I never said anyone can become a pro player, I just said talent only goes so much and training goes a long way.
It's easy to say x can or can't be a pro with training. But let's say something like this
if you take a 11/12 years old and make him play csgo a LOT daily and "train" him, do you think in 2-3 years he'll be able to play in a good team>?
If that 11/12 year old naturally has a good hand to eye co-ordination, you could probably speed up their potential with very focused training. A good example would be Sumail from Dota 2, look at this guy, he's like 15 playing for the best team in the world. Natural talent will shine through and break age barriers
talent means you take someone who has played almost NEVER a fps and put in him, and in a couple of hours he is a beast. That's talent.
Some people will have a natural talent for games, this is often very high reflexes/hard to eye co-ordination < That's the 2 primary requirements. If they have these talents, then yes they will probably catch on to a FPS very quickly.
you've got 1600 hours in csgo, i've got almost 400. Do you think if i put those hours i can be a GE myself?(and i mean i put those hours in a couple of months) i am at lem level now.
If you focus your training you definitely can improve to GE level. You could probably get there two ways:
Form a 5 stack and crush those playing public match making with some organised tactics/positions. The match making isn't like dota2, 5 stacks can face 3/2 2/2/1 etc. The other team will have no tactics or very, very basic split A or B strats.
If you are wanting to get to GE solo queue, then the fastest way will be to improve your aim, work on your muscle memory of the spray patterns for the AK/M4. Improving your aim will probably see the most dramatic climb in skill. The fact you are LE level currently definitely means you have potential to climb but you need to mentally believe you can reach GE.
I have the feeling like our definition of talent is a little different. I refer to talent/genius someone who, when you give him a task, he will get very fast, very good at it.
There is a large list of different talents, not just those skills required to be good at CS.