I've been ridding bikes until i took my drivers license at 1½ years ago at the age of 32, late i know. What i don't understand is how absolutely crazy many cyklists are on the road. They don't show hands when they stop or turn. They cross the roads in the middle of day during busy hours like its a pedestrian walkover. Its mental really which is why I hate driving in the cities. You should be required to take a small bike license where the rules are hammered into your head the same way they were when i took my drivers license and the penalties for breaking the rules as a cyklist should be higher (i'm from Denmark so this is my reference). Btw to the muppets who is driving while on the phone and not using handfree kits.. shame on you!
Why would you think it would make any difference whether a cyclist has a licence or not? Do drivers not break the law constantly, because I certainly see them breaking the law all the time and seemingly people that drive seem to not bother indicating these days either