I think what they probably should have done is delayed it until 2021 when they did the last delay, rather than doing the 1 month delay til December. In fact, I think that by delaying it until December they painted themselves into a corner where they then couldnt do another delay. The delays were already fast becoming memes and I'm not sure how the userbase would have reacted if the December date had then suffered another delay on top, basically I think people would have accepted a longer delay in November, than a 1 month delay and then another delay on top of that...even if ultimately the end date had been the same.
Kind of a 1 x 4 month delay is viewed more positively by a games followers than a 1 x 1 month delay followed by an announcement of a 1 x 3 month delay, if that makes sense
Yup completely agree.
All just to cash in on xmas sales no doubt.
Sadly they have just made themselves look even more foolish.
PS 4 base version is dropping to 15fps and runs at 720P lel.......