*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

definitely. most of my friends are excited for this game.. and usually we all play different kind of games...
lets hope that CDP Red will bring it

I wonder what the multiplayer thing with a cashshop or whatever it was, will turn out like, whenever that comes out... I can't really remember seeing much about it, but maybe it got buried amongst all the other news.
Kinda crazy that this game comes out on the same day as the PS5. Been waiting for this game for years as the Witcher 2 and 3 are some of my all time favourite games and I'm so excited for this. I'm also very excited for Demon's Souls on the ps5 as well though lol so I have no idea how I'm going to fit in both this and that game.
Sad thing is, this game is probably going to be the final nail in the coffin for gaming in general for me because of how good it will potentially be....

Ever since playing the likes of the last of us 2 and red dead redemption 2, games just have not been the same.
I mean I've already uninstalled and rescinded the keys to every game I own as well as melting down all of my old retro consoles... and actually since this game will be so good I'm pretty sure it will eclipse all forms of entertainment so I've also thrown out all of my TV's and everything related to all of my hobbies. Have handed in my notice at work as the maximum amount of time I could take off to play on release wasn't quite long enough to drink in the majesty - and anyway I won't be able to work after as I intend to gouge out my eyes the second the end credits roll as my ability to see will be wasted after that point
I mean I've already uninstalled and rescinded the keys to every game I own as well as melting down all of my old retro consoles... and actually since this game will be so good I'm pretty sure it will eclipse all forms of entertainment so I've also thrown out all of my TV's and everything related to all of my hobbies. Have handed in my notice at work as the maximum amount of time I could take off to play on release wasn't quite long enough to drink in the majesty - and anyway I won't be able to work after as I intend to gouge out my eyes the second the end credits roll as my ability to see will be wasted after that point

:D :D :D

But seriously, does no one else feel the same when they have played games that have been so incredibly good and detailed that when you go to play something else, it just feels so meh and doesn't keep your attention.

Seen a lot of people say this more so after playing the last of us 2 because of all the little graphically touches to the game world and characters.
I remember gathering around the living room of the only neighbour kid on my street who owned an N64 and all marvelling at Goldeneye 64 going "Oh my god I can't believe the photo realistic graphics this has!!! This is it. Gaming has reached heights we could never have dreamt of and from which it will never be able to go higher"
For those not wanting spoilers etc,t his 10 things you need to know is a great rundown. Keep in mind the story itself is not explained here as nobody outside of CDPR really knows exactly what the full story is about yet...

:D :D :D

But seriously, does no one else feel the same when they have played games that have been so incredibly good and detailed that when you go to play something else, it just feels so meh and doesn't keep your attention.

I remember saying the same thing about Tir na Nog, Exile (BBC Micro), Defender of the Crown, Doom, Flight Sim 5, Mario64, Tekken, Half Life, Quake, Half Life 2, X Wing..... and so on.

Games will continue to improve. Minds will continue to be blown.
No VR at launch I read, but nobody has ruled out future VR support. Can't imagine VR being anytime soon though as it requires a considerable revamp of the engine, assets etc and the rendering pipe will need changes too, plus how does VR work with RTX-DLSS etc? There's been no use of VR in these areas yet.
Do you reckon they will have glaring bugs though or is this based on past experience with other AAA games that were rushed to reseal with bug? This game has been delayed plenty of times so refinements and things have had loads of time to be sorted. We've seen lots of these improvements already in the recent videos over the past few weeks after each Night City Wire/

CDPR also said Witcher 3 was their testbed as well so I'd imagine to take that as a good sign.
Do you reckon they will have glaring bugs though or is this based on past experience with other AAA games that were rushed to reseal with bug? This game has been delayed plenty of times so refinements and things have had loads of time to be sorted. We've seen lots of these improvements already in the recent videos over the past few weeks after each Night City Wire/

CDPR also said Witcher 3 was their testbed as well so I'd imagine to take that as a good sign.

  • delayed multiple times and probably would have been delayed again if not for the console release - it sounds like the developers are being pushed hard
  • Witcher 3 had stacks of bugs, such is the nature of the game so complex in nature
  • Witcher 3 also had significant UI overhauls at the beginning
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not particularly fussed and would rather have the game earlier than not, but I could imagine bugs aplenty. I could be completely wrong.

If it’s even remotely as immersive as the Witcher games I’ll be in love :D - it’s one of the few games that I remember particular scenes/moments from.
A game of this scope there’s bound to be bugs. I just wonder how quickly they’ll squash them and if any of them will be truly game breaking preventing progression.
  • delayed multiple times and probably would have been delayed again if not for the console release - it sounds like the developers are being pushed hard
  • Witcher 3 had stacks of bugs, such is the nature of the game so complex in nature
  • Witcher 3 also had significant UI overhauls at the beginning
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not particularly fussed and would rather have the game earlier than not, but I could imagine bugs aplenty. I could be completely wrong.

If it’s even remotely as immersive as the Witcher games I’ll be in love :D - it’s one of the few games that I remember particular scenes/moments from.

You are never going to get a game, especially a complex one, bug free on launch but too many games these days ship with way too many bugs which shouldn't happen - that is one thing but then there is far too little effort and not enough responsiveness to fixing bugs post launch and IMO that is inexcusable - especially when most games I could fix many if not 99% of the long existing bugs in an afternoon so it shouldn't be an issue for a proper studio........
You are never going to get a game, especially a complex one, bug free on launch but too many games these days ship with way too many bugs which shouldn't happen - that is one thing but then there is far too little effort and not enough responsiveness to fixing bugs post launch and IMO that is inexcusable - especially when most games I could fix many if not 99% of the long existing bugs in an afternoon so it shouldn't be an issue for a proper studio........

You are never going to get a game, especially a complex one, bug free on launch but too many games these days ship with way too many bugs which shouldn't happen - that is one thing but then there is far too little effort and not enough responsiveness to fixing bugs post launch and IMO that is inexcusable - especially when most games I could fix many if not 99% of the long existing bugs in an afternoon so it shouldn't be an issue for a proper studio........

They better hope it's pretty bug free or all the hypebeasts are gonna get their pitchforks out... going to get ugly!
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