Danny Baker sacked

Yeah, very insensitive at least. I'm "part black" and whilst I would never use such a reference, I do sometimes use the N-word (the variant ending in 'a') in a joking way. I also have very distant Jewish roots and occasionally say such jokes etc., but again: I'm (generally) careful to not go too far there. I'll sometimes not give a **** online and come across badly - need to work on that.
What's worse in all this and other cases is the erosion of any form of proper process - charge, evidence, investigation etc - just trial by social media and the knee jerk reaction of the BBC because of that and its fear of being targeted too.
Yeah bit of a stupid thing for him to do. If he's got a platform where people listen/read what he says then he needs to be more careful about what he says.
What's worse in all this and other cases is the erosion of any form of proper process - charge, evidence, investigation etc - just trial by social media and the knee jerk reaction of the BBC because of that and their fear of being targeted too.

What proper process do you want?

BBC: Did you post this on twitter?
DB: Yes I did.
BBC: You're fired.

That he meant to cause offence by racism is irrelevant. It's that he did not recognise that it would cause offence. That's as plain as day, not knee-jerk.

Anyone who thinks he's been harshly dealt with hasn't come to terms with the modern world. Ignorance nor the right to self expression are not get out clauses for being culturally insensitive. Especially at a place like the BBC.
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So a lifelong football fan and pundit who has no doubt witnessed first hand racist monkey chants and bananas being thrown at football matchs couldn't see the racist undertones of the photo he choose to post ??

Ohhh please, his either a nasty racist or unbelievably stupid. Glad he got the sack tbh.
What's worse in all this and other cases is the erosion of any form of proper process - charge, evidence, investigation etc - just trial by social media and the knee jerk reaction of the BBC because of that and its fear of being targeted too.

If they haven't followed process he'll be laughing all the way to the bank as he nails them for unfair dismissal, entirely depends on their policies.
Personally I wouldn't have thought about the racial connotations either.
I empathise with the guy of it literally didn't cross his mind.

Is another step in the slope of not being able to say anything because someone might be offended because of some tenuous link.

Have a read of this post and it may shed some light on your 'tenuous link' - https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/posts/32706039
What's worse in all this and other cases is the erosion of any form of proper process - charge, evidence, investigation etc - just trial by social media and the knee jerk reaction of the BBC because of that and its fear of being targeted too.

People in the public eye should be a lot more careful of their social media output really.

I don't agree when tweets or stuff from 8-9 years ago when famous people were teenagers should necessarily be used against them though.

Not that I was ever (knowingly) racist, but I am completely different to my teenage self. People grow and change.

Danny has been sacked twice previously though, and at his age and as a life-long Millwall F.C fan, he surely would know about the chimp/monkey racist chants connotation?
If I sent that around the office I would have been sacked so therefore he deserves the sack. Guy is an idiot.
If I sent that around the office I would have been sacked so therefore he deserves the sack. Guy is an idiot.
This is the best summary so far.

Think about the reaction of your own workplace if you had posted that.

Agreed, I'd sure as hell be sacked if I did so.

+1, but was he posting on behalf of the BBC?
Doesn't matter if he says he didn't. He's a public figure working for the BBC, his actions and words have an extension to the BBC. If they don;t take action they are seen as complicit. It's no different to soldiers being sacked for actions they take in down time whilst wearing army issued clothing.
Always notice this in email signatures "Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender" but really if your posting from a work email address then surely it reflects on your employer.
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