D0 I920 and Gigabyte EX58 UD5 issues.

Hi Plec, and thanks for your reply man.. I think that this is probably the best way for me to go about this, because I am fairly confident that the mobo is dying a slow death..

I feel like I am going crazy over this, because I am actually starting to question myself about the DIMM channel after these clowns testing it and all of their modules showing up in their testbed... although it definitely did stop working, I know for a fact, I just wish that I took pictures of the POST screen and also the Performance tab in Task Manager for proof that it dropped out on me...

And their poor testing is driving me up the wall, especially after the amount of time I have already wasted on this build running test after test with as many different system configurations I could manage with the hardware I have at hand... it is all getting to much for me now, and I just want this mobo replaced...

I will definitely go for your approach though Plec, as I really don't want to have to pay out yet more bloody money to get my own mobo back after already spending £21 sending it off to them, especially when I know the board is bricked.......

It's a pity that I couldn't get you to have a SCAN at my rig for me Plec, as you seem like quite a knowledgeable chap... :D
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Lol, i think your interpretation of ‘subtle’ needs reassessing :D

I reckon a regular font will go unnoticed/ignored – your font size (24?) – may just pique their interest ;)

And as always - good luck! (and good night - jesus i'm going to be knackered tomorrow morning!)
is this a common problem because i'm buying this board with my i7

Nope, this is DavyBoy's own little realm of hell.

You will always get the odd board that is 'technically' DOA - and these are the ones that appear in the forums.

If it was a major/common problem it would have a thread all of its own with many different posters all complaining about the same/similar issues.
Yeah, like Plec said, this problem is all mine!!!

This is the worst experience I have had with a PC build ever.. It is making me severely stressed out, to the point that I feel like I am losing my mind..

I called the people that are testing the mobo again today, but there is still no news as yet to how they got on with the overnight test, infact they couldn't even tell me if it did get tested last night or not, as the lady I talked to told me the exact same thing that she told me yesterday, and I had to explain once again that I had asked for it to be tested overnight!!

These people are hopeless, there must be a lack of communication between each department with these fools.. I wish that I could just talk directly with the guy who is running all the tests himself, but they tell me that it isn't possible to talk to the techs...

It would be a lot easier if they would just let customers talk to the technicians, because I don't think the people that answer the phones have a clue what I am trying to tell them, and it just makes me even more frustrated!!

Does anyone here have any experience with RMA'ing directly with Gigabyte??

I wanted to know if I am to send the mobo off to them for testing, if they find that it is faulty, do they replace the mobo, or do they just repair the current one??
I feel you pain Dave, hope this all gets sorted for you once and for all.
Unfortunaly its comman practice in big companys to treat there customers like total plebs even when they may know 10 x more about the subject than the person on the other end of the line :o
I wish that I could just talk directly with the guy who is running all the tests himself, but they tell me that it isn't possible to talk to the techs...

This is b*ll*x - it's just company policy, not impossible, - they just don't want there technicians tied up in conversations - which 99% of the time makes sense. (Perhaps we should clarify at this point we're NOT talking about OC's)

I would ring again and mention that you’re happy for the technician to ring you when it's convenient to him – but that you do expect a call.

Keep polite and calm but stress that this is the only way that you can imagine that this issue is going to get resolved amicably. As the fault is evidently too complicated to be explained third hand - as the details, each and every time, are getting lost in translation causing delays and extra work loads for all parties involved.

It makes sense for the technician to take time out to talk to you (on this occassion) so that he can refine his testing accordingly - explain the above in a more coherent manner and you may get a result.

Like I say be firm, confident and polite (at all times) – and, if possible with this problem, succinct. Better you just get the salient points across – so as things don’t get too confusing.
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Agreed. You basically need to persuade them that you need to chat, but offer a phone number to call back.

Any issues i would be asking for the manager and saying things like they are losing your business forever for their stupidity. But resolving it now going out on a limb to get a tech to call you will show understanding customer support.
Hi guys,

Well, the techs guys at the e-tailers I purchased the mobo from ran P95 Blend overnight and they found no faults whatsoever...

I called them this morning to make the payment for the testing fees so that they could get the mobo sent out today to arrive with me tommorow, however, I just got an e-mail from them at 4:30 saying that it wasn't going to be sent out today!!!

These guys have done nothing but give me even more hassles... this is extremely poor customer service IMO...

And now I am back to square 1 again, basically I don't know where to go from here.. I have got an £1800 rig that willnot run stable for me, yet when other people test it, it works fine...

I have been talking with Gigabyte, and they said they would be quite happy for me to ship the board off to them for further testing, but to be honest, I really don't see the point in sending it off yet again to be told the mobo isn't faulty...

They did however ask me to ship my RAM and CPU along with the mobo, but as I said, I really dont want to send it off again until I have found out myself what the cause of these problems are...

Does anybody here have any other suggestions as to what else could be causing this instability??

I have the opportunity to go and buy another mobo, but I really don't want to waste anymore money on this rig when it doesn't want to work properly for me... but at the same time, another mobo would help me narrow down the problem even further...

Could my OS be causing these problems?

I have Vista Ultimate X64 with SP2, and someone else has suggested that it could be the OS that is causing these issues... although I have tried 2 different versions of Vista (Ultimate x64, and a modified version of x86 Vista called Extreme Edition) and they both gave the same results...

When I get the mobo back, I am going to try out XP on another HDD just to see whether that makes any difference... but other than trying this, I really dont know what else to try, it feels as though I have tried absolutely everything possible, and each time I get the EXACT same results...

I honestly thought that it was the motherboard, but according to the tech that tested it, the mobo is perfectly normal...

They did however flash the BIOS again, and when I flashed it, I used Gigabytes @BIOS software which allows you to flash from the OS instead of using a floppy disc or USB flash drive, and since doing that, I have been told that it is a bad idea to use that software, as it can corrupt your BIOS.. so I am now thinking that it could have been this that was causing my problems...

However I will find out when I get the mobo back...

If anyone else has any decent suggestions as to what else I can try, it would be much appreciated...

Thanks in advance.
Dave, before we start, just check your deeds and check that your house isn’t built on an Indian burial ground or that it isn’t sat on some freaky ass ley lines!

They did however flash the BIOS again, and when I flashed it, I used Gigabytes @BIOS software which allows you to flash from the OS instead of using a floppy disc or USB flash drive, and since doing that, I have been told that it is a bad idea to use that software, as it can corrupt your BIOS.. so I am now thinking that it could have been this that was causing my problems...

This is very true – it’s one thing I didn’t think to ask but, having said that, it’s an outside chance that it’s the cause of all your problems as, I’m guessing, you flashed the BIOS more than once? And you had problems right from the off and through out with different BIOS.

If this was the case, then the chance of you making a corrupt copy each and every time is remote. (But in future always use the Q-Flash option. It’s very simple to use and a pen drive is a far safer option than a floppy (and an OS environment.))

The only other major component you have not replaced is the case. It’s the only thing now that hasn’t been swapped – admittedly this would be a first, for me, but as you clearly are ‘Josef Gerbils’ reincarnated and completing your ‘intensive Karma course’ you may want to consider it. Do you have another case to hand?

Could my OS be causing these problems?

I have Vista Ultimate X64 with SP2, and someone else has suggested that it could be the OS that is causing these issues... although I have tried 2 different versions of Vista (Ultimate x64, and a modified version of x86 Vista called Extreme Edition) and they both gave the same results...

This is also a possibility. Oddly enough I replied to another ‘well informed guy’ called FatRacoon about a gfx issue he was having. He tried all the obvious and not so obvious to get his card working in Vista 64 but to no avail. He then quickly installed xp64 and voila the card was up and running on the same system no problems.

So, yes, if you have a copy of XP or vista 32 install it and have a play – you have nothing to lose than your already diminished sanity.

They did however ask me to ship my RAM and CPU along with the mobo, but as I said, I really dont want to send it off again until I have found out myself what the cause of these problems are...

Unless it comes back and works with the, now, guaranteed corrupt free BIOS or any of the above - I can’t see as you have many options left other than to this? It’s either that or move house or reincarnate…

So to recap:

  • Try another case
  • Try a different OS - pref XP or vista 32
  • Flash BIOS using Q-Flash
  • Get rid of extension lead - see EDIT at bottom of page (this is a pretty good shout if you're using one)
  • Move house
  • Finish up your Karma - and reincarnate.

Other than the above you’re left with starting from the beginning again – re-testing a skeleton kit and slowly adding component after component… :/

EDIT: Extension Lead - this is definitely a contender if you use one (below is a copy of reply i gave to some guy earlier today as i'm off out):

Another thing you might want to consider is if you have your PC plugged into an extension lead?

Sometimes these can cause problems with finely balanced clocks - so could quite easily **** up a neurotic new build like yours (that last bit was added for this thread ;)). I've ended up changing a single plug socket into a double plug so my PC doesn't have to use one anymore. This resolved a lot of underlying issues i thought were BIOS related when trying to get 3.8GHz. (Of course a better quality extension cable may do the trick too - if your using one.)

I almost hope that you're using one - but at the same time i'm worried it will give you false hope... :/

Good luck Dave!

Additional: Anybody else feel free to jump in – i’m now running on empty and the above is pretty much all I’ve got.
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Hi Plec,

I do actually plug my rig into an extension cable, and I never even took that into consideration at all, which is pretty stupid of me really, as I have had bad experiences with my guitar amplifier being plugged into an extension cable...

It wouldn't work at all when plugged into an extension cable, so I had to give it a socket of its own before I could use it... I never thought about trying that out with my PC, but when I get the mobo back I will give it a go, though at the same time I am not going to get my hopes up...

Also, I have actually been thinking about the case as well, but the only other case I have is my Fiancees one, and I dont think she would be best pleased if I ripped her rig apart just to use the case for testing my hardware!!!!

But if I build it up outside the case, then it should run fine if the case is the cause of the problems..

And installing another OS is definitely worth trying as well... I hope that a mix of all the above will help me identify exactly what the cause of these problems are...

I hope that they pull their finger out of their anal passages and get my mobo shipped out to me tommorow, as I am desperate to start testing it all again in the hopes of everything being stable...

Thanks for all these suggestions Plec, I am glad that you have stuck with me through all of this stress.. I have never been so frustrated in all my life, and it's all over a bloody computer!!!!

God damn POS!!!!

Got the mobo back today, set it up outside the case with bare minimum connected, I reset CMOS, and then fired it up, to find that it is still only picking up 2 out of 3 sticks installed!!!!

I then tested each stick out individually in the last white slot to see whether it is a faulty stick of RAM that was causing it, and each stick works fine!!!!

Called the e-tailer up and this time I actually got to talk to the person who tested the mobo, and he said that when they had the mobo it picked up all 6GB of RAM installed, and they even tested it with 12GB and again he said that it picked all 12GB up no problem!!!

So he then told me he would give me another RMA number, but what is the point in sending it back to them to get told the exact same thing?!?!?!

I am severely p****d off about this, I thought that I was going to be able to get my rig working this time after what they told me that it was seeing all the RAM and successfully running Prime95 Blend overnight, but it is EXACTLY the same as it was when I shipped it off!!!

If they expect me to return the board again, I personally think that they should pay for the shipping costs...

And if I end up having to return the mobo, I am just going to get told the exact same thing that they told me this time, because it apparently worked fine for them... I am actually beginning to doubt whether they even bothered to test my mobo...

I have had enough of this rig... it's going to have to be shipped to Gigabyte this time, along with my RAM and CPU... what a PITA, I really could be done without all this stress in my life....

Quick reply:

Dave are you running the memory at 1333?

If not try setting the above values manually in the BIOS and up the NB a fraction – also manually set the QPI/DRAM Core Voltage and the DRAM Bus Voltage.

If that fails try 1066 and upping appropriate voltages as you see fit – just to see if you can get it to recognise all 3 sticks. The idea is to try and see if this is more of a hardware conflict rather than a duff slot because if they did test the MB then, in theory, this has to be the cause.

Haven’t you got other sticks you can try? (I can’t remember)
OK, I managed to get my rig to pick up all 3 modules, I don't know exactly what was causing it to stop working, but all I did was remove my Dominators, and installed my XMS3 3GB set, and it was still only seeing 2 modules, so I powered down, and I gave the module in the first white slot a gentle wiggle side to side, and then turn on the PC and checked the POST screen and voila, it picked up all 3 sticks!!!

So I removed the XMS3 set, and put my Dominators back in, and everything is fine...

I then went on to do some stress testing with Prime95 Blend, with the RAM set to 1600MHz, and it ran for over 9 hours without any issues at all...

The system is built up outside my case this time, sitting on top of the mobo box with the bare minimum connected to it...

I have tried to get it stable running the CPU @ 3.2GHz, but I just can't seem to get anywhere, although the BSOD'ing isn't happening quite as often as it used to, I have only had 2 BSOD's since setting it up, and I am fairly confident that those were due to bad BIOS settings, but I am still unable to get a stable system with the CPU overclocked...

I personally think that there is still something wrong with the mobo, I mean, for a DIMM channel to stop working, and then start working again when I wiggle the stick of RAM inside the slot.. that isn't right IMO...

Although, if I can manage to get my rig stable with a 3.2GHz O/C then I will be happy enough, at least my system doesn't BSOD when running Prime Blend anymore, it just resets itself now or the threads start failing.. I am sure if I keep working with the BIOS I should be able to find stable settings for 3.2GHz...

I am going to buy a new mobo anyway sometime next month, as I am going to build another i7 rig for my fiancee.. or that's my excuse anyway!!! :D

I have managed to calm down a lot since yesterday, I was just extremely angry at the fact the mobo was still only seeing 2 modules out of 3...
What an epic saga. Not really an i7 person, so all I can offer is moral support. Best of luck Davyboy, and nice one Plec for sticking with him.

Personally, I'd take Gigabyte up on their offer of testing the motherboard, RAM and CPU. One of two things can happen:-

(1) They'll find a fault or incompatibility which they can advise you on (or replace the board)

(2) They'll find no fault, and be able to give you some solid stock and OC'd settings to use.
Reading melbourne720’s reply prompted me to scan read the entire thread again – just to see if there was a rhythm to your problem.

And there is… (plus a pending aneurism if you don’t get this sorted very soon)

If you read through the thread keeping a ‘flaky slot or incompatible memory’ fixed in your mind – it’s the one thing that fits the myriad of different problems you’ve experienced.

It’s, obviously, reading more like a flaky slot but you’ll be the best one to judge this. And, even though you have it working now you, more than anybody, will appreciate that it may lose integrity at any given moment.

When the guy at the e-tailor tested it he either had: more compatible sticks, memory with slightly thicker contacts or was just plain lucky.

If you want the MB changed then you will, as melbourne720 mentioned, have to return it directly to gigabyte along with your memory (you may as well include your CPU). They will then pick up the problem and decide whether it’s a slack/flaky DIMM slot or that your particular batch of memory just isn’t making the contact it should.

If/when they do diagnose the problem, and were to replace the MB, you would then be able to get your p&p back off the e-tailor citing that Gigabyte found a fault contradicting their results and, as such, you expect your p&p (both ways) to be repaid. (They may argue the toss but it’s worth an e-mail.)

I have tried to get it stable running the CPU @ 3.2GHz, but I just can't seem to get anywhere, although the BSOD'ing isn't happening quite as often as it used to, I have only had 2 BSOD's since setting it up, and I am fairly confident that those were due to bad BIOS settings, but I am still unable to get a stable system with the CPU overclocked...

Oh, additional: – and ‘for the love of an un-sadistic deity’ will you stop clocking the CPU two seconds after you’ve only just managed to get this neurotic system stable. You are clearly showing masochistic tendencies… ;)

The poor system is trying to recover from a nervous breakdown and your pumping it full of adrenalin :p
Oh, additional: – and ‘for the love of an un-sadistic deity’ will you stop clocking the CPU two seconds after you’ve only just managed to get this neurotic system stable. You are clearly showing masochistic tendencies… ;)

100% correct - you need this system as stable as an assassin's trigger finger before clock it a single MHz.

(Also continuing Plec's inventive metaphor theme :))
Thanks for the replies guys,

About the overclocking, the whole reason I bought this rig was so that I could overclock it like most other people are doing with their i7 rigs!!

I figured that after 10 passes of IBT using max stress, and 9 hours of Prime95 Blend, that my system was stable, so I began overclocking to see whether it will stay stable or not...

I know the exact settings I used in the BIOS for it to be stable at stock frequency, but I didn't build this rig to run it at stock speeds!!!

I'm still really confused as to why the DIMM channel worked fine for the tech who tested the mobo, yet when I get the mobo back and test it out, it was EXACTLY the same as it was before I RMA'd it, and I had to wiggle the module gently in order to make it work again... that is screwed up if you ask me...

If I were to go and send it all off to Gigabyte for testing, they will probably turn round and tell me that the mobo is fine, because the slot seems to be working now, and it isn't crashing at stock frequency anymore, so I am just going to continue tinkering with this system myself and see how I get on, as I couldn't return the board back to them because it isn't stable when I O/C, they would just laugh at me if that was my grounds for returning it!!!

I am just hoping that the DIMM slot dies permanently TBH, as I don't want this mobo in my system, I want a replacement, because there clearly is something not quite right with it... I mean, all the issues that I had to begin with, then the DIMM slot dying, and then coming back to life again, that isn't normal behaviour IMO....
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