Delete Twitter account, get on with life, job done. Why on Earth professional athletes even bother with Twitter is baffling to me. Is it purely an ego trip or for promotion purposes?
Delete Twitter account, get on with life, job done. Why on Earth professional athletes even bother with Twitter is baffling to me. Is it purely an ego trip or for promotion purposes?
Come at me.
Personal insult vs a death threat? Both cowardly but only one is an offence.Some people really shouldn't be allowed near the internet but was this much worse this what Frankie Boyle said about Rebeca Adllinton?
Good job we don't have a right to free speech in the country.
Good job we don't have a right to free speech in the country.
Personal insult vs a death threat? Both cowardly but only one is an offence.
Personal insult vs a death threat? Both cowardly but only one is an offence.
He tweeted that he was going to drown Daley in the pool.
Aww, did the big bad words hurt his feewings?
Given he only lost his dad a year ago I'd imagine soAww, did the big bad words hurt his feewings?