Ok guys my boss and possibly and ex Gamesworkshop employee and avid tabletop gamer are thinking of starting up a D&D game. It's been years 25+ for me and ex GW guy since playing any sort of RP game. Iirc my boss hasn't played it before. Anyway whats the easiest way to start this bad boy? I presume I/we will have to get the rule book and what else?
Also, the world in which the game is set, can this be made up by us/GM. Like design the maps, locations, lore etc? If making your own lore up and maps then I may give it ago. I have played Wow for many years and other games like that and was thinking of making a small world with some lore to play in. Nothing to complex but just enough to get a starting game going? I know you can get premade scenarios etc but making our own seems fun. Ideas, help and thoughts please