CS:GO Discussion

Go to the shadow play settings, the same options where you choose to turn it on and off (has the switch on the left hand side). Along the options on the bottom you want to choose the one on the far right, the option says something like capture in game footage, click on this and you'll need to change that to in game footage and microphone.

You'll notice in the bottom right during game play that it has a microphone symbol next to the circle symbol.

I hope this helps mate, I'm not at my PC until this evening. So I can provide more detail and pictures later :)

Ah yeah I know where you mean, thanks!

I'll give it a whirl tonight, do you know if it records your mic continuously or via push to talk?
It's scary how broken VAC and overwatch are! My friend has been hacking for well over 250hrs on CSGO and nothing! it's actually shocking how VAC and overwatch have not caught it! MM is broken too! i Anyone else know anything better then MM, ESEA is just full of high skilled and I get smashed most times!
It's scary how broken VAC and overwatch are! My friend has been hacking for well over 250hrs on CSGO and nothing! it's actually shocking how VAC and overwatch have not caught it! MM is broken too! i Anyone else know anything better then MM, ESEA is just full of high skilled and I get smashed most times!

Give us a link to one of his games, dont have to say name. Just as a control experiment :p
VAC just goes after signatures and the code can be altered to avoid that detection, they just keep reusing the same method I think.
Hit detection provides player positions to the client, it helps with lag I think. Also makes the simple wall hack very easy to manufacture as its only unlocking info all players already have but now shown
If all info was retained by the server, only confirmed after a shot taken + we all need 5 ping, it'd help lock this problem down.

There are extremes they could take like a regulated OS which allows no 3rd party software. Steam does have an OS but its just a mod of linux, if anything its even more unregulated. [I would like an option to only play vs steamOS see if that helped - its not impossible they'd do that] They could do things different but I guess not easily, I see nothing wrong with what esea does. Nothing worse then virus scanner afaik but they arent perfect, they do get hacks but also admin inspect demos if you request fast afaik

popflash will open again friday, with 10 you could play private games on it all week. Theres others faceit, cevo

That double kill with the awp!
I liked more the reflex flick to a player he'd not seen but extrapolated their position, looked impressive
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added a new vid today https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ULLuMlss5j6-i-iwV33jA
tried to cut the length down as suggested and tried to not be as nervous as i was in the first 2 vids.
any feedback is welcome. Joeboi add me to steam if you want: savagepoop i have people i play with regularly ranging from sem to dmg so filling a room so we can all play together shouldnt be too difficult as we play every night

Hi mate, would love to join a team, so thanks for the offer, I will definitely take you up on it.

I cannot find your profile under that name though?

There is one profile but I don't think it's yours? Last online over 150 days ago :).
Hi mate, would love to join a team, so thanks for the offer, I will definitely take you up on it.

I cannot find your profile under that name though?

There is one profile but I don't think it's yours? Last online over 150 days ago :).

hmm should find it but try searching H3RBSKI thats my current profile name i have a viking skull with 2 swords and a shield behind it as my display pic

Wow, embarrassing.

I have been doing the operation missions to get myself back in to CS but I don't think much of the new maps. None of them have the potential to be played competitively.
We've had worse maps, I dont like cruise but the others seem ok so far. What about santorini to go in permanent, the author was with cache so its possible though I thought that of season and still waiting :/

gambling habit
One of the gambling sites is leaving bets open during games, even after the game result still letting people bet. Literally free money, I told them but not sure they care, should be giving me a medal :p I dont like the roulette wheel sites, the house wins

Some of these underdog results, compound a simple 50p bet on 10% odds a few times and you could end up a decent amount. I had splyce bet on 5% odds to win but got trashed by people betting after match start, pleb level admin. Team has awful rep but Arya is a decent IGL which many teams lack, Liquid putting adren back as IGL seems to have made all the difference

Saw Honda did an esports crossover advert on this mlg broadcast, pretty big deal to see that, big money.

styko 0 kills for first 13 rounds of cache I think it was, 5 overall. 32 on overpass nice turnaround
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Dude, when you are begging for 50p of "credit" donations to a gambling habit, it's time to stop and think about what you are doing.

would hardley say i have a gambling addiction, i dont play the lottery, i have probably 1 scratch card a month if that, never played a fruit machine in my life. As for csgodouble... its pretty much virtual, i cant fund it with a credit card only skins which one purchased you have to wait 7 days to trade, i have skins in my inv worth 30,000 coins but will never deposite them.
Tech problem here with CS:GO.

Random crashes - grey screen with sound glitch to black screen.

Can't back to windows - CTRL+ALT+DEL makes the right noise, but on a black screen.

Graphics card issue?
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