Well, I have managed to get my rig stable with it clocked to 3GHz and my memory at its rated 1600MHz, I left Prime95 Blend running overnight and it was still going when I checked in the morning, I then let it run through 20 passes of IBT at maximum stress setting, 1 hour of OCCT, and also I let 3d Mark Vantage run through 5 cycles, and it has been absolutely perfect...
I have had to play with all of the main voltages in the BIOS to get it stable though, and it took me almost all of yesterday to find this, but as I said it has been rock solid since before tea time yesterday... Though I am going to keep stress testing over the course of the next week or so to see if it buckles on me again, because I got it stable previously before I sent the mobo and CPU off for testing, and then the next day I would turn it on with the exact same BIOS settings and it would start crashing all over the place...
So I am going to leave it at 3GHz for a week or two and see if it crashes at all...
I read on another thread here today that there is a second revision of the EX58 mobos from Gigabyte being released in the next month or so, they look pretty much identical to the current lineup, except they have got 24 phase power design, and 4 x SATAIII 6GB/s, if my mobo does decide to die on me after these new mobos get released, do you think they would send me out one of these new mobos to replace my existing one???
Also, I wanted to see if anyone could answer a question that I have?
I have got my system built up outside of the case right now, and I have noticed that my idle temps are a lot higher than what they were when it was built inside the case, but my load temps seemed to have dropped.. does anyone have an explanation for this??
My idle temps used to be around 34c, and loads were around 69c, but now my load temps are sitting at 41c, and loads are around 63c...
At first I thought it was due to the hot weather, but then wouldn't my load temps also be affected by the weather??
I would have thought that temps would have been worse when the system was built inside a case??
I forgot to say, is it possible that my CPU has a problem with the 20x multiplier, I read about this somewhere else online, but I didn't fully understand what I was reading, anyway, I have set my Bclk to 160, and my CPU multi down to 19x to get me 3.04GHz with 1.12v Vcore, and it has been perfect ever since, although I did have to mess around with the IOH Core, QPI/Vtt, CPU PLL, QPI PLL and DRAM voltages to get it stable...