*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

I think what they probably should have done is delayed it until 2021 when they did the last delay, rather than doing the 1 month delay til December. In fact, I think that by delaying it until December they painted themselves into a corner where they then couldnt do another delay. The delays were already fast becoming memes and I'm not sure how the userbase would have reacted if the December date had then suffered another delay on top, basically I think people would have accepted a longer delay in November, than a 1 month delay and then another delay on top of that...even if ultimately the end date had been the same.

Kind of a 1 x 4 month delay is viewed more positively by a games followers than a 1 x 1 month delay followed by an announcement of a 1 x 3 month delay, if that makes sense

Yup completely agree.

All just to cash in on xmas sales no doubt.

Sadly they have just made themselves look even more foolish.

PS 4 base version is dropping to 15fps and runs at 720P lel.......
should i jump into it straight away, currently downloading, i have a ryzen 9 3900x, 2080 super, 2560 x 1440 res on a 27 inch monitor, should get decent settings maybe ? without ray tracing, does it add much ? thanks !!
How on earth CDPR thought you'd only need a 1060 for 1080p and high settings as recommended, outright BS right there. That would struggle to even hit 30fps looking at benchmark graphs.

So many refunding the game, I'm getting it for Xmas but man I'm disappointed on reading how broken this game is.
So many refunding the game, I'm getting it for Xmas but man I'm disappointed on reading how broken this game is.

That's not exactly a universal truth, is it? I know some people are having genuine issues and some are blowing small things way out of proportion as usual, but there are plenty of us playing it just fine with no problems.
Gonna hold out on this a for now, some things I've seen in videos are ridiculous. I kinda expected that but not this degree.

Judging by performance info I don't have much to look forward to on a 2070S at 1440p anyways so whatever.
I did abit of testing earlier and here's my findings. There is a visible difference in reflections of course but you'd have to be paying attention to them in the first place to notice. In terms of shadows though with RTX, in some cases I think RTX off actually looks better. See below examples:

RTX On, RTX reflections on Psycho, DLSS Quality

RTX Off, DLSS Quality, Screen Space Reflections on Psycho:

RTX Ultra, RTX Reflections on Psycho, DLSS Quality, Screen Space Reflections on Psycho:

RTX Off, DLSS Quality, Screen Space Reflections on Psycho:

Outdoors in the city is very system intense especially on the GPU at above 1080P I find. My 6700K can hit 95% utilised at 1080P but at 3440x1440 it's around 70. I think I will continue now with RTX off.
Top 2 images around the wrong way mate.
should i jump into it straight away, currently downloading, i have a ryzen 9 3900x, 2080 super, 2560 x 1440 res on a 27 inch monitor, should get decent settings maybe ? without ray tracing, does it add much ? thanks !!
Easy. Just don't go mad with Ray tracing (my advice is don't use it, and if you do dlss)
I'm running a 3900x, 1080ti and a 3440x1440 ultrawide. Plays great with adjusted settings to suit. I'd be using a 3080 if only I could actually buy one. Lots and lots of attempts but to no avail. I refuse to pay and sit and wait in a endless que when I can get by with a 1080ti till spring when hopefully cards will be easier to buy.
Gonna hold out on this a for now, some things I've seen in videos are ridiculous. I kinda expected that but not this degree.

Judging by performance info I don't have much to look forward to on a 2070S at 1440p anyways so whatever.

Why not try it for yourself? If it doesn't work, get an instant refund.

mrk (Quoted above) is running it just fine on a 2070S.

Feel sorry for the last-gen console users with the issues they're having, but honestly... it seems a bit ambitious to expect anything other than a bog-basic experience from seven year-old tech.
I'm at 7 hours in really enjoying it, only experienced 2 crashes when trying to load a save game and one bug whereas there was no facial expression in the mirror in my apartment. Other than that the game runs fine.
Running at 3840x1600p RT Ultra everything maxed and DLSS quality getting between 48-60 fps (55 average), can't feel a single slowdown unless for an odd reason I hit 45fps Gsync takes care of things nicely above that (3090).
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This looks really good on my Samsung G9 odyssey with HDR

Super smooth too and no crashes so far.

Like the characters aswell.
Yeah, there's a lot of "very glad I'm far superior to you plebs and have exercised patience and restraint" chat all over the web today. Based on second hand anecdotes. Love it when people get all tribal about games. Great fun :D

It's not being tribal being able to excercise self restraint and not fall head over heels for the hype and FOMO. It is clear the game has released in an unfinished state. You only get one chance to experience the game for the first time and for me I am able to wait to get the best possible experience. Anyone playing now is paying more to get an inferior experience.
Why not try it for yourself? If it doesn't work, get an instant refund.

mrk (Quoted above) is running it just fine on a 2070S.

Feel sorry for the last-gen console users with the issues they're having, but honestly... it seems a bit ambitious to expect anything other than a bog-basic experience from seven year-old tech.

I could do that but I'm in the middle of another game and looking at the state of it I could run into some nasty bugs after the refund period even if it runs decently on my hardware. I think it's safer to wait for a patch or two and give it my full attention when there's nothing else to play. I really want the best possible experience out of this.
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