D&D 5e, starting a game soon, any DM's have tips?

Leave the details and I'll check it out :)

my campaign just got to Baulder Gate, party of 4/5 have just got the jobs and are about to depart to the caravan :)
When my party got there for the first time, I got my Sword Coast cities mixed up and called it Baldur's Deep, which has of course turned to Boulders Deep, which has actually been used out in the real world to take the ****. I have never been allowed to forget it :( :D

You can find the podcast at troll4i.podbean.com or links on our Facebook page (which is a little quiet due to us changing back to 5e this month!), https://www.facebook.com/troll4i
Going to write a seasonal one shot for next weekend for our group but torn between 2 ideas.
Do I go hostage rescue Die Hard in a tower or thieves tackling the trap ridden Home Alone house with a mischievous gnome making life interesting for them?
Or can you think of another well known Christmas movie I can steal?
I quite like that idea of a D&D Home Alone game.
Picturing the gnome tricking the robbers by having the door of a regular house open into a Magnificent Mansion where everything inside can be altered by the gnome to create endless traps... it'll just need some proof against dispelling it.
Any DM's out there ran Dragon Heist? Urgh what s load of ****! :(

Got it to run for my really casual family group (generally play once a month) and it's such a shocking PoS. Of 222 pages only 98 are actually the adventure content (less if you don't count the generic intro) and of those 98 it's so threadbare you basically have to write it yourself. I had around 70 pages of notes to get through it all and finishing the adventure last night I asked what bits they thought were the most enjoyable and it was all the stuff I had added additionally, none of the in book content was mentioned at all. Absolute rip off, a source book at best.

In two of the chapters (and there's only 5) you can sit back, do nothing as a group and ask the guard to do it for you and still get rewarded. Chapter 3 in my group was ignored as they playing lawful good and just handed all the evidence to watch and done my content until the watch turned up and told them it was done :p them the final encounter is unplayable if you choose to fight it
4 level 4's against an adult gold dragon, lol.
so you have to railroad them to negotiate and all the villains (you can choose from 5 iirc) are all so OP your group cannot fight them or even risk seeing them so 100 pages of content you need to just ignore unless your PC's are desperate to die or you wildly riff on the content and have them accompanied by vastly over powered, DM controlled minions.

I liked the broad idea of it and the fact it isn't end of the world shtick was actually quite refreshing but it was a farcical supplement and best used as a Waterdeep source book. Be interested to know others opinions but I feel ripped off paying for it considering I had to do almost as much prep as the adventure book to make it playable and the only bits my PC's enjoyed was my content. Their exact comment on the last encounter "what the **** is the point in that?" About sums it up.

/Rantover :p
I have. I added a lot of my own content as well - it's not their best work. There is a lot of old school gazetteer type stuff and the adventure itself is just very odd. It feels like they wanted to flesh out a decent idea, without enough thought. I'm partway through writing a city adventure escapade which is far superior (imho :D).
@Pookie Bear that was my feeling, solid idea but couldn't be bothered to really give it some work.

One of my group was playing a fighter as a duelist from a noble house and I created a group foil which was his brother and had 8 scenarios based upon his elder brother trying to take him out that they loved. Also had a hapless adventurer who kept on calling on the group for help, but then he always claimed the credit. Culminated in the adventurer deciding to take on Xanathar expecting the PC's to help him.... They bottled in and the poor beggar got murdered by Xanathar who spent the next week mailing them bits of their old friend to Trollskull Manor, they still didn't face him, but they want to play the next part of the adventure to get high enough level to tangle with Xanathar and seek revenge :D
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