cutting guinea pigs teeth?

Only in your reality.

Maybe you like food poisoning but I'd rather be safe than sorry when meat is concerned.

There is no shame in asking a question like that, if I ask a friend, family or anyone that, it's no different to posting on a forum.
But I don't like food poisoning.

You are going along with the thinking of, if I know something and this person does not they are stupid. That's stupid thinking. And then putting the blame of someone else onto another and making personal attacks against that person is really not nice and it shows what kind of a person you are.

You are trying to make me out something I'm not.
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So something my dad did you have to put the blame onto me? You don't know my family, I don't know yours, but if anything I'd assume mine have more sense than yours as I don't go round Internet forums provoking personal attacks.

I didn't blame you? Although you clearly should have stopped him...? If my dad had wire cutters and was about to take them to a guinea pig, i'd ask WTF he thought he was doing.

Half of the people may think they are perfect on here, but if they where perfect, what are they doing on here?

Red, red whineeeeeeee
Are you on drugs?

Most whiney person ever.

I don't take drugs but I suspect lots of people on here do. I'm not a whiny person at all, but I don't like uncalled for personal attacks such as being called "special needs" and it goes to show what kind of person they are in real live.

g, i'd ask WTF he thought he was doing.


What makes you think I did not ask what he was doing and that I did not tell him it was a stupid and cruel thing to do.

It turned into an argument, but doing that does not make someone "special needs", those sort of comments are pathetic and the person who says such thing is clearly weird in the head.
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Seeing as you have nearly 15,000 posts willhub surely you would know by now this kind of thing never works in GD. If we had a sub forum for pets etc. then you would have gotten more serious replies but this is GD and as such a topic like this is just fodder really.
I did get serious replied but then I also got the forum members who launch personal attacks too. I expected humorous comments but not evil minded forum members who launch personal attacks.
My parents are not cruel to animals, we have a rabbit who is healthy, has full roam of the garden, and comes in the house for a few hours when it's winter and has plenty of attention from us and if we think anything is wrong we'd take him to the vets, just this occasion with the pig my parents insisted they could do it themselves, apparently a neighbor said they did there guinea pigs teeth fine.

Sorry to hear he passed away.

Cruelty doesn't have to be hitting the creature or anything. Refusal to take an animal to the vet and trying to do something theirselves when they had no idea what they were doing is cruelty.

If it's, as they said, they didn't have enough money they should not own the animals in the first place. Something can happen to pets at any time, they don't always wait for payday and your parents (being grown up and all!) should be aware of this and make steps to insure they can afford any vet treatment at any time.
They took him to the vet, cost £13 for his teeth to be clipped, I think my parents knew it'd be allot and thought they would do it as it does not even take a couple of mins to cut a guinea pigs teeth and it costs that much.

The cause of death was no related to what my parents did, I repeat it was not related and did not push him over the edge. He was about over 5 years old too.
They took him to the vet, cost £13 for his teeth to be clipped, I think my parents knew it'd be allot and thought they would do it as it does not even take a couple of mins to cut a guinea pigs teeth and it costs that much.

The cause of death was no related to what my parents did, I repeat it was not related and did not push him over the edge. He was about over 5 years old too.

If they are not prepared to pay any cost for vet treatment they shouldn't be allowed them! If you take a pet on and it needs something done it shouldn't matter what it costs! Before stressing the creature out they could've at least phoned up for a quote!

If he couldn't eat for a while he should have been seen to before now and leaving him to starve before anybody realised or thought to do anything is inexcusable!

It's not a conincidence that he died just then, as other people have said guinea pigs get stressed VERY easily, as he was old, stress should've been kept to a minimum and since he'd not been able to eat he would've been feeling low anyway. It didn't kill him outright but it did push him to the limit.
Sorry the piggy passed away willhub.

RIP little fella :(

Hope it was peaceful when he went!

Also, if he had dhiarhea (spelling?) then that could have been caused by stress and is a big killer when it comes to guinea pigs. :(

Awwwwwww - what gorgeous piggies!!! :)

Mine actually likes having his nose rubbed and his fur brushed backwards too - stretches out when i do it. They're quite complex little guys as well... in fact i've been very surprised since i expected them to be fluffy and cute but a bit dim! :D

If they are not prepared to pay any cost for vet treatment they shouldn't be allowed them! If you take a pet on and it needs something done it shouldn't matter what it costs! Before stressing the creature out they could've at least phoned up for a quote!

If he couldn't eat for a while he should have been seen to before now and leaving him to starve before anybody realised or thought to do anything is inexcusable!

It's not a conincidence that he died just then, as other people have said guinea pigs get stressed VERY easily, as he was old, stress should've been kept to a minimum and since he'd not been able to eat he would've been feeling low anyway. It didn't kill him outright but it did push him to the limit.

He was eating, grass, straw and his food in the bowl, just no the vegetables. I think my parents are prepared to pay whatever it takes, that is evident from when they took the rabbit to the vets.

Also I know diarrhea leads to death but no one would have knew as there was one path that was no there the night before, I noticed it when I seen him in the morning laying there, dead.
Mine actually likes having his nose rubbed and his fur brushed backwards too - stretches out when i do it. They're quite complex little guys as well... in fact i've been very surprised since i expected them to be fluffy and cute but a bit dim! :D


I know what you mean :) My two have very different personalities to each other which surprised me a bit as in the past my guinea pigs have always been quite similar to each other. One of these two is completely mental and just loves running round in circles and jumping up on things :D
Awww they're very cute!

Had 6 guinea pigs in all (always got them in pairs for company), longest one of mine lived was 7 which was pretty good going :)

Haha thanks :) Is that 7 as in human years? If so thats very impressive :o I think ours lived about 5 years - fantastic pets.

Sorry the piggy passed away willhub.

RIP little fella :(

Hope it was peaceful when he went!

Also, if he had dhiarhea (spelling?) then that could have been caused by stress and is a big killer when it comes to guinea pigs. :(

Awwwwwww - what gorgeous piggies!!! :)

Mine actually likes having his nose rubbed and his fur brushed backwards too - stretches out when i do it. They're quite complex little guys as well... in fact i've been very surprised since i expected them to be fluffy and cute but a bit dim! :D


Yeah I know what you mean, one of ours was generally much more aggressive even though they were both female, everytime I would sit in the pen when we put them on the lawn, she would come and sit on my lap.

I'll really have to get some more sometime - this thread has just reminded me of all the good times we had with ours :D
Haha thanks :) Is that 7 as in human years? If so thats very impressive :o I think ours lived about 5 years - fantastic pets.
Yeah :D Was really impressive :) 5 has been the average otherwise, just got very lucky with that one. :)
Hoping the current two live that long but they're only young at the moment - 9 months old.
sorry to hear about the loss, ive recently got two 12 week old males, they are fantastic little piggies, apart from one doesnt like me at all and wont come near me yet :(
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