CS:GO Discussion

Don't suppose anyone could help me out here? Bought cs:go the other day but when I load it, I can hear the background and menu sounds but all I get is a black screen. Having googled it people changed their resolution in the config but that didn't work, I've tried typing -w 1920 -h 1080 in the launch settings and that hasn't worked either. People have also said verifying the game cache might help but again, to no avail. Anyone else experienced this and how did you fix it? :)
Don't suppose anyone could help me out here? Bought cs:go the other day but when I load it, I can hear the background and menu sounds but all I get is a black screen. Having googled it people changed their resolution in the config but that didn't work, I've tried typing -w 1920 -h 1080 in the launch settings and that hasn't worked either. People have also said verifying the game cache might help but again, to no avail. Anyone else experienced this and how did you fix it? :)

I assume launching in windowed mode does nothing?
Don't suppose anyone could help me out here? Bought cs:go the other day but when I load it, I can hear the background and menu sounds but all I get is a black screen. Having googled it people changed their resolution in the config but that didn't work, I've tried typing -w 1920 -h 1080 in the launch settings and that hasn't worked either. People have also said verifying the game cache might help but again, to no avail. Anyone else experienced this and how did you fix it? :)

try -w 1024 -hi 768 maybe? Basicly a low, standard res to start it in?
I'm looking to get some mixes going.

I've signed up to ESEA but it seems there's not many UK/EU players.

Only other place I can find is CSSMixes and the usual IRC channels.

Any other ideas guys?
Have you tried ESL? They have mixes on there I believe. Also Cadred mumble mix channel.

what mouse dpi and sensitivity you guys using?
450 dpi; 1.25 sens
razer deathadder 3.5g, at 3500DPI set to around 70% and something 4.5 in game? .... maybe.... close to that anywho lol

3500 dpi 4.5!!!! You must move your mouse in the space of a 5 pence piece!

I use 800 DPI 1.65 and that's considered high.
found a epic trolling bug in the game, that when you call a vote to swap teams or scramble the teams when the score board is shown at the end of every game, the server wont change map but it will reset the rounds back to 0! I had fun with this when I just wanted to play office for a while :D
3500 dpi 4.5!!!! You must move your mouse in the space of a 5 pence piece!

I use 800 DPI 1.65 and that's considered high.

lol well as i said it's at 7/10 on the 3500dpi setting... so around 2450 somewhere, and i think that's what it is in game might be 3.sumthin' i'll check later. but nah it feels good for me. got a reasonable balance between having that slow moving accuracy and being able to snap round 180 with little effort.... just in time to get a deagle to the chops :p
CS:GO crashes for me, I can be playing fine for 30 min then it just stops responding. Nothing is overheating, all other games play fine.

Any idea's?
My game plays fine, however a friend is having problems with the picture freezing and the sound clip repeating. He's tried different video settings etc and so far we haven't come up with anything. Anyone else come up against this?

Is CS:GO just full of bugs? :p
I had a lot of crashing and found the only work around was to press the esc button when killed and resume next round, read it eleswhere and worked so far
As we're posting our technical issues, any mumble users find that their mumble volume drops to about half once CS:GO is started?
The volume slider stays at 200%, but the audible volume is much quieter.
Only solution I can find is to close and restart mumble...

No biggie, but a bit annoying.
which server do all the ocukers go on?

Should jump on ours mate.

Also we've been getting some mixes going lately and are looking to get back in to ESL. All welcome to join our mumble (tho its very busy just jump in the chill out room :D) Had to up the server 2nite as we hit our 32 player cap

EDIT: CSGO server just crashed :( .... sods law.
Chris [BEANS];22757577 said:
As we're posting our technical issues, any mumble users find that their mumble volume drops to about half once CS:GO is started?
The volume slider stays at 200%, but the audible volume is much quieter.
Only solution I can find is to close and restart mumble...

No biggie, but a bit annoying.

In the tool bar(I think it's called), right click the volume icon > playback devices > communications tab > do nothing

I think that does it.
[ GAME ]
- Added third-person gunshot flinch reaction animations for all players
- Molotovs and incendiary grenades now explode in mid air if they haven't touched the ground after a small amount of time has passed
- Molotovs and incendiary grenades now no longer throw shorter than the other grenade types
- Fixed grenades bouncing really high if you threw them straight at the ground
- Fixed grenades that don't have a timer (like the smoke) not detonating if they found a spot to continually bounce and not touch what was considered "the ground"
- Fixed a bug in bullet penetration where a bullet would penetrate walls much thicker than intended when the first brush the bullet hit was a detail brush.
- Fixed a rare case when server reservation would not load correct map on official servers
- Flipped MP7 viewmodel fire selector from safety to full-auto

[ UI ]
- Fixed spectator glows not updating state often enough which could allow glows to show at the wrong time
- Fixed player target ID names not showing properly in some cases when observing/spectating
- Fixed the spectator UI showing in Arms Race
- Fixed player not auto observing their killer after the death camera if no bot was available to take over
- Fixed round in spectator screen not updating if you connected mid round
- If all players on a team share the same team tag, the scoreboard and spectator team names will display the players' team name (steam group name)
- Improved rendering performance of text UI elements

- Added default loading screen for direct connects and custom maps that shows loading progress
- Fixed server console say command to deliver text to all connected clients
- sv_password can now be set on community dedicated servers when they have no players connected and will be enforced.
- Matchmaking: blocking relationships do not prevent direct server joins, they only filter during matchmaking
- sv_pure: VPK files contain the necessary hashes so the dedicated servers do not need to compute them at startup but can be checked with the command “sv_pure_checkvpk”

I've highlighted the most important things (in my opinion). The third person flinching looks pretty good, and the crazy wallbangs are now gone.


We’ve also started working on a revamped Elo-driven 5v5 matchmaking system, so stay tuned for more details and keep the feedback coming.

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