Oh mate, don't rub it in! haha, i'm super jelous here!!
Ok good idea, I'll contact support and see what they say. I just can't understand how this is possible.
EDIT: What GPU and what specs do you have btw?
And are you on windows 10 or 11?
And what kind of sound setup do you use? Nvidia over HDMI or just your motherboards realtek sound?
I've not tried reinstalling yet but on the reddit megathread others have tried that and they all say it makes no difference.
I might just try that anyways though just on the off chance.
Part of me thinks it's something to do with Nvidia drivers with the new 1.5 patch. Like because I use sound from HDMI form GPU to AV Receiver.
But I've had that sound setup for years and never had issues with any games.
I've been playing Metro Exodus and Battlefield 2042 today and everything is running sweet.
I'm not letting this situation stress me out, i'm sure i'll find a way eventually. But I have to admit, this is the only game I want to play right now on PC.
In the mean time I'm still playing through The Last of Us 2 on PS4 so that's keeping me busy for now.