Dark Souls 2 - Thread

Any comparison screenies?

I have yet to play through DS2 and I'm more than happy to provide the devs with more pennies if it's a nice upgrade and including DLC. As far as I'm concerned, they have earn't their pocket money from me. And then some.

They don't deserve a penny. Charging people who've already bought the game and the DLC full price again if they want some of the new updates. Really Namco? If they sell the upgrades as DLC for say £5 then fine, but from what I can tell it's either buy it all again or do without.
I held back on all the DLC, so this will probs be a buy for me. I only paid £16 for my DS2 pre-order, hours I have spent playing it really owes me nothing.
I'm gonna play through now. I've not done the dlc yet and there no way I'm giving them another penny for what should be a free update.

Really poor show unless the update is less than a fiver. And even then, any money is pushing it.

Question- have they removed the ridiculous blood effect from boss intros? I need to know whether to do the mod to remove it or not?
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Video here comparing PS3 vs PS4 vs PC looks little difference apart from PC is obviously the best.

Right now for free the DX9 update is live on Steam if you already own the game then you get most of the new content EXCEPT for the DX11 changes & several other gameplay changes like new enemies & a few other surprises which are held back for the Scholar of the First Sin edition (which is a full price GOTY style release in April). It seems the only way to get all 3 x DLC content + DX11 for some time as Namco are maintaning DX9 + DX11 servers so it will also split the online play community as they must be doing this so DX9 or DX11 players cannot meet :(

You can access some of the new content as a free update if you already own Dark Souls 2 although some of it requires you also own the 3 DLC packs so the reality is you need to buy them via the season pass or wait until its all much cheaper (IMO the full game + season pass is easily worth the full asking price as so many hours gameplay if your a Dark Souls fan).

Its a little confusing to explain!

1: Dark Souls 2 + Season Pass = SOTFS most but not all content + DX9 Free Upgrade
2: Dark Souls 2 + no Season Pass= Some but not all SOTFS content + DX9 Free Upgrade
3: Dark Souls 2 + some but not all 3 DLC = Some but not all SOTFS content + DX9 Free Upgrade
4: Dark Souls 2 SOTFS Edition= Only way to get DX11 + all SOTFS Content

Existing Dark Souls 2 owners will get some discount on the DX11 SOTFS version according to the Namco producer in this video (but it will not be much judging by his response!):

After watching this video the Namco producer makes it pretty clear the SOTFS DX11 version is the only way to own all content ;)

I could be wrong but my understanding is that you must own all 3 DLC or cannot access the areas required to see all SOTFS content which is a little sneaky of Namco but I guess the only way to sell the SOTFS edition to existing players!
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As much as I love the Souls game, I can't help and feel that From is handling this whole situation really badly. I don't know if it is their fault on the publishers decision (probably the latter :(), but when did they decide to charge for a graphics update to the game (which doesn't even look better than the pre-release version which was playable at expos, etc. on the PS3), and decide to split the community like this? I can't believe this is what the series has come to :( They messed up pretty badly in many regards with Dark Souls 2, whether it be because it was developed by the "B Team" or whatever. I just hope that they don't start churning these out regularly because of the sudden rise in community interest with the series, but I think it is inevitable :/
I'll definitely pick this up as I haven't got any of the DLC yet. The season pass is still £20, so getting the DLC plus improved graphics and whatever 'changes to enemy placement and game design' turns out to mean for around the same price is a no brainer.

I don't see why this shouldn't be a free (or at least heavily discounted) update for PC gamers who already have the full game plus season pass, though. Surely someone must have realised that they'd get a lot of flak from their fans for this?
To be honest the graphics update should have been given to PC players with an apology, never mind charging us what looks to be £20+ for the same game we've already spent plenty on for a few graphical upgrades and new enemy placement (which doesn't even looks that great anyway. Even MORE enemies thrown at you, greaaaaaat :rolleyes:).
Who in their right mind is going to buy DS3 on PC when it first comes out, knowing that some sort of similar bait and switch is likely to happen again then?
Started a replay with some nice visual mods last night. I have to say that after finishing a DS relay last week and gong straight on to this it is an absolute cakewalk tbh... Just killed the Ornstein guy and not died yet. In fact, never come close.

There are some nice texture mods about. The skybox ones are great.

Looking forward to playing through the dlc for the first time.
To be honest the graphics update should have been given to PC players with an apology, never mind charging us what looks to be £20+ for the same game we've already spent plenty on for a few graphical upgrades and new enemy placement (which doesn't even looks that great anyway. Even MORE enemies thrown at you, greaaaaaat :rolleyes:).

Completely agree. The enemy placements might be interesting, but the game has been criticised, quite rightly, for the cheapness of just adding enemies, and it looks like that might be what they are doing more of!

Interesting to see the videos from the most prominent DS youtubers... They make light of it, but you can tell they aren't impressed in the least. None of them really recommend buy SOTFS
Ohhhhh, ok, that's more clear. Then yea, they are ****ing us over...

Well, time to email the top players and complain and demand the update for free.
I watched a video of enemy placements and all it looks like they have done is stick hard enemies like the troll and Ironclad in ridiculous places.

I love the game to death (on my 9th playthrough) but this is just pointless.

The co-op merger between NG and NG+ though is a huge update.
may be wrong but are these new items in the mansion chest near the start? pic in spoiler


i swear there wasnt much in here before?

currently trying my hand at dual wielding the fist weapons, they stun like a beast :D
They've been there a while. They did some update where it changed every week or something over a period of time. Now I think it's fixed to those and a soul vessel.
Started a replay with some nice visual mods last night. I have to say that after finishing a DS relay last week and gong straight on to this it is an absolute cakewalk tbh... Just killed the Ornstein guy and not died yet. In fact, never come close.

There are some nice texture mods about. The skybox ones are great.

Looking forward to playing through the dlc for the first time.
Could you put the list of mods you used,please?(links to website as well)
I'd try them later.ta
Could you put the list of mods you used,please?(links to website as well)
I'd try them later.ta

I basically went through the top 100 on Nexus and picked what I liked the look of - http://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/topalltime/?adult=0

In particular I used the followin:

All of the skybox ones for inproved sky
Clean UI - makes UI transparent
Fleshy hollows- New textures for hollow characters. Look really good.
GEM graphics enhancement which uses Sweetfx I believe, but I am trying to tweak it a bit.
Tabby Shalquoir HD
No regen buff effect - Absolutely ESSENTIAL! removes the ridiculous buff effects on characters
HD Bloodstains
Remove Bloodshot Eye Effect During Boss Intros - Removal of another quite pathetic addition.
Lenigrast is not green - A really nice mod that is totally down to personal taste, but makes sense to me.
HD Messages and Summon signs

You can also use the texture improvement project, but I haven't tried it myself. From screenshots they looks a bit too clean if you know what I mean.

For any of these to work you need to also download GeDoSaTo from
here and follow the instructions. It is all worth it imo. The skies especially look amazing.

ENB doesn't fit this game IMHO.
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