D600 with full fat AF system!

With the D800E, they are so rare in stores theres probably a better chance of them being right from the off, yet we still don't have a clue as consumers.

Not entirely true, any store that must stock them probably won't be shifting them (we've had ours for a few months now, as have others).
Not entirely true, any store that must stock them probably won't be shifting them (we've had ours for a few months now, as have others).

I mean stores that sell them (as many don't, including amazon) but don't carry immediate stock, so need to back order. Not many places have stock to actually sell right now, instead have to order them in. I'd assume they would be a new batch though due to having to order them in.
Seems to be random, still people with new ones or replacements on DPReview as well complaining.
Well I know its a real problem because the D800 I have has suffered from it from day one and I actually know how to take decent photographs LOL!

If I could afford to be without the body for 10 working days Id have sent it back to NPS by now.

I am not saying you don't have the problem but the statistics are not in your favour. Ou may also have a genuine problem but it is not the left focus miscalibration issue but simply say a lens that is not centered ormsoem ther calibration issue. You can ily be fairly certain of having the issue ith a fairly intricate pocedure tested over multiple lenses under ideal conditions.

Getting focus errors n the fild can be a result of many things, nt least th high resolution highlighting weaknesses in technique or lns quality, or things that even some experts don't understand like field curvature. E.g. On the 24-70 you will find the edges out of focus be abuse the focus isn't a flat plane, combine that with a slight lens misaligned element and you. Old consents see focus problems on the left hand edge of the sensor, except this has nothing to do with the d800 in the slightest.

But yeah, best to send it and all lenses to NPS. For sure Nikon didn't handle the public reaction well.
Seems to be random, still people with new ones or replacements on DPReview as well complaining.

And some people are still failing to test the bodies appropriately so it is nothing new. We saw this with the d7k release with Internet forums filling up with posts about failed auto focus- turns it it was the first time people were using 16mp sensor and examining things at 100% being surprised that lenses aren't perfect.

now everyone is worried about this focus issue so tries to take some test photos in a wholly inadequate manner, sees that there is obvious softness differences across the frame and instantly believes they suffer from this mysterious focus issue even although it is their lens, which has behaved that way for years but was undetectably on a crop or 12mp FF camera.
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My D800 wont focus with the left AF point on the 24-70 or the 70-200 - in fact it sits and hunts quite happily with the 70-200 whereas use the centre point or right hand one and its fine.

Tests conducted on sunny day out my window at sharp contrasting alarm box on neighbour's wall.

Also on a photoshoot at f/8 it would think its locked on with left hand AF, take the shot, blurred. That shouldnt happen at f/8 if even slightly out. Again, centre and right AF - no problem.

Thats not me playing with display charts or having a shaky hand. Thats at shutter speeds of 1/250 using flash to freeze the shot.

The lens is fine, the alignment to the body is fine as when taking a shot with centre or right AF - *ALL* across the full shot are in focus and not suffering any focus / CA issues. Take it with left AF - nowhere near focused.

This isnt 1 in 5 shots being wrong, its 4/5 shots being wrong.
That doesn't sound like the classic D800 left focus issue at all. The commonly criticized issue is a miscalibration of the left sensors, so the camera focuses fast and locks on rapidly with the left sensors just like the right, but when using the left sensor there can e small front/back focusing. This can be corrected using microadjust but this will cuase issues for right and center focusing.

If you find the left AF sensors cause hinting then they are perhaps damaged. this is a different problem.
How can you actually say that theres no issue with his camera without using it, or from the information he just gave? If it was field curvature, the right point would also never focus properly just like the left one doesn't. From what Rikki said, it sounds exactly like the problem with the left focus point which means the body needs to be sent away.
Strange pricing on the D600 - in the UK at least. I can't imagine many will bite when for just £150-200 it's possible to purchase a better specified D800.
How can you actually say that theres no issue with his camera without using it, or from the information he just gave? If it was field curvature, the right point would also never focus properly just like the left one doesn't. From what Rikki said, it sounds exactly like the problem with the left focus point which means the body needs to be sent away.

What???, I didn't say there was no problem, I explicitly said there was a problem but this isn't the calibration issue that people claim to suffer from.
This is what I said:
If you find the left AF sensors cause hinting [hunting] then they are perhaps damaged. this is a different problem.

Quite clearly if the focus is hunting then something is wrong, but that is not the issue that is reportedly effecting a few percent of D800 bodies.
Some poor chap reckons he had 5 bodies with the asymmetric AF issue on DP! Although Nikon do have a fix for the issue now? So I don't see it as too much of a problem personally. I don't like the sound of the micro stutter the AF has, where it apparently looks to grab focus, then pauses and confirms focus. That sounds like it would drive me mad, but it could also not be so much of an issue in actual use. I'm just hoping the 5D3 price comes down before Christmas, I'll have me a nice present then :D
Some poor chap reckons he had 5 bodies with the asymmetric AF issue on DP! Although Nikon do have a fix for the issue now? So I don't see it as too much of a problem personally. I don't like the sound of the micro stutter the AF has, where it apparently looks to grab focus, then pauses and confirms focus. That sounds like it would drive me mad, but it could also not be so much of an issue in actual use. I'm just hoping the 5D3 price comes down before Christmas, I'll have me a nice present then :D

They were probably testing with the same flawed setup or the same lens with the same misaligned elements.

There was definitely a problem but it is clear that a vast majority of people that claim they have a the problem either don't or have a different problem. I mentioned earlier but the likes of Thom Hogan have looked at literally hundreds of claims and discarded most of them as incorrect testing or other issues.

Rikki is a classic example, he definitely has a problem but this does not at all sound like the claimed issue of left sensor mis-calibration, instead he may have some broken sensors.
I knew you had been reading Thom Hogan... :D

It's a real enough problem for all these people to return their cameras. It's not clear that the vast majority don't have an issue at all. Rikki has an issue that may not be the asymmetric issue but it is still faulty AF. There is also the misaligned AF mirror issue, I don't know if this or a combination of these issues could possibly cause Rikki's issue?

As I said though apparently they have a fix, so as it's a new camera the AF will be sorted. Or (if you do it properly of course ;) ) you can test a new camera and return if the issue is found. So I don't really see it as a show stopper. Unless of course you are purchasing a grey import, then things might get a bit trickier...

Those 6D specs have been around for a while (or variations there of) on the rumour sites. It's still not confirmed. The AF being cross type only in the centre has to be a joke! If Canon do go down this route you have to question their dedication to their customer base in providing competitive bodies. It's one thing not to have access to Exmor tech (that's out of their hands) but it's another to release such a low spec'd AF...
I'm a big fan of Thom Hogan, always seems right on the ball :-D

Nikon hasn't handled the D800 issues at all well, they should have made a more open public statement and let people send in any camera they suspect having AF issues free of charge regardless of there being a problem or not. None of the Japanese camera companies seem to handle public relations very well.
Ahh well Guess i'll buy a Second hand D700, Appears to be the better buy, I need it for Events and Weddings in lower light so it would be a better option then a D7000 Imo, Esp since i have all FX F2.8 lenses.
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