D0 I920 and Gigabyte EX58 UD5 issues.

I am fairly confident that it is the mobo now after the DIMM channel dying... I wonder what caused it to fail like this anyway??

I tested out my system with just one stick installed in channel one, and it wouldn't POST, and the POST code LED display on the mobo read "b9"... it usually goes through a sequence of codes if it is going to POST successfully...

So it is definitely dead thats for sure.. like I said, I now believe that this mobo was flaky from the very beginning, at least now there is actually some physical damage for me to point my finger at!!!!

Will be shipping the mobo off tommorow, so hopefully I wont have to wait to long for a replacement one...
Sorry for the late reply Dave, I had a busy social weekend and now I have the mandatory hangover to go with it…

I am fairly confident that it is the mobo now after the DIMM channel dying... I wonder what caused it to fail like this anyway??

It has to be the mobo just for your sanity's sake.

I suspect the DIMM channel has been suffering a slow death over the past 3 weeks and, if any good has come out of your relentless troubleshooting, it’s the fact that you probably speeded up its demise with all your memory swapping and stress testing.

You basically called its bluff early and the motherboard finally blinked – you won it lost – hopefully, this is the end of the of the game - and with it my crap metaphor... :/

Hopefully, this time next week you’ll be moaning about not hitting 4.2GHz rather than nursing a stress headache that matches my hangover… ;)
HeHe.. :D

Like I said, I am sooooo glad that I now have something physically wrong with my rig now, as it was so annoying when I didn't know what was causing the problems...

You are probably right enough in that the DIMM channel was probably suffering the entire time I had this rig up and running, and all my stress testing finally put it out of its misery!!!

I sent the e-tailers a lengthy e-mail explaining everything that I had done with my system and all the problems that I had been experiencing with it to, so I am kinda hoping that this will help aid a speeder RMA process, though they have told me that it could take up to 10 days for my replacement mobo to be sent out to me, which is reasonable enough IMO...

At least it wont take them long to see what the problem is now that the 1st DIMM channel has died...

I can't wait for my replacement to get shipped out though, so that I can start enjoying my new build!

This rig has been a huge learning experience for me I must say.. I have probably built around 20+ systems over the last 10 years for friends, family and myself, and every single one of them has went smoothly, from building them to installing the OS and any applications or games...

And all of those builds I have done prior to this one has used budget components, never spending more than £1000 all in, whereas this one I have spent around £1800+ (including monitor, keyboard and mouse, and the 2nd set of RAM I bought for testing purposes) and it has been the trickiest system out of them all!!!

Though, had the motherboard not been flaky from the beginning I wouldn't have had the problems that I encountered in the first place...

Thanks so much for being here for me Plec, you have been ever so helpful and I can't thank you enough for that...

I hope that if you ever have any problems with any of your future builds that I can be of assistance to you...
Man i just read this entire thing! Respect to you Plec for all the help you have given. And Dave, dam man, i was really hoping for a good ending for you because im looking for one myself. I was hoping to find something for me to try for my unstable OC.

I dont want to distract this from your issue but i have to ask. Now that you have gone through all this and it appears i might be too, could you (both hopefully) take a quick look at my post below and lend me some advice?

Ill gladly help out here if i get anything from mine - although some components are different.


Thanks if you do,
Thats odd, my thread just got deleted!!!


Yeah, annoying too as i was just about to press submit and i had spent ages compiling a reply - from what i can remember from your post this is a shortened version of my reply:

As DavyBoy had already alluded to it sounds more like an unstable clock (erroneous BIOS setting) than a hardware failure. Or, a component that can't tolerate the 4GHz clock that’s been set and never will no matter how much tweaking is done…

The boot screen you’re facing is, usually, a classic sign that the BIOS hasn’t quite been balanced correctly for the clock that it's trying to achieve. Obviously, you still have to consider hardware issues but, for now, while you’re still within your 28 days guarantee, I would work on the theory that this may be able to be corrected via a BIOS tweak. (Or not, dependent on the components ability to comply with a 4GHz clock)

With the above in mind, and because it’s a pre-built/tested bundle, you’ll be better served by contacting OC’s directly via web note or phone as they will know the bundle’s clock settings intimately – and, as such, it’s possible frailties. It may be that they have a couple of quick fixes which they can suggest as this type of problem may occur quite frequently with pre-clocked bundles. If you’re lucky they'll e-mail you a few known corrections that may resolve your issues. (As your thread was deleted this is probably your wisest and only route for now ;) )

EDIT: I’ve just remembered your load temps – i7s are known to run hot but yours were right on the limit. It maybe that your HS needs refitting - this may not resolve your boot issues but it will be one thing you can at least eliminate.

EDIT x 2: I can't remember all of the thread - but bearing in mind your last thread got deleted (as far as i can remember through no fault of yours) i would keep you replies very neutral and just stick to the facts of the problem.
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Hi dlthorpe, that sucks that your thread has been deleted man, I wonder why that happened??

Anyway, as Plec has already mentioned, it is more than likely unstable BIOS settings that is causing your system to be giving you errors when you run Prime95, maybe you need to increase Vcore, or QPI/VTT voltages (or both) in your BIOS to find stable settings??

Although in saying that, you shouldn't completely rule out component failure...

If I were you, I would disconnect everything except from the bare mimimum (GFX, RAM, and your boot HDD) including all front panel switches and case fans and then try running Prime95 to see if the errors still happen...
Thanks to both of ya. Really appreciated. I think the reply got deleted because i pretty much put the exact same post in the Customer Support section, and the moment i noticed Rick had replied to that, my post here got removed. Still not sure why even that could be a problem, and i certainly didnt put anything in there i would consider bad PC :) Rick suggested not plugging my pc in through a belkin gangway but instead plug straight into the wall. Didnt work tho :(

Ive already tried re-seating the HS and it kept the temps. I dont mind having another go tho, its not exactly hard. One thing which might explain the higher temps tho is the HS fan position over the ram. With this bundle you basically have to put the fan higher on the HS than you would normally to clear the ram. That translates into about 1cm of HS at the base which not getting the fan air.

I have now disconnected everything bar fans to no avail. Dont mind trying fans when i get home tonight. Ive also taken it down to 3.8Ghz by changing the core clock just to see if that makes it stable.

Increasing the vcore twice didnt help but i dont know how far it should be pushed. Default was 1.300000 and it increments by something like 0.06250.

Increasing the QPI/VTT immediately crashed my boot after bios so i had to revert it.

Thanks again for replying both ya. Hope it works out for all of us in the end :)
Really appreciated. I think the reply got deleted because i pretty much put the exact same post in the Customer Support section, and the moment i noticed Rick had replied to that, my post here got removed.
That will be the reason – as, technically, it could be viewed as a duplicate post – i wouldn’t worry about it.

However, as you’ve contacted OC’s you’re probably best continuing following their suggestions as they’re in a far more informed position, than ourselves, as they will know of any possible weak links in the settings they have input. (mind you, DavyBoy is probably the next leading exponent with this setup with all the research he’s done in to his own rig - much to his disgust. ;))

. With this bundle you basically have to put the fan higher on the HS than you would normally to clear the ram. That translates into about 1cm of HS at the base which not getting the fan air.

That shouldn’t, usually, be an issue but as your temps are high; is it possible to move the memory into the alternate channel slots (2,4,6) giving you room to fit the fan properly?

But, with regard to the other settings, i would wait for OC’s to get back to you with their suggestions as they should be able to proffer a solution – and if they can’t i suspect they’ll want it back for testing and possible compenent replacement.
Well, I am extremely p***ed off today... the people I sent my mobo to received it this morning, and I just checked my inbox to find an email from them saying that the board was tested and no faults were found!!!

So I gave them a phone and asked them what "testing" was performed on the mobo, and they told me that all they did was install 6GB of RAM and powered up the machine and it booted up fine!!!

What kind of testing is that?!?!?!

I then explained that I sent an e-mail to them yesterday explaining all the testing that I had done myself, and also told them that yes the system WILL boot up fine, but it only see's 2 of the 3 sticks that are installed...

I also explained that when you have only 1 stick of RAM installed in the first white slot that it completely refuses to boot at all, the person then checked for the e-mail that I sent them yesterday and found that the technician hadn't even seen the message!!!

So she is now away to forward the email onto the tech so that the board can be properly tested for the faults that I have been experiencing...

This is complete BS if you ask me, I mean, where do these so called technicians get their qualifications from, the back of a cornflake box???

Utter n00bs, that's what they are!!!

There is no-way in hell that it is my RAM modules that are faulty, because I switched them all around to see whether it was 1 stick in each set that was damaged, but the mobo recognized all the modules when they were installed in the 2nd and 3rd white slots, it is only the 1st channel that doesn't see the RAM...

How can they say that they tested the board when all they did was install 6GB of RAM and power it up?!?!

I also mentioned to them that the Vista Basic Information screen says that there is 6GB installed, and so does CPU-Z under the memory tab, but if you look at the POST screen when booting up, and if you look under the Performace Tab in Task Manager, both of those tell you that there is only 4GB installed (or 2GB if I am using my 3GB set)...

It was when I tried to run IntelBurnTest that I first realized that all my RAM wasn't being recognized, as it usually lets me select around 5GB of RAM when I choose Maximum stress, but the day when I realized it would only let me select around 3.5GB of RAM, and I thought it was maybe some background apps that was hogging all of my RAM, but I stopped everything running, and it still wouldn't allow me to choose 5GB+, so that is when I restarted the system and checked out the POST screen, with the UD5, you have to press TAB in order to see the POST screen, so that is why I never noticed this problem sooner...

Anyway, if they send me an e-mail saying that they have tested this board and they still say that it isn't faulty, and they send it back to me and the RAM slot is still dead, what can I do about it from there??

Should I contact trading standards or something like that??

I really don't know what options will be left for me after that... I wish that I had just RMA'd directly with Gigabyte instead of this retarded e-tailer... I have given them a whole lot of cash for hardware over the last 2 years, but I don't think I will purchase anything from them ever again because of this carry on...

@ Plec, his RAM should already be in those slots that you mentioned in your post above, gigabyte have a strange numbering system for the RAM slots, they go like this, starting from the slot closest to the CPU socket:

2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5

Slots 1, 3, and 5 are the white slots, and slots 2, 4, and 6 are the blue ones...

If you try installing 3 sticks of RAM using the blue slots, the system fails to POST apparently...
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Quick reply (will reply later when not so busy)

Should I contact trading standards or something like that??

Nope, it's now reached the time to organise a hit.

It doesn't have to be professionally done - your local scum bag will probably do it for a bag of talc. You may have to supply him with a piece of 4 by 2 if he doesn't have his mandatory baseball bat to hand.

Inform him as to where your PC is most likely to be situated in the house, when you're next out, and leave the rest to mindless violence...

It’s had it coming – no one would blame you. ;)
That shouldn’t, usually, be an issue but as your temps are high; is it possible to move the memory into the alternate channel slots (2,4,6) giving you room to fit the fan properly?

But, with regard to the other settings, i would wait for OC’s to get back to you with their suggestions as they should be able to proffer a solution – and if they can’t i suspect they’ll want it back for testing and possible compenent replacement.

Its already in slots 2,4,6 so to speak :) Just normal for this bundle i think. Read others have done the same.

Yeh ill strictly follow the advice of OcUK from now on this. Rather make sure all changes are approved by them! :)

Thanks again.
Quick reply (will reply later when not so busy)

Nope, it's now reached the time to organise a hit.

It doesn't have to be professionally done - your local scum bag will probably do it for a bag of talc. You may have to supply him with a piece of 4 by 2 if he doesn't have his mandatory baseball bat to hand.

Inform him as to where your PC is most likely to be situated in the house, when you're next out, and leave the rest to mindless violence...

It’s had it coming – no one would blame you. ;)

I charge a fair price :)
Quick reply (will reply later when not so busy)

Nope, it's now reached the time to organise a hit.

It doesn't have to be professionally done - your local scum bag will probably do it for a bag of talc. You may have to supply him with a piece of 4 by 2 if he doesn't have his mandatory baseball bat to hand.

Inform him as to where your PC is most likely to be situated in the house, when you're next out, and leave the rest to mindless violence...

It’s had it coming – no one would blame you. ;)


That's funny! :D

These incompitent fools that claim to be technicians really have no idea wtf they are doing!!!

They run Prime95 Blend test for 1 hour at stock frequency and because it hasn't crashed they are telling me that it isn't faulty!!!

1 ******* hour!?!?!

I made it very clear that it will run for at least 3 to 4 hours without any issues @ stock frequency!!

Also, they are saying that this mobo is seeing all 6GB of RAM on the system to!!!

Could a RAM channel stop working and then start up again all of a sudden like this??

I am just off the phone with these clowns, and I have had to ask them to run Prime overnight for the errors to start happening...

I shouldnt have to ask them to test for this long, surely they should know that it would take longer than 1 hour to check for instability?!?!?!

I am NEVER shopping with these a$$holes again, I have given them over £1000 in the last 4 months, and I feel robbed tbh...

It's a pity you aren't allowed to name other PC hardware e-tailers on these forums, as I would like to warn people away from buying any hardware from them because of their poor RMA service...

The woman I talked to on the phone the first time today also had the nerve to tell me that they can't ship my mobo back to me until I pay them £23!!!

I already paid £21 to send it off to them on Special Delivery... and they expect another £23 for only testing it for 1 hour... **** that...

Looks like I am going to have to buy myself another X58 mobo... more money wasted on this PC...

I will see what happens with them after they try running Prime 95 Blend Test overnight, hopefully it dies on them like it does with me, so that they have to send me a replacement board...

The guy I talked to the second time I called this morning suggested that it could be my Vista installation that is causing the problems, but I have tried reinstalling many times, and I have also tried 2 different versions of Vista, and XP, and they have all given me the EXACT same results...

This has been an absolute nightmare for me, everytime I get told that no faults were found, I can feel my blood start to boil, it is such a horrible feeling I experience, makes me want to start smashing things up all around me... all this over a darn PC... such a ******* head stress!!!!

If they find no faults after running Prime95 overnight, and I get the board back and still experience problems with it, I will just ship it off to Gigabyte themselves to see what they say about it...

There really isn't anything else I can do tbh...
**** me, Dave, were you ‘Josef Gerbils’ in a former life and Karma has come back to bite you in the ass via a PC build?

I promise i will give a detailed and considered reply later tonight and discuss your options.

I'll/we’ll work on the premis that your testing/results are correct and that communication of your problem, between you and the e-tailer, is getting lost in translation. (it’s not uncommon.)

I'm sure we'll work something out but for now just walk away from it... seriously, give yourself a break from it for a few hours!
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Thanks Plec, I will stop thinking about it for a while, and will wait to see what you have to say later on when you have the time, as I am completely at a loss as to what I can do now...

I should have just sent the mobo back to Gigabyte directly instead of the e-tailers.. I used to think that these guys were great, as they are a little bit cheaper than other sites, but after this performance I wont ever deal with them again thats for sure...

Also, they expected me to send both sets of my RAM back to them so they could test the mobo with my modules, but then if they tested the RAM with the mobo and they never experienced any faults which they wouldn't have done with a measly 1 hour testing with Prime95, I would have had to pay £46 just to get my own hardware back!!!

And that isn't including the costs of shipping the goods out to them neither, so it would probably be closer to double that figure...

What is really confusing me the most is the dead RAM slots, they are making me feel like I am going insane, because I know for a fact that the system would only pick up 2 of the 3 modules installed with both of my kits, and it wasn't just one of the sticks that were dead, as I tried them all in different orders so that each stick got tested in the second white slot, and everytime it would only see 2 modules, and also when I tried to run a single stick in the first white slot the machine would just refuse to POST entirely...

I thought if a RAM slot stopped working like this, that it would be dead and thats that, I never thought it could miraculously start working again by itself!!!
Make them take a screeny of the Prime results after they run the test if they are adamant that its ok.

Sneaky this one too but if you buy another board, perhaps buy the exact same one from somewhere that does a no hassel refund if you dont want it - then just send them your screwed one instead.

PS - nice location :), where do you live?
LoL, now that is real sneeky!!! :D

And about the screenshot, I will give them a call first thing in the morning and ask them to provide screens for me so that I can see for myself...

I have just finished sending Gigabyte a webnote, because if these clowns turn around and tell me the mobo is fine again I will ship it off to them for proper testing... I really should have done this to begin with!!

Can someone tell me, if I do send it to Gigabyte, and they find that the mobo is faulty, will they replace the mobo completely, or do they just repair them??


Oh, forgot to say, I am from Scotland....
Morning Josef ;)

This is a list of things that you have eliminated via component swapping:

  • PSU (new BeQuiet along with an old Hiper)
  • Memory (2 new sets tested comprehensively in relevant slots – resulting in apparent dead DIMM slot)
  • CPU (…more or less ruled out by another e-tailer)
  • Cables (swapped and examined where possible)
  • Gfx card (tested in another rig)

So, if we accept, for now, that OC’s CPU test was adequate the only component you’re left with that could plausibly be at fault is the motherboard – as you have ruled all other, non essential, components out by testing the rig via a skeleton setup! (Plus, you had the rather definitive dead DIMM slot for a while)

So, we’ll carry on working on the assumption that it has to be the motherboard but apply the theory that the ‘dead DIMM slot’ is actually, a flaky DIMM slot and is still in the process of dying which is why it hasn’t flagged up in their initial testing. (it’s Lazarus like qualities are perhaps due to the way that they’ve inserted the memory i.e. better connection or it's an intermittent fault which will hopefully end up showing up with continued testing.)

You seemed very confident about the slot’s lack of integrity so I would pursue this line of attack for now and force the e-tailor to stress the memory rather than just prime 95. Impress on them that you suspect that the slot is flaky, rather than dead, and as such they need to test it rigorously as, obviously, the problem is intermittent and can be easily missed with a singular test.

If you still don't get any success, stress that if you are forced to pay for the return of your MB only to suspect that it is still at fault - you will get it independently tested and, if found faulty, will not only charge them for all your p&p and testing to date but also include all your own, personal, testing time, after, the board was returned as fault free - insert your hourly rate accordingly. (I’ve charged a few companies like this - the last being the Abbey when I had to calculate and prove the correct figure of my mortgage repayment – that cost them nearly £1000)

The above paragraph is really only to be used as a last resort as it's best to keep them on side and keep things polite and professional – but it usually has the desired effect as long as your confident in your position and argument.

Obviously, the one draw back to all this is that the DIMM slot appears to have an intermittent fault – you need to persuade them that this is the case so that they carry on testing it until, in theory, it buckles.

It's a pity you aren't allowed to name other PC hardware e-tailers on these forums, as I would like to warn people away from buying any hardware from them because of their poor RMA service...

A subtle hint is sometimes ignored - especially when slagging off another e-tailer. ;)
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