CS:GO Discussion

How does this work? Look at the ranks, lol?

Got to admit it's amazing fun to mess around in a DM with, I hope leagues have the common sense to ban it, it's soo broken and it's super cheap too.
It does break the game. The delayed trigger pull is a non issue, you don't even need to stand still to shoot it. Run and gun and keep crosshair on target.

Economy is wrecked with it in-game.
Some info on it

Hold left-mouse button to do a "wind-up" shot, mostly 100% accuracy, even when moving.
Holding left-mouse button after a shot will automatically wind-up the next one, and so on.
Right click performs an instant shot, but is VERY inaccurate
If you wind-up and then hold right-mouse button while letting go of left-mouse button, the gun animation will hold a LITTLE bit longer
If you perform a wind-up to right-mouse button hold, you can let go of the right-mouse button to cancel the shot, or press left mouse button to instant shot from the delayed wind-up but WITH good accuracy. (Note: This might actually be a bug.
Like the Deagle, your accuracy takes longer to recover after jumping.
Kills count towards Deagle kills/achievements currently
You can shoot (alt-fire) while defusing.

I lost 14-16 last night to a team of global/smfc.
bomb was planted and the last guy 17hp was coming for me. i stepped out as he was moving so i knew his accuracy would be off. he had picked up an ak and one tapped me.

wouldnt have happened if i had the revolver...
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Finally nerfed the pistol moving accuracy.... finally! That and shorter rounds times (not to mention sound fixes) make for a pretty decent update, excluding this pistol that I've yet to use.
Yeah good luck with that, game feels 'rekt' by the csgo dev team with the inclusion of this pistol.

Did see they have updated the recovery time on the AK and both m4s so that tapping at range will be more accurate at least that is a good thing.

important edit**** how could i forget about the xmas chickens!!!! good work devs!
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Got to be honest and say till the R8 is nerf'd or taken out - the game is a waste of time.

Far to OP - it's like a sniper rifle for $850 and everyone is running around with it. Played 2 games this morning and it's just ridiculously powerful and everyone buys it every round.
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