Loving this playthrough so much and hit Dogtown about 3 hours ago. Wow. An addition to an already great game which on its own - forget the wider, bigger game - shows how petrified and badly thought through Starfield was in its 'bad to average but lots of it, more more more!' delivery ended up being.
On the downside, the clipped way of speaking (mostly dropping verbs because ... cool?) continues to annoy because all the characters speak the same way but then I suppose that's also narratively appropriate because 'welp, that's how they talk in those days'. Hmm.
It looks stunning. It plays well. The story is engaging, a bit Generic Soap Opera every now and again (the President just crashed and is now - uh - on first name terms with me? Really?) but it's the most fun I've had with a computer game this year other than, and rivalling BG3.