Cubeworld - Minecraft style RPG ( INDIE )

Is this game free ? Where can I download it ?

Not free but cheaper in Alpha stage. €15 (£13'ish) there are links to the site and store further back in this thread

Damn. Beaten by Hazard :p thats what i get for using a phone on forums lol
Haha that was funny, have come off to try another class and figure things out a little. When we got to town I didn't know where to look hehe.

Will name my new char dirtybeatfreak rather than akkari too :D
Pretty certain it's impossible to kill a boss solo! Waiting on some mates to get online and buy it.

LOVING it so far though, cute little game - so much potential with what they have planned for the future as well.
That was a lot of fun everyone. Got up to level 14, how good are hang gliders??!?



Saw this on Reddit, didnt realise the loot system had the full range of items including legendaries etc.


Was reading through their future plans and they mention experimentation with large scale MMO servers in the future. I'm imagining some kind of player content MMO where players make the cities etc with raids and the like. So much potential in this game.
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