Hmm maybe, it's not an ultimatum or anything more an observation.
what's your id/link?
Hmm maybe, it's not an ultimatum or anything more an observation.
Currently DMG with my group of friends who have deranked down to MG2/MGE.
I love playing with them when we have a stack but sometimes, I feel like they are dragging me down.
I want to get to at least LEM whereas they don't really care that much.
I've solo queued for the last few weeks now and can definitely see an improvement in my game.
Anyone else feel like their group of friends are dragging them down?
Promlem is, it is probably the younger more naive viewer that is watching and supporting those types of stream, that is of course a guess though.
solo in europe at least with all the different languages is a derank I presume, as the team scatters and its then a deathmatch or aim game which is why dust2 is most popular I guess.I like to solo on my main just because I feel that gives the best accuracy on my ability.
Theres a giant gap between DMG and LEM though right. In my mind thats like the gap between silver 4 and MG2 at least as rank range at the edges is disparate.Currently DMG
I want to get to at least LEM whereas they don't really care that much.
Solo q still as fun as ever. Me and doctor the other night and we were the only 2 using comms.
what's your id/link?
Why not just have a second account and enjoy it? I like to solo on my main just because I feel that gives the best accuracy on my ability.
Haven't played much in ages, fired CS up last night and there was a party of 4 on my team testing their hacks out. Spinbots, the lot....glorious.
A bit late to the party...
Just put steam on my Ubuntu box for a bit of CS:Source nostalgia and realised I could DL CS:GO too... never actually played CS:GO so must have bought a bundle years back !
Anyone up for a few games this evening from about 7?
would like to play with some UK guys for a change, please add me on steam "kc_war"
I'm currently Gold Nova 2 if that helps.
Got link to profile?
I play mainly Mon - Thur. Gold Nova 2 and usually play with others.
I will be as usual
not sure if im about this evening but a couple of nights a week im usually about.
nice and quick game we had the other night.