Is anyone else finding the supreme to global grind a complete ****ing joke?
A friend and I have been supreme for a very long time, and have the last couple of weeks sat down with the intent to play as regimented as we can to finally hit global. Neither of us have hit it before.
After various streaks of 5/6 wins, a couple of losses, an evening of 50/50 wins and losses, we're at a point now where every 4 out of 5 games has got people who;
- Have just deranked and are salty as hell
- Players who think they are better than everyone else. Make a wrong peek and die? "OMFG YOU ARE A BOOSTED NOOB OMGOMG"
- People who give up after losing a pistol round, to the point of buying guns at spawn and just throwing them away
We never had this from our DMG > LEM games over the last year or so with the odd exception.
In our rank up game (2/3 globals on each team), it went as so;
- We lost 12-3 on CT side, one guy had no mic, which meant another guy on our team gave up, even with us winning the first 3 rounds. He then proceeded to type everything, even though he had a mic (he was talking to us before it became evident that one of the guys had no mic), in protest of the mic'less player.
- By the end of that half, we only had 3 members left. Me, my friend, and the no-mic guy.
- We ended up pulling it back 13-13 (god knows how, considering 3v5), and losing 13-16
My friend and I almost cried at the end of the game when all the ranks popped up, it was the first game we'd had with that many globals involved, which we're assuming was our rank up game (We exclusively play MM together and have done for months, atleast one of us was due to rank up in that game).
I've promised myself to be as upbeat and supportive of team mates in this 'grind' we're trying to complete (those who have played with me probably know I can get a bit emo at points

), but it's really hard to do so.