CS:GO Discussion

ill be on later from about 10 ish i guess if you fancy teaming up chap? took a huge nose dive in rank due to inactivity so looking to get it back up. on a 4 win streak with randoms so far and no increase from GN3. hopefully within a game or 2 ill move up a little

Yeah that'll be good :)

Not quite sure I'm up to your standard but I'll try !! Hopefully we'll have a pre made tonight then. No work tomorrow so should be on for a bit of a sesh.
Going to give this game another go i think.
Played competitively 5on5 thinking its CS:S when its really not. Its closer to 1.6 if anything and i never played that.
Struggled to play on a GTX 750m for 2 weeks and gave up. But with a new rig coming in the next couple of weeks im ready to get back into battle!
I'll be on in a minute, steam id is slashbored.

Great game tonight Concrete - pretty much steam rolled them which is always fun :)
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