we both spray and I die, fair enough but then the game says I did zero damage. It's impossible
The server will ignore all your shots after the first headshot to hit, anything done after that will be retracted
Sounds like a problem I had, I just used pistol tons because its instantly accurate. If you are talking about a corner, its typically close range where in csgo a pistol can beat a rifle for the kill.
I got a double HS kill with 1 tec9 round last night I think
Put netgraph 1 in the console, take some screenshots and post a link of your last game here also. Watch> my games
Congrads and to Tommy. What were the ranks of the enemy team, all global ?
What is your best map btw
You will need to print this off, put it on a T-shirt so you can be recognised as the Elite
Ranks in HD
I still have more achievements though, so this is what matters
Solo queue till im level 21 for prime.
should do arms race or demo with me. Im not sure its any more then time, waiting for weekly bonus.
As far as hacks go, we should do 5 v 5. Raise the bar on the entry slightly and you lose a lot of the scum just constantly using new accounts. Theres an update due to go through about hitboxes I think, maybe one day Valve will randomly alter Matchmaking code to respect game wins. We queue up with 4 out 5 people with over 300 mm wins and we get a team the other side similarly, I dont reckon it takes more then that. Let the new kids fight each other in the trash. Im not talking absolutes, any slight change valve could stumble on some solution accidentally. Prime is something at least, not much not at nova at least but hopefully they'll improve it or keep raising the bar