CS:GO Discussion

Random question, does anyone consider achieving Global Elite on MM 'good' after 'x' wins? Just wondering if there are any Globals on here and when you got there. I think I should be there before 45 wins :D

Considering the fastest way to Global Elite is 30 wins then 45 isn't half bad, I welcome a screenshot of 45 wins and Global Elite :D

As I go on a decent win streak I find it frustrating to be faced by 2/3 Globals and Supremes who tend to have a link in bio (Main account with first screenshot being Global Elite) meanwhile the Globals on my team tend to not communicate or want to win it seems and can't hit a barn door.
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Can probably do it quicker than 30 tbh.

The screenshot I took at 30 wins was starting with a DMG account at 14 wins iirc.

I thought I had read somewhere it couldn't be done quicker than 30 wins but my mistake then!

So i guess if ranked LEM from 10 games then I guess it could be done!
Can probably do it quicker than 30 tbh.

The screenshot I took at 30 wins was starting with a DMG account at 14 wins iirc.

Nice. I think I could've achieved it before 30, comfortably in honesty, if I was playing with my current team from the start. My first 10 wins to get ranked were purely solo, and I know it took a few extra because of losses to even get to 10. I think after 10 I was MG2 or MGE?

Either way, I'm sure I'm also not the only one who actually gets irritated by being called a cheater on... casual... by people who are most likely... silvers.
Got banned yesterday for putting a couple awp/deagle bullets through team mates heads.

Cheating ****s and trolling so hard.

Cooldown til 11pm tonight.....


wouldn't worry I received a cool down for kicking too many team mates recently!? (cheats/griefers etc all legitimate reasons for kicking)

seems the game has just turned into a cluster**** lately. cheaters, smurfs, trolls, griefers, it's just getting to the point where it's unplayable. even had the joy of landing against a full 5 man team who's clan tag was 'derank' - they just ran about acting like tools and letting us kill them. have also had the pleasure of being in a team where there were 3 players who openly admitted they would not be trying and needed to lose badly to try and derank. so what do you do in these situations?!

maybe it's just me and maybe that's what you get for soloing, but I have not played a game with a worse general community - at least it seems like that of late.
The blatant hackers are what do my head in, and team mates who won't report them or even watch the demo as they think nobody hacks at the higher ranks.
I would agree.

Never had a fraction of the problem in CS:S. (I still miss the MP5 as well :D)

My previous ban (half an hour) was because I was being griefed by the rest of the team who were just out and out trolling. Didn't have enough free time to be putting up with ****e like that.
wouldn't worry I received a cool down for kicking too many team mates recently!? (cheats/griefers etc all legitimate reasons for kicking)

seems the game has just turned into a cluster**** lately. cheaters, smurfs, trolls, griefers, it's just getting to the point where it's unplayable. even had the joy of landing against a full 5 man team who's clan tag was 'derank' - they just ran about acting like tools and letting us kill them. have also had the pleasure of being in a team where there were 3 players who openly admitted they would not be trying and needed to lose badly to try and derank. so what do you do in these situations?!

maybe it's just me and maybe that's what you get for soloing, but I have not played a game with a worse general community - at least it seems like that of late.

It's a mixed blessing. I've had some of my worst games, and some of my best games when doing solo.

Partially down to luck, partially down to the time of day you play. I only really solo if no one else is on now, and if I lose the first game (not by me playing crap) then I generally give it a rest until hours later.
It's a mixed blessing. I've had some of my worst games, and some of my best games when doing solo.

Partially down to luck, partially down to the time of day you play. I only really solo if no one else is on now, and if I lose the first game (not by me playing crap) then I generally give it a rest until hours later.

Sadly even doing that isn't a viable option for trying to avoid cheaters etc. Me and and friend duo queued the other night and faced an obvious cheater and another guy who was playing with him who kept saying he's not cheating because he's on his friend list. He told us at the end that he's being boosted by him and didn't have a clue if he was legit or not lol. I really wish the match making system was better and I wish they'd increase the mm access to a minimum of 30 hours or something similar in terms of casual and death match play time.
I do hope they keep raising the bar a bit more or really I want a voluntary shadowban system. So I'll opt to never receive a rank again, let me enter into a shadow comp system with other players who also opt to have no visible rank. Elo still sorts on its scoring system and you play vs others who just want a chance of a legit close game. Fixed? maybe
seriously who cares, if you arent global or better even then in the big scheme of things you are **** anyway, what degree doesnt matter that much.

With a hack you want to move as much as possible. The wall thing is working off client data which lags behind server hitbox decisions [you can feel this in a normal game when it takes a second to click home the actual kill confirm]. You can mitigate some of their advantage being erratic, shoulder peek with a knife on an awp get him to prefire basically and then rush him maybe. If they have 200 ping as is sometimes the case its a real difference, that their software tells them to look left and you already switched to peek right. At least thats my theory
not played a game with a worse general community
Problem is the UK does not play so you have Poland Germany and Russia the biggest sources of players when you do mm.
Next biggest is USA. Not that UK would be perfect and last usa game I played, one of my team was walling it appeared just I was too busy to notice during the game. But its not as common, generally all the games feel easier because its mostly just normal players.

Played popflash and game failed after 8 rounds as enemy team got fed up with only 2 rounds won, 2 left and the others though very good couldnt fix it. Needs a ringer system

he's being boosted by him and didn't have a clue if he was legit or not
ranks get reversed after a ban so he could be wasting his money. Unfortunately not many bans recently, I pray for a tsunami :o
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Me and and friend duo queued the other night and faced an obvious cheater and another guy who was playing with him who kept saying he's not cheating because he's on his friend list.

I mean, they could just be good. It all depends what he was doing, have you got the match ID so I can watch?

I've had many a game where if you're watching on overwatch, I have walls. Running around corners prefiring a guy in head when he is hiding etc... some games you're just completely on point/lucky.

What rank are you? I fancy a game if anyone is around :D
now officially the worst game ever. blatant cheat on our team, one guys drops. I call to vote get told 'no he's our only chance to win'?!? wtf.

next round I tk him and the other 3 vote me off.

good night and god bless. fair play to anyone who sticks with this toxic mess full of cheats, smurfs and greifers.
playing in a seperate game to kwango as I'm not ranked for compet yet.... mainly because I can't be bothered to grind 3 levels in the ****fest that is casual.

Says so much when I end up being the most effective player on our team as I'm terrible. Yet still get the joys of watching the other team on killcam snap aiming through walls at our team, who are stationary and silent.

Keep trying to force myself to play to get into compet but honestly whats the point
Borderline done with this game. It has the worst community of any fps I have ever played. Even COD. The amount of crap pubescent kids speak, trash talking, TT etc. The game is no longer fun. This is all in MM, casual with voice_enable 0 is great fun. Will just have to stick to that going forward.
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