake is everybody doing the same exact thing, rush together doesnt mean that imo but its also coordination especially on banana where I find people just stand behind me on corners and push me into the awp sights lol :(

I got 62% on VP to beat immunity which is bonkers because they are well over a dozen ranks apart but they did nearly take overpass off VP amazingly.
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Just gone against the most obvious hackers I've seen at MGE so far. Headshots through smoke in places that aren't obvious checks and prefiring corners when you'd never even know a player was there. Puts me in a foul mood playing against such a load of ****

If your team reported them they will get an overwatch ban. The "all seeing" people are easy to ban.
Yea I just dont see much overwatch recently. Some people are good at covering, though majority are idiots pretty much. They line up a shot without putting the sights on them then flick over to them, it must be a method being recommended when they buy I guess as its common and some are good enough to avoid the obvious component to OW ban
Just gone against the most obvious hackers I've seen at MGE so far. Headshots through smoke in places that aren't obvious checks and prefiring corners when you'd never even know a player was there. Puts me in a foul mood playing against such a load of ****

2 days at GE, 7 games 3 blatant WH, BHOP, spinbots :((((

We did it boys!
good game with swaggy and sabre last night on mirage, I needed a win after 4 draws and and loss!

I'll be about today if anyone wants a game.
Congrats, you have finished CSGO :D

give up halfway through
Momentum counts a lot, confidence with peeks or something like that. and money

GE skill range should be epic. The top 1% of marathon runners in the world are finishing below 3 hours. But the very best are nearly an hour ahead passing the finish line, giant variation over just 1% results but in extreme capabilities

Do spinbots get banned, I dont notice hardly anyone gets a ban at the moment. I'm just going to sift through quick with a checker but I bet not.

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Random question, does anyone consider achieving Global Elite on MM 'good' after 'x' wins? Just wondering if there are any Globals on here and when you got there. I think I should be there before 45 wins :D
Sigh 4v5 all game guy on our team ended up 0-24 couldn't kick him as someone had queued with him. Watching him when I was dead he wasn't even trying to get kills just jumped around them.

Got myself a cd for killing him in last round. Hard to keep composed when stuff like this is going off.
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^Just as bad as playing during the day. Cheaters everywhere throughout the ranks, generally the higher ranks. It's so ****ing irritating. Was on an 8 win streak the other day (accumulated over a few days) aaaaand the game to rank up to Supreme aaaaand we're against 3 wall hackers who aren't even trying to hide it. How? Constant shots through doors at mid to t-spawn and through the doors to lowers without a sound being made. Constant pre-firing before running out round corners. Most irritating stuff.
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