Dark Matter 2024 (Apple TV+)

22 Nov 2005
pretty decent but could have been better. the middle of the series kinda fell off

for anyone seeking similar shows the old Sliders series is still worth a watch and handled alternate earths pretty well
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13 Nov 2014
Enjoyed it but still can't get past ..
the motivations in the first place. Basically a romance/love story by a version of Jason who pursued his work over a romance which triggered the entire story / technology use for that romantic loss.

I'm still none the wiser how Jason could teleport or enter a world where the technology had not been created. did the box just magically appear and then permanently remain in a world where the technology was not invented by a version of him (or someone else)?

I don't believe that his motivation on the building of the box was driven by wanting to be with Daniela. The knowledge of the basic concepts needed to build the box were in Jason1 as well, he just chose not to pursue it. I think Jason2 went into the box after Daniela rejected him. I also think Jason2's world, or at least the company he kept in that world, was darker than the others, as witnessed by the CEO and his lacky.

For the magically appearing box, yeah... I made my peace with that early on and stopped questioning it.
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28 Jul 2004
What was with his mate and Amanda at the end? That part i didn’t get. I don’t remember a version of him that was in the box but also knew her.
Seems like Amanda2 is in the same world as Ryan1... you know what they say, it's a small multiverse. But him meeting Amanda or even knowing her existence makes no sense, they don't know each other. Probably done for shock value and as a cliffhanger.

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13 Nov 2014
Seems like Amanda2 is in the same world as Ryan1... you know what they say, it's a small multiverse. But him meeting Amanda or even knowing her existence makes no sense, they don't know each other. Probably done for shock value and as a cliffhanger.

There’s gotta be more to it. There was a scene before that showing him working with liquid in a test tube. I guess he made more and then has had some kind of journey with it already, that’s put him on a path to wanting to find her. Quite an abstract and specific thing to show in an otherwise innocuous wrap up montage.
28 Jul 2004
There’s gotta be more to it. There was a scene before that showing him working with liquid in a test tube. I guess he made more and then has had some kind of journey with it already, that’s put him on a path to wanting to find her. Quite an abstract and specific thing to show in an otherwise innocuous wrap up montage.
Yes, that's a very plausible scenario. But I do understand why the writers left it so ambiguous. There's no more source material and they don't want to commit themselves to something no one has written yet.
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