Dark matter discovered

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I try not to be too antimattheman generaly but;

I read this article early. It said "We maybe have discovered something that has similar effects tow hat we would expect from Dark Matter, but we are absolutely not suggesting the discovery of the elusive substance itself".

This thead is titled incredibly incorrectly. Blatant attention seeking is blatant.

A team announced on Thursday detecting two events with characteristics "consistent with" what physicists believe make up the elusive matter

The scientists were keen to stress that they could not confirm that what they had seen was definitely dark matter.

"While this result is consistent with dark matter, it is also consistent with backgrounds," said Fermilab's director, Pier Oddone.
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The CDMS collaboration has been very clear that they make no claims of discovery. The two events they see are not inconsistent with dark matter, but that doesn't mean they are dark matter. It would be like claiming that because a coin flip came up heads three times in a row, the coin must be rigged to show heads on both sides.

The results are inconclusive. If there is a dark matter signal, SuperCDMS will see it in a few years. There are also several competing noble liquid experiments that may also see it.
You quote something without giving a source and then say something without justifying it in any way and expect a decent discussion? Was their actually some thought process involved in wondering whether detecting dark matter could cause a big bang, or did you just get excited and think 'i've heard of dark matter in cosmology and i've heard of the big bang, they must be intrinsically related!'

Are you also one of the people that thinks CERN might destroy the earth while ignoring the fact that cosmic rays cause higher energy interactions in the atmosphere than CERN can ever create?

Right back at you.

Nobody knows why the expansion of the universe is accelerating, but if you are genuinely interested go and read about the cosmological constant.


For anyone still looking for a source.

I've studied astronomy and cosmology and never heard of a link between dark matter and time before, guess you learn something new every day.

Some dark matter particles could explain why ordinary matter is not radioactive, while others may help scientists understand why time – so far as we know – always runs forward.
which is pretty interesting idea about time and space.
which is pretty interesting idea about time and space.


and why ignore my post. what do you think we can do to this dark matter. we shine a bit of radiation at it. It's already gone through every source of radiation and at every level and hasn't caused a chain reaction to form a big bang. we shine a bit of light at it, again it's already experienced that with no big bang. we give it some electrons. guess what the universe has done that already.
Mattheman's heart is in the right place, but at the end of the day this is the same chap who thought there was 40% animal fat in a loaf of bread and that stem cell research will permit us to live forever. On issues like this, sometimes it's just best to smile and nod.

and why ignore my post. what do you think we can do to this dark matter. we shine a bit of radiation at it. It's already gone through every source of radiation and at every level and hasn't caused a chain reaction to form a big bang. we shine a bit of light at it, again it's already experienced that with no big bang. we give it some electrons. guess what the universe has done that already.

Dark matter stretches throughout space where it attracts ordinary matter that coalesces into galaxies of billions of stars and planets. It forms a kind of cosmic skeleton that gives the universe its structure.
Think if we played around with it we altered a certain part of it, the skeleton structure changes form setting of a chain reaction causing a pull event.
Think if we played around with it we altered a certain part of it, the skeleton structure changes form setting of a chain reaction causing a pull event.

Matt, you are making some pretty big assumptions here with no actual proof at all.

This is why your threads always end up like this, you just jump from one assumtion to the other, you can't argue like that.
Think if we played around with it we altered a certain part of it, the skeleton structure changes form setting of a chain reaction causing a pull event.

I'm confused as to how that makes any difference to Hitler though, you're not making sense. :confused:
Maybe if we hit it with an inverse tachyon beam...

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