*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Incomplete buggy game at the moment! Glad i stayed away, will be picking up GOTY edition next Christmas. :)
Game seems great, unplayable for me though on ultrawide 1440p on ye' old 1070.

Guess I wait until March when I can actually buy PC things...
So the key binds are annoying for me. My first experience at playing on a mouse and keyboard all those years ago, my friend had them set as the up/down/left/right arrows rather than the usual WASD. I just automatically stuck to this and now I can't play any other way. This game isn't letting me assign the up and down arrow. Any ideas?
So the key binds are annoying for me. My first experience at playing on a mouse and keyboard all those years ago, my friend had them set as the up/down/left/right arrows rather than the usual WASD. I just automatically stuck to this and now I can't play any other way. This game isn't letting me assign the up and down arrow. Any ideas?

There is a file you can edit manually:

Apparently you can sort unbindable keys by editing inputUserMappings.xml


Still considerably lowers my opinion of the developer however.

How any self-respecting developer doesn't nail down PC controls right from the start these days boggles my mind.

Personally I think it is ridiculous a game ships in this day and age without getting things like that bang on and the same for FPS combat mechanics, movement and input, etc. just no excuse for it - if you are a developer of this kind of game and haven't both played a bit of Quake and dived in the source code................................................
Incomplete buggy game at the moment! Glad i stayed away, will be picking up GOTY edition next Christmas. :)
Ah shame, missing out.

I will play it now. Then again after completing it. Then again next Christmas :D
Well I am going to hold out for another patch or 2.

- just had a car disappear in front of me then the driver about 5 seconds later
- performance is shocking, even with settings turned down, shouldn't be dipping as much as it is (does look stunning on oled though)
- hdr is great, however, I think there might be an issue with raised blacks (the calibration control for it is **** too)
- driving is terrible/clunky (even with controller)

******* laughable that they delayed this 2/3 (?) times and it is still a bit of a **** show! Should have just delayed it till next year tbph.
This game seems to use more CPU+RAM(9.5GB max) than the other games I play. CPU hits 77C and RAM temps also higher than normal(45C). Most games the CPU stays under 65C and RAM <40C. The GPU temps are normal though, 65C with 85C hot spot and just under 8GB VRAM usage.
What do the “I can’t game in any less than 144hz” crowd do when a game like this comes out...drop resolution?

Single player games don't benefit from high Hz. Unless it's fighting games or fps. High Hz is for low input delay obviously.
Anyone else having NPCs in the medium distance disappear/reappear?
Getting a similar thing with graffiti on some walls.step back its gone move forward it appears

Beginning to think it's my poor Vega memory dying
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On this game I don’t find it a big difference at all. If I was getting 60FPS at 4K I’d leave it for some extra reflection detail but I’m personally finding RT on CP a bit pointless considering the performance hit.

I did abit of testing earlier and here's my findings. There is a visible difference in reflections of course but you'd have to be paying attention to them in the first place to notice. In terms of shadows though with RTX, in some cases I think RTX off actually looks better. See below examples:

RTX On, RTX reflections on Psycho, DLSS Quality

RTX Off, DLSS Quality, Screen Space Reflections on Psycho:

RTX Ultra, RTX Reflections on Psycho, DLSS Quality, Screen Space Reflections on Psycho:

RTX Off, DLSS Quality, Screen Space Reflections on Psycho:

Outdoors in the city is very system intense especially on the GPU at above 1080P I find. My 6700K can hit 95% utilised at 1080P but at 3440x1440 it's around 70. I think I will continue now with RTX off.
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******* laughable that they delayed this 2/3 (?) times and it is still a bit of a **** show! Should have just delayed it till next year tbph.

I think what they probably should have done is delayed it until 2021 when they did the last delay, rather than doing the 1 month delay til December. In fact, I think that by delaying it until December they painted themselves into a corner where they then couldnt do another delay. The delays were already fast becoming memes and I'm not sure how the userbase would have reacted if the December date had then suffered another delay on top, basically I think people would have accepted a longer delay in November, than a 1 month delay and then another delay on top of that...even if ultimately the end date had been the same.

Kind of a 1 x 4 month delay is viewed more positively by a games followers than a 1 x 1 month delay followed by an announcement of a 1 x 3 month delay, if that makes sense
Was mildly disappointed that starting Nomad doesn't mean you approach the city yourself. Then was driven home in the rain, and experienced the same sense of wonder and excitement that I had in the train in Half Life.

I'm loving it so far. Stylistically it's reminiscent of a mix of all the best bits of Blade Runner and Fifth Element.

2080 Super, 1440p ultrawide. Kept the defaults (Ultra?) except setting Cascading Shadow resolution to Medium, and it's running a treat. No idea what the fps is, but it seems smooth to me!
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