I don't know how others here feel, but for me certainly I find this a bit weird. I don't really play CSS, as I could never get into it, except 1.6 and all the versions before it, and the more I play it feels...I am sorry to say, too n00b friendly. I don't think the recoil is challenging enough. It seems anybody who has played CS for any considerable length and knows the drill will comfortable beat those who are not. This is not necessarily a bad thing as those who are good should indeed be rewarded, but I feel it's too easy. All you have to do it aim precisely and tap burst at the head. I am not being arrogant here, other people have said the same thing. It's fine if you are playing for the first time, but I am literally bored of how n00b friendly it feels. I prefer the challenging yet random playfulness that the previous versions give. To some degree even CSS does over CS:GO.
There's still random moments don't get me wrong, I've seen some right BS on CS:GO, but let's be honest here, this game is not challenging enough like a Counter-Strike game should be, and thus fits into the whole dumbing down thing I had feared.