D0 I920 and Gigabyte EX58 UD5 issues.

I would now set the memory back at 1333Mhz and wait for the psu to arrive and give yourslef a break for 2 weeks. It may be stable enough for normal windows usage and light gaming at these settings.

If you carry on testing the way you are and at the end of the 2 weeks you discover that it was the psu all along - you'll probably freak out. ;)

I think you've done all you can for now, until the psu arrives, - if it still has problems then - then it's rma time.

Keep me updated - i'm really keen to know what's causing the problem.
Thanks for all your comments Plec, you have been really helpful...

I am still running memtest on my rig at the moment, with the XMP profile for 1600MHz enabled in the BIOS, and there hasn't been 1 single problem so far...

You are right, I should just leave my system alone until the new PSU arrives...

I've been looking around OcUK trying to decide which PSU to get, but I can't decide what one to get between these...

Be Quiet Dark Power 850w

Or the new Corsair HX850W

I dont know which is the better power supply out of these two...
Thanks for all your comments Plec, you have been really helpful...

Np, i just wish we could have resolved it for you.

I've been looking around OcUK trying to decide which PSU to get, but I can't decide what one to get between these...

Be Quiet Dark Power 850w

Or the new Corsair HX850W

I dont know which is the better power supply out of these two...

I don't think there will be anything in it. They're the only 2 brands of psu i really recommend so it's particularly hard for me to pick.

But, if I had to pick, i would choose the BeQuiet as that version has been tried and tested and has been around longer so any major problems would have surfaced by now if it had any. (Although, I will say that the 750 watt models would be more than man enough for your spec and would save you a bit of cash)

Which ever you choose you'll have a great psu.

The other thing to consider is that if money is tight there are cheaper, but still quality alternatives.
Well, memtest does the same as Prime95... it ran for about 3 hours solid without any errors, but it ended up resetting the PC with the RAM set to both 1600 and 1333MHz...

I think I should just stop trying to find stable settings, as I am only going to wind myself up and get frustrated!!!

There really isn't anything I can try that I haven't already done several times... I will just wait for my new PSU before I start stress testing again...

When I've built rigs in the past, it has always been a case of building them, installing OS and drivers, then installing games and having fun.. But I havent managed to have any fun whatsoever with this rig, it has just been a nuisance from day 1...

About the PSU's, you said that there are cheaper ones out there that are still decent quality, which ones would you suggest?

As I could probably buy one this week if it was under £100...

But at the same time, I really want to get a high quality one so that it gives me a bit of future-proofing in the PSU department!!!

I really like the look of the BeQuiet! one, I like how you can also connect case fans up to the unit as well...

Also I was reading a review in CustomPC magazine for the new Enermax Revolution 85+ 850w, and it looks really nice, and it got a good review in the magazine as well, but it is really expensive... I wondered if these expensive PSU's are actually worth the money, or whether a cheaper alternative would be just as good???

What is it that makes these PSU's so expensive?
I wondered if these expensive PSU's are actually worth the money, or whether a cheaper alternative would be just as good???

What is it that makes these PSU's so expensive?

I've not used or fitted one but if you're after a cheaper quality alternative - i would suggest the PC Power & Cooling Silencer - it's one that i've seen recommended by certain fourm members that, i would consider, know what they're talking about.

It's had good reviews and seems great value - it would certainly shave £40 off the BeQuiet equivalent which i recommended.
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i'm sure I saw i a review for that model that it gets quite noisy under full load.

Users looking for a HTPC power supply or other application where a quiet solution is desired would be advised that this unit would not seem to be a good fit. Had this unit come with no sound billing what so ever we would have had absolutely no criticism of its noise profile other than to note the fact that it was easily audible during Test #3, but when it is called “Silencer” and it is billed as being "up to 90% quieter per watt" you had better be closer to the 90% than to the 0%. As such calling this unit “Silencer” is a stretch but nowhere near as bad as the noise claims on the Turbo-Cool 1KW-SR. If PC Power & Cooling is going to continue to call their products "quiet" or "silent" then they need to can their “80mm fan only” mantra (along with the “modular cables are evil” rhetoric) that they have used while putting forth negative marketing about their competition and get with the program as their solution doesn’t cut it in terms of sound, or lack thereof. When you get proven wrong, you need to accept it and move on. Trying to stand your ground while the competition is simply running around you is pointless. Caling this unit the "Silencer" is simply misleading.

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I read a few posts and made a guess as to what it was, turns out I was right!
PSU is one of the most important components. A cheap/poor quality PSU is like having a bad heart and it's just ready to give out...

I would recommend the PC Power & Cooling PSU's. They're known to be the most reliable for many years. Mine is just over two years old and has probably had an uptime of around 850 days!
Hmmm, I dont really think a bright red PSU would look very nice in my Silverstone chassis...

I have made my mind up, I'm going for the 750w BeQuiet Dark Power Pro...

I like the modular cable design of the BeQuiet, it would mean I would have less wires to hide inside the case that way...

Although at the price of the PC P&P, I would have managed to get it this week, but tbh, I would rather just wait til I had the money for the BeQuiet! one instead...

750w will be more than enough for my system right?
Well, I dont know what has happened, but now my system seems to be fine!!

I decided to try testing each module one at a time but in the 2nd white slot instead of the first one that I had tried before, and I had read somewhere else online that raising the QPI/VTT voltage a little bit might help stabilize it..

So I enabled the XMP profile, and I raised the QPI/VTT from the 1.35v that XMP sets it to 1.355v, and I managed to run memtest on each stick for 5 hours without any issues..

Then I installed all three modules, and tried running memtest again, it went perfectly for about 3 hours 30 minutes, and then it froze...

So I tried giving Prime a go after that, and it has been running perfectly for 20 hours without any issues at all...

I am still going to get a new PSU for this rig, and I have decided to get another 6GB of RAM, as I noticed you can get a 6GB set of 1333MHz G-Skill RAM for £42 which is a great deal... Hell, I paid more for 4GB of DDR2 about a year ago!!!!
Well, I dont know what has happened, but now my system seems to be fine!!

Wahey, finally - glad to hear it!

and I have decided to get another 6GB of RAM, as I noticed you can get a 6GB set of 1333MHz G-Skill RAM

Hehe -are you a masochist? You just get your rig stable with 6gig after 2 weeks of stressful troubleshooting and straight away you're going to chuck another 6gig of unmatched memory into the mix ;)

Good luck with it - hope it carries on working as it should.

*runs from thread...* ;)
lol, nooo, I wont be running the G Skill alongside the Corsairs!!!

I just want somemore RAM to test, and I want to eventually build another i7 box for my fiancee, but I can't afford to go out and buy everything at once...

I'm still unsure about my own rig, because as you know from following my thread, I have managed to get it stable with the 6GB of RAM installed before, and then all of a sudden it would start playing up again...

This current run of Prime has been going for 22 hours now, I will stop it when it gets to 24 hours, and then I will start installing my games and see how that goes...

I'm going to be getting my Dark Power Pro 750w PSU next week... and hopefully the new RAM to...

The reason I built this i7 rig in the first place was so I could have loads of fun overclocking it and have a super fast system, but I have ended up with a system that wont even run at its rated specs without crashing and locking up on me..

This really isn't what I would call fun....
PHEW! ;)

Here's hoping that the combination of the new psu and the recent tweaks to the QPI/VTT will see your system finally stable.

There's nothing quite so annoying as the anti-climax of a troublesome new build. All i can say is that when it does sort itself out - you will eventually learn to appreciate it.
Well, the crashing has started again with this rig...

Somebody suggested that I should test out the IntelBurnTest software to check my rig for stability, so I gave it a go, I used the Maximum Stress setting, and ran 8 threads and choose to run it 5 times, and it managed to complete 1 out of the 5 runs, and just as it was getting to the end of the second run, it comes up with an error telling me that my system is unstable!!!

So I decided to drop everything back to stock settings in the BIOS and test again using the Burn Test software, and the EXACT same thing happened again, at the same place!!!

No matter which settings I choose in the BIOS the burn test crashes, even with the RAM running @ 1066MHz...

I talked to someone on the Phone at OcUK's technical help line today, and to begin with he told me it was my RAM, then he went on to blame the mobo, and in the same breath he then said it was my PSU!

I will never get anywhere with this PC when people at technical help try and blame every single piece of hardware inside my case...

He also told me that I wouldn't be able to return my CPU for testing, even though it was only purchased on the 6th of May... Surely this isn't correct is it??

I was already given an RMA number from another person at OcUK about a week after I got it...

I dont want to wait until I get my new PSU to test everything and find that the same faults are still present, because that will take even more time, and by then I definitely wont be able to do anything about returning the CPU...

I thought these OEM processors have 1 year warranty on them???

Why cant I return the Processor if I think that it may be faulty???

I can run Prime95 overnight with the CPU running @ 3.5GHz and the RAM @ 1400MHz, but IntelBurnTest crashes after about 6 minutes.... Surely if burntest crashes as quickly as it does, this would mean that there is something wrong with my system??

And it does this EVERYTIME, no matter how what I have the BIOS settings at.. even running RAM at 1066MHz...

Does anyone know of any decent places that I could send my system to have it repaired?
Short time no see, DaveyBoy :(

Is it only crashing using IntelBurnTest and what version are you using?

If it is only that app that's causing you problems and everything else runs fine (prime95, memtest, orthos) I wouldn't be too concerned as it may be stressing a combination of settings that you'll never identify - and never need to in day to day running.

IntelBurnTest is very aggressive and none of your games and applications will even come close to achieving the amount of stress that this app applies to the cpu. So, even if there was a slight problem the likely hood of it manifesting in day to day usage would be negligible.

Also, bear in mind that it may not be a fault per se - more that IntelBurnTest is stressing a combination of BIOS settings that are not compatible with that particular test. And, with that in mind, the problem may never manifest itself in other programs.

Hopefully, the psu will iron out all your problems - but it's looking like it could be solved via a combination of clever BIOS tweaks.
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Thanks for the reply Plec...

It only seems to be IntelBurnTest that is causing the problems.. I am testing with OCCT atm, and it runs without an issue, same as Prime95...

I haven't used memtest recently, the last time I used it, it ran for over 3 hours, but when I came back to check on it, my PC had froze, and the bottom half of the screen was all corrupted...

But when I ran it with only one module installed it went the entire night without any errors...

Would you class 3 hours of memtest without any errors stable??

When I run OCCT it passes every stress test available on there except the Power Supply one... It completes the test, but it comes back showing 28 errors...

And also when I look at the graphs it creates at the end of the test, the graph for the 12v shows some really weird inconsistencies...

Check out this graph to see what I mean:


Surely this can't be correct??

When I run the CPU tests on OCCT, the 12v only goes up to 6v at the most...

And every single piece of software that I have used for monitoring voltages has shown the 12v like this...

I hope the new PSU will resolve these annoying problems.. I am sick fed up of this crap!!!

I got more enjoyment out of my old Dual Core Athlon rig that I do with this thing.. And the Athlon system cost about a quarter of the price of this machine!!!!
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