Danny Baker sacked

The problem I have with the idea that Danny Baker is racist is quite simple:

Why on earth would it have taken this long for it to surface in any way shape or form? And in such a stupid 'overt' way?

The man has been in the public eye for decades for goodness sake and i do mean in CONSTANT communication with the public - literally his job to speak every day about his opinions on pretty much everything.

He made a dumb joke in a dopey moment that's all else he would have been removed from his position years ago.

He's apologised and explained the context yet still been treated exactly the same if there was real malice intended.

Isn't it ironic he's been sacked by an organisation that back in the 70s and 80s peddled racial stereotypes and racist attitudes under the guise of entertainment.
what really wound me up was the people going on tv saying it was a disgrace and how offensive they found it, etc. even though it was completely obvious it had no racial intent behind it to be racially offensive.

has he put up a picture of a black person being lynched then yes. but it was clear what he was trying to do even though it wasn't thought through 100% clearly.

he's being made out to be a hate figure it's disgraceful. i'd like to know John Barnes stance on it to see if he agrees.
The world is crazy and I seriously want to get off. Some of the posts in this thread just defy logic, and they think they're the ones fighting against racism, yet you do not understand that you are the ones holding the world back from ending it.
In the future when actual racism (treating people/situations differently based on race) has been totally abolished calling a black person a chimp will be no more offensive than calling a white person a chimp, it's the people who still associate black people with chimps by being offended that are causing most of the problem now. I'd imagine that the SJW furore and media hype over this incident has been far more damaging to the self esteem of most black people than if people had just basically ignored/ridiculed him and 99.9% of black people hadn't even heard about it because of the massive media coverage. But hey, it makes for a good wedge to drive between groups of people in these days of different group identities and multicultural utopia where groups are constantly pit against one another. I mentioned in a thread before the BBC changing previously benign documentaries to make racial issues out of them (Orangeburg school doc) and there sure has been a lot of racism in football recently, luckily we have the media to report every incident nationwide and keep us divided.
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It honestly doesn't matter to most on the left/SJW side that Danny Baker quite obviously wasn't being intentionally racist, they're happy to use him as an example, he's an old white male in a well paid job - he's basically a free target.
The world is crazy and I seriously want to get off. Some of the posts in this thread just defy logic, and they think they're the ones fighting against racism, yet you do not understand that you are the ones holding the world back from ending it.

I take back what I have posted earlier now there's been more clarity, however, the problem is that because of past connotations of people posting racially sensitive pictures (intended or not), including monkeys, makes it look like that.

Surely the BBC would have heard his version of the story though and decided to sack him based on this, which just makes me believe there's more to this story.

Or is it just a case of the BBC overreacting like me and much of the rest of the public.
. . . it was completely obvious it had no racial intent behind it . . .
Was it?

Was there some sort of "disclaimer" saying "This (apparently racist) image is not in fact meant to be racist."?

. . . it was clear what he was trying to do even though it wasn't thought through 100% clearly. . . .
No it wasn't.

Hopefully you're absolutely right that he may simply have failed to engage his brain before hitting "Send".
Was it?

Was there some sort of "disclaimer" saying "This (apparently racist) image is not in fact meant to be racist."?

No it wasn't.

Hopefully you're absolutely right that he may simply have failed to engage his brain before hitting "Send".

You actually think someone deliberately posted an image on Twitter with the intention of comparing a mixed race child to a chimpanzee due to their race when they're a public figure for the BBC. Where would the logic be in that? Is it not more logical that he was absent minded rather than malicious? This is why I worry about people from the left getting into power, they'll have people sent to labour camps for thought crime within 15 years. The path to hell is paved with good intentions.
You actually think someone deliberately posted an image on Twitter with the intention of comparing a mixed race child to a chimpanzee due to their race when they're a public figure for the BBC. Where would the logic be in that?
He might have been drunk or something.

Anyway he's written himself out of anything BBC or Royal related for the foreseeable.
If a real racist wanted to go around angering/hurting/scaring black people today the easiest way to do it would be to go and work for the BBC and report on a load of racism orientated stories, how is "he posted a photo of a chimp which is obviously a racist attack because as we all know black people are widely associated with being chimps" any less hurtful than just outright calling black people chimps? both instances involve racial stereotyping and the media have the message far wider than in this case Danny Baker could.

It just strikes me that if we want to move on from racism then a good place to start would be to stop treating situations differently based on the skin colour of those involved, people on the left of politics today are trained to look at what racial group someone is in before deciding the context of the story, it can never be good for uniting people by treating them differently based on their racial group.
Come off it. Megans mum is blacker than I am. Who would really look at Megan and think she is completely white?! Dark hair, dark eyes, broad nose and thick lips. Those are not the typical characteristics of a Caucasian

This is a perfect demomstration of the problem here. Ive seen Megan on the news. I have never for one minute noticed her features or even crossed my mind to look out for them. I thought she was white but so what, she isnt, I hadnt noticed. People who notice are the ones with the issues and agendas here.

Bakers tweet was offensive because a new born baby (regardless of colour) was portrayed as a baby chimp. Regardless of colour, if that was my new born baby Id be annoyed and so would a mother Id imagine. But Baker is a free man and can say what he likes. It wasnt racist and has nothing to do with racism.
Don’t mind me, just sucking up the froth from the fru spech folks.

This is hilarious, truly overflowing in here with duh ‘usual’ suspects with their ‘narrative’.
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