Some more new discoveries... Skippy exists outside of the mission where you either choose to return him or keep. You can find him (or another Skippy at least lol) off College Street fast travel point walk past the tunnel road so it's on your right, carry on walking until you come to the end of the road, look left at the walkway and you'll see an alleyway, in there Skippy is in a case next to a dead body :ccool:
Next is the Guts iconinc shotgun (belongs to Rebecca Black in Edgerunners Netflix series), it's lethal. Below Arisaka tower on the upper platform where people are chilling, walking etc (south west of the tower) there are 3 monks praying on lit up square floor bits, behind them in the bushes lies Guts
Next is the Guts iconinc shotgun (belongs to Rebecca Black in Edgerunners Netflix series), it's lethal. Below Arisaka tower on the upper platform where people are chilling, walking etc (south west of the tower) there are 3 monks praying on lit up square floor bits, behind them in the bushes lies Guts