CS:GO Discussion

Yup kinda annoying but just do some deathmatch or workshop maps such as Aim_botz or Training_aim_2 to learn how to shoot in CS. It's different to most shooters.

Also rly CSGOL, let me place my ******* bet on Mouz...pls

edit..If mouz win I am going to be very salty...was trying to put £30 bet on 29% odds :S
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who in the name of sweet baby jesus is that freak with the lisp/hiss commentating on twitch.......it's like listening to a snake hiss. I know folks can have speech impediments and all that and it can be a curse but who then thought it was a good idea to have him commentate?

You mean James/black DDK.
The savage commentator that has more matches under his belt than everyone else at dreamhack?
So yeh lots of people like his casting, its not some random guy they brought off the streets, this guy and particularly the ddk/James duo are ridiculously well respected in the scene.

And freak? **** off with **** like that.
Agreed, the guy has a slight speech impediment and you label him a freak? It must be nice to be perfect like you Thekwango :rolleyes:

His commentating is absolutely fine, in fact I enjoy him the most as he doesn't jump in, talk over others, he just says what he wants to say and usually keeps it short and most of the time is spot on.
I thought he was just a bit posh
So I picked up CS:GO for some casual gameplay. GOt rank 3 and did some ranked. Whacked with a 20 hour cooldown for placement stuff?

20 hours?! :(

Yea it was set that way to stop people using cheap accounts to troll the game so easily with dodgy software.

If mouz win I am going to be very salty

I would have guess G2 because that team has come together more recently.
Biggest game I wonder about is Titan vs nip because Titan really seem to have improved and its easy to speculate nip have lost their momentum or whatever makes them tick
Also clg, they shouldnt win but they can surprise any team and its mostly about their tactics, cordination not their aim and 17% is a cheap bet. If sucessful, they should be T side biased because the ak47 lets them force entry

On genetics argument, I'll find a good reference for nature vs nurture for aptitude maybe. I wouldnt try to argue its possible to learn how to be a 7 foot tall basketball player but I dont think every GE is relying on being 7 foot or whatever equates in CS. I hope CS is more then physical reactions and theres some brain required too

The contrast on LG on low to their highs is pretty amazing, I often bet against them and they lose to tier 3 online.
Only bet low, someone got lucky though

noticed this on lounge -
hopefully it gets more popular as I like the games. Randomly got shoved in a global game (matching is within 4 ranks?) but also had a pretty low mg to eagle game also which was pretty casual nice to play


my arm movement is all bad but I least I know I need to change that element for better mouse vs aim. I turned off acceleration as it was no big deal helping me and I wasnt sure how to advance settings or even if it was possibly ever going to assist me, seems not. Not a great negative either btw, mostly the base sens is used
//acceleration ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON
//m_customaccel_exponent 1.05
//m_customaccel_max 3.2
//m_customaccel_scale 0.001
//sensitivity 1.54

//acceleration off off off off off off off
sensitivity 1.8104377
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yes and no.
you can look at a lot of players that gave it their all and did it. i think of GTR as being one. GTR does NOT have the sickest aim in the school, his spray is/was sick.
sick aim-ers are the talented guys. Lets see who they are and how they are doing:

forest 1.6 legend
neo 1.6 legend
edward 1.6 legend
markeloff 1.6 legend

i'm not 100% sure who's the sick player in TSM ... i think dupree would be.

any 1 of those players can "take over a map" (how analysts like to say) but the rest of the work is still done by the rest of the team.

Don't get me wrong, they are the 1% top.
That being said, it takes high mental fortitude to play a game 10+ hours a day for a couple of years. That's what it takes to be a 1 percent-er. Talent only takes you so much.
Not saying all these guys don't have talent. But a LOT is muscle memory, and that does takes crap loads of practice.

i bet you if you put a good pro/not superstar (top 10 teams) into a aim map, you'll find that there are loads of GE's that thrash him in a pure skill matchup. There are skills such as in game knowledge, movement, prediction that a most of the aimers do not have. Yeah, you have a olof monster once every 5 years.

tldr: yeah, i think with a lot of practice (real, constructive practice) you can get into a pro team. Problem is starting now is pretty late, best is to early adopt a game like this.
I wasnt considering this personally, I never considered I would be near to best, I only play cs because I like it but
Im way too old to start now, 10 hours or whatever is irrelevant. The best traction for learning is before you stop growing. I never spent most of my life playing competitive cs like these kids or any competitive game, that would help also.
a lot of the people now are lucky to be in the right place at the right time and played cs from their early teens - this would be my main emphasis.

You could look at chess greats, they learnt from an early age usually. They built up competitive condition learning process that is a large part of who they are, its really not possible to retrospectively implant that into an adult but its not DNA or pure physical characteristic.
10 hours now is like building a pyramid upside down, its too little too late. Either you built your brain like this your whole life from the base up to be weighted to fast reactions or not. Its not DNA in majority, thats the mortar not the vast proportion of a great player imo
So you honestly believe that if you put enough effort into being a pro CSGO / Footballer / Tennis player you could be one? I think that is kinda delusional tbh.

Go look at Stewie2K from NA, he started playing CS 1 year ago and is now playing in a top 5 NA ESEA premier team, that is natural ability. Look at people playing NA ESEA main that practice X hrs a day and still suck having played for 10+ years.

edit...Ok Sabre, ignore age, imagine you are 15-19. Would you with your ability make it into a pro team?

edit 2.. These things are easier to think about if you reduce the factors and imagine to perfectly similar people except Player A has high mental aptitude and natural ability, Player B has a potato brain and no coordination. Apart from that they are exactly the same. With practice will player B be able to get on the same level as Player A.
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There is definitely a lot of natural ability involved, reaction time and hand eye coordination mainly.

If it was just a case of putting time in there would be thousands of pro players, there's many people who play the game longer every day than these pro's do and are nowhere near as good, and they never will be.
yes. Age has a different factor, once you get to 20+ years you start thinking of your future and games are hardly that.
stewie2k from NA is a talented guy, that puts loads of hours in. His skills were already good in other games(any game requires some sort of reflex and precision to a certain degree) When you switch games, if you have v good reflexes and mouse precision you can transition those to any game.

Look at people playing NA ESEA main that practice X hrs a day and still suck having played for 10+ years.

that is NOT proper training condition.
train, stop, see what you are doing wrong, see what you you could be doing better, TRAIN specifically the things you are doing bad.

training is everything.
look at thooorin's interview with GTR, at som point GTR said something along the lines "i'm going on a vacation with the gf for a week. this is my first vacation in 2/3 years". That is insane. Most of us work 8 hours a day, and then you get 2 days off. Think you can go working 10+ hours a day 7/7 ?

There is definitely a lot of natural ability involved, reaction time and hand eye coordination mainly.

If it was just a case of putting time in there would be thousands of pro players, there's many people who play the game longer every day than these pro's do and are nowhere near as good, and they never will be.

playing the game is not the same as training for the game.
LOL REALLY? Perfect example of Dunning-Kruger effect

There is definitely a lot of natural ability involved, reaction time and hand eye coordination mainly.

If it was just a case of putting time in there would be thousands of pro players, there's many people who play the game longer every day than these pro's do and are nowhere near as good, and they never will be.

Exactly. But if you really believe...you can do it..brb I think I can fly, going to put practice in a then jump off a balcony :D
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Titan have done it to me again, I swear it looked closer but alas not to be.

I think that is kinda delusional tbh. Would you with your ability make it into a pro team?

I did say Im nowhere close. Making me admit Im crap at cs :( lol
I have a canny smile just knowing Im above average rank, knowing my natural bias is not to be good at cs. If I got eagle now I'd probably 'retire' because my general play is so bad thats the top for now, I need a new computer setup really

At 15 even Im not that personalty type that I can build up pro level skills even if I lived esea scrims everyday. The early age and competitive environment would help some as learning some now does but to be the 1 in a million player, its not close to enough. However its not actual DNA determined who a person is imo. At 6 I was more interested in the program then beating the game, thats my bias I chose back then apparently

there's many people who play the game longer every day than these pro's do and are nowhere near as good, and they never will be.
I can beat a marathon runner in the last few metres but Im not a pro runner, that'd be a joke to suggest and am not. Pro players have been running that race their whole lives in many different ways, their skills have developed over their lifetime. My counter is that person is more important, their bias, life experience how they learnt to think and DNA is not what forced them forwards to be #1 across the line it was their persistence of vision in arriving capable at that point in time able to play the game best. Of course genetics is relevant

USAF A-10 Pilot with genetic nerve damage, never knew http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/27/health/girl-chooses-heaven-over-hospital-part-1/

His skills were already good in other games
Theres a player in Wimbledon at LEM


CLG 13% odds :) They shouldnt win inferno without 10 rounds won T side which is silly to expect, afaik Navi are way better on it
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Lol not saying you're bad bud. Mearly that from what you and Etxx were saying, it doesn't matter your skill, if you put the correct practice in, anyone could become a pro player. Which is BS
Lol not saying you're bad bud. Mearly that from what you and Etxx were saying, it doesn't matter your skill, if you put the correct practice in, anyone could become a pro player. Which is BS

I never said anyone can become a pro player, I just said talent only goes so much and training goes a long way.

It's easy to say x can or can't be a pro with training. But let's say something like this
if you take a 11/12 years old and make him play csgo a LOT daily and "train" him, do you think in 2-3 years he'll be able to play in a good team>?

talent means you take someone who has played almost NEVER a fps and put in him, and in a couple of hours he is a beast. That's talent.

you've got 1600 hours in csgo, i've got almost 400. Do you think if i put those hours i can be a GE myself?(and i mean i put those hours in a couple of months) i am at lem level now.

I have the feeling like our definition of talent is a little different. I refer to talent/genius someone who, when you give him a task, he will get very fast, very good at it.

on our quarters jkeam is playing like a beast.
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