Good to see it being enforced, even if it happens nowhere near enough.
Just as one example of the state of things - out walking the dog last night, going one way asking a stretch of road had an electric scooter (with tiny, barely visible lights at ground level - who on earth designs these things, regardless of whether they should only be used on private land or not, they know that's not what happens in reality) coming towards us on the pavement hop off into oncoming traffic. Then coming back the other way one cyclist cruised slowly straight through some red lights with absolutely no lights on his bike, followed 30s later by a lycra-clad bike enjoyer going 20mph-ish who also went straight through. They were the only cyclists and scooter riders I saw while I was out. And pre-empting the 'but what about the car drivers' , I didn't see any of them going through red lights, or doing anything particularly dangerous.
I did see someone driving round on his phone while I was walking near my house last week (tacky personalised number plate, sporty BMW, seemed to go to the end of the road, loiter, then drive back again - drug dealer confirmed lol?) , which is obviously bad, but it seems pretty clear to me that the proportion of drivers blatantly breaking the rules like that is much lower. I specifically remember the guy on his phone because it is quite rare that I actually see drivers on their phone.
I like to try and stick to the highway code when I ride my bike, wish others would too.