CS:GO Discussion

Getting fed up of going against 5 man premades, always one guy who's proper smurfing and just wrecks. It should be like the system Riot uses on LoL if you queue as a 5 you go against another 5 team not 5 randomers.
Getting fed up of going against 5 man premades, always one guy who's proper smurfing and just wrecks. It should be like the system Riot uses on LoL if you queue as a 5 you go against another 5 team not 5 randomers.

I agree.

Although there should probably be two types of matchmaking. Random and organised.
Blocked EU East and just had a good close game, sadly our last guy couldn't hit a barn door with a negev so it went to 15-15.
Likewise - tipping it down with rain here and for the first time in ages I have no work to do, so I'll be around most of the day if anyone wants to play (Im SMFC, happy to play with almost anyone :))
2 bad games last night and 1 this morning put me back down to MG1, might actually do me some good going down a level.
Nooooooooo what the hell just won my third game but it's not logged it nor did i get any xp :(

Edit: now I can't join any games it tells me to reconnect so when I click it connect it fails to connect wtf is going on
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I will be on tonight if you want a game, im MGE

Should be around for a few games tonight.

Nooooooooo what the hell just won my third game but it's not logged it nor did i get any xp :(

Edit: now I can't join any games it tells me to reconnect so when I click it connect it fails to connect wtf is going on

Careful with this, happened the other day. Servers think your still in game and were giving temp cooldowns out.

Also Shimmy one of the people we played with or against other day can't remember got 2 vac bans http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996644883

Edit: just gone back over the last weeks played list, 2 people vacced and 1 OW banned.
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