*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Not a bad plan. Bet they've done a bundle deal or themed consoles.

They have done a cyberpunk xbox one x which is out now (sold out). The delay actually means they could potentially sell a themed xbox series x. Which if you ask me, would also sell out.

If MS said to CDProjekt. "Look, we will give you $$$$ if you hold off until series X release and let us make a limited edition console" then CDProject certainly wont say no.
I’m sure some Americans will be threatening a class action suit.

Having lived amongst yanks for the past several years. Can confirm, they can be remarkably pathetic and small minded. Some are the most amazing people I've ever met. That and the food/IPA's are a LOT better than I had imagined. Some of the best I've ever had, so it's not all bad.

Still, counting the days until I move back to Europe... 6 weeks until the wife and I move to Amsterdam, finally be able to CoD MP without trash talking Americans and actual adults... Within reason.
While the delays may be for good reasons or to launch with an Xbox or RTX card. I'm leaning more towards this delay being to remove content from the game and filter it for release.
You might be dissapointed on that last part as evolution still has some power lifting to do on the euro servers :D

Bugger, why spoil it for me? haha

Also, I really wonder what MP will be like in Cyberpunk. You think they will continue with the same world just without questlines like RDR2?
Biggest drawback for me is that put Cyberpunk now releasing at around the same time as Assassins Creed Valhalla, I've only got so many hours in the day !

Was handy originally that I could play Cyberpunk a few months ahead of AC Valhalla, spread the two out nicely, but now they are going to drop on top of each other and I'll need to divide my play time.
CD Projekt Red is one of the few developers who consistently deliver top quality so as much as the delay isnt great (gonna end up being around same time as WOW expansion) i will always give them a bye ball. Reading their blog post that the game is basically content and feature complete, for any other publisher that would be being shipped, but for CD Projekt Red its a few extra months of bug fixing.

I wouldnt want to think the delay has been prompted by a few $$ from the Sony's and Microsofts to time the launch with the next gen, but at the end of the day the quality of the end product will let us know if its all been worth it. Cant wait for these next round of gameplay reveals
I guess its also possible that they need to re-do some of the portrayals and/or language of certain characters in the game, particularly in light of recent world issues coming more to the fore. Lets face it, Cyberpunk has never been set in worlds of flowers, fluffy bunnies and rainbows, so it could well be that some aspects of the characters speech/mannerisms/stereotypes now need changing before going to release. Just hypothetical but wouldnt surprise me.
I don't think racism is part of this, or money. It's simply that they are bug fixing.

In an ideal world where I believe whats written in press releases, I would believe you but unfortunately I am much more cynical than that and wouldnt be surprised if it was (in part at least) down to the need to change aspects of the game and/or money, as much as bugs
I'm not sure if I believe their reason for the delay. I think it's more likely that it has something to do with the release of the new consoles. It was only in March that they assured fans that there will be no more delays, yet here we are. Ah well, it'll give me something to do over Xmas.
In an ideal world where I believe whats written in press releases, I would believe you but unfortunately I am much more cynical than that and wouldnt be surprised if it was (in part at least) down to the need to change aspects of the game and/or money, as much as bugs
Yes I had a naive moment then didn't I lol. Maybe I just want to believe they are genuine but they are bigger than ubisoft now so maybe not.

Or maybe they got handed ampere and navi cards and they went "oh" probably should do something to fix these new bugs with these super raytracing monsters
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