Dark Souls 3

I hate the black thing that takes over the 1st boss and a weakling zombie on the roof... Killed the boss while it was taking over but the weakling zombie is owning me. Lost 7k souls to it..
Hrmmm had first 'connection to steam interrupted' was promptly kicked back to main menu Did this happen in DS2 where if you lose online it kicks you out of game...? I'm sure in previous souls games it just moved you to offline mode automatically.

I'm playing through DS2 atm, when i lose connection it just switches to offline mode like you say (after a few second freeze, anyway).
Yeah they work fine with other games. I had this issue with rocket league too. I think the game is looking for one of the other controllers or getting confused that way. Just wanted to see if anyone else was having issues. I might try uninstalling all of the controller drivers and see if that works

Fixed, my roccat tyon shows up in the device manager as a game controller (and two other Hid devices). Disabled that and now it sees the pad just fine
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Big souls fan and loving this so far. A good challenge and some fantastic environments and enemies.

Always great to have the exploration feeling of a new playthrough. Hit an area called Irithyll before calling it a night and the view is stunning. Love what the current gen has done for the series graphically.
Will pick this up after I'm finished with Bloodborne, however there seems to be a fair few comments about crashing on pc? Steam reviews at 'mostly positive' seem to back this up?
Yeaaaaaa no, my visions of being a katana wielding nut job from the get go was promptly shunned.

That katana dude is INSANELY OP!!!! I started as thief simply as I'm going max dex build. So I've had to buy a scimitar for now.

Overall, it feels JUST like DS1!!!! LOVING ITTTT.

EDIT: First boss took 2 attempts, and I managed to kill the crystal lizard before hand (before lighting the first bonfire mind!), all with my measly dagger.

Parry, Parry, Parry, Parry, Parry, Parry, Parry, Parry, Parry, Parry, victory

Just don't try and parry his jumping or charged sheath attack thingy, they aren't parryable it seems and kinda hurt. :p
holy moly it's been a long time where I've actually sat down and played a single-player game for a long session. Just came off a 2-3hr sitting and wow, it's actually really good :D I haven't outright died yet, though I did have one close encounter with those gooey monster things :D Rolling almost seems too forgiving at times, but maybe I'm just already used to it. And I noticed some dodgy looking areas where some distant textures were way out of wack, or had no extra details at all (e.g. just repeating textures), but the game looks great over all.
Will pick this up after I'm finished with Bloodborne, however there seems to be a fair few comments about crashing on pc? Steam reviews at 'mostly positive' seem to back this up?

I've had one crash at character creation and no other issues for 2-3 hours last night.

Or one headshot with a bow.

I've started just killing pretty much every hollow I see now just in case!

I will try that. I felt kind of guilty killing the helpless zombies (except the odd one that came at me with a shiv lol).. not anymore!

I'm playing as a Paladin (Knight that can cast minor miracles), what have the rest of you chosen?
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Will pick this up after I'm finished with Bloodborne, however there seems to be a fair few comments about crashing on pc? Steam reviews at 'mostly positive' seem to back this up?

There are a lot of issues reported, all from crashing to stuttering and bad framerate, so yet again another bad console port (yes yes, I know it might work fine on your machine).

I have a 5820k and 2x980ti, and I get 30-40 fps with the CPU at stock speed (I prefer the silence), if I OC it to 4.375 it run at 55-60fps mostly.
There is also extreme stuttering when loading textures/saving the game (with an SSD), so if I ex. turn around fast there is heavy stuttering, which is super fun during a bossfight...

I would definitely wait until the 1.1 patch, which should increase performance, and is supposed to be released "soon"
Kill the weakling zombie before it changes.....just rush kill it and it wont change

interestingly. first time i got to that place there was no change. Possibly i killed the zombie before the change. Also encountered a number of helpful messages speaking of stuff e.g. illusory walls but there is no illusory wall there...im guessing its a one way only illusory wall? There is a dearth of chests in this so far...yet to get one. no crashes so far except for the annoying auto quit when you lose online connection to their server. (bad gameplay decision imo)

That bloody knight was a mare...i hope he doesnt respawn haha. Gonna restart as a dex build with bow. Started as knight to get a feel for it.
I'm playing as a Paladin (Knight that can cast minor miracles), what have the rest of you chosen?

Assassin. Dex focussed which I always favour, you start with really cool looking armour and a really good weapon in the Estoc(a rapier type weapon)and decent intelligence and a catalyst with a spell that masks the noise when you move so you can sneak up on any enemy. Very happy with my choice and I am still wearing the armour and using the Estoc atm(though I do like the whip I found)
I got past the first boss on my second try, only to be defeated by this little homeless guy with some kind of poison sword. Owns me every time!
when ive been playing with a 5930k @4.5, 980ti oced and 4ssds in raid 0 the fps never drops below 60 at all but the stuttering is bad and can last for 1-2 secs at a time which is annoying when your rolling around enemy!!
Played for 12 1/2 hours yesterday. Didn't experience a single crash, but I am playing in offline mode as I don't care about any of the online stuff.

i7 3770k, 970, 12GB Ram. 1080p, everything on ultra with depth of field and motion blur turned off. Performance is great, occasional fps drop to 50 when closing menu or when the game auto saves.

I've played ~16 hours of Bloodborne, ~20 hours of Dark Souls 2 and I'm finding this much easier. I prefer the faster combat and I've had more trouble with certain enemy types (or groups) than bosses.

I probably won't be able to play again/finish it until Friday but I am already looking forward to my next run with a different build!
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Got 4 hours play time in last night. What an amazing game! Very tough, not easy at all. Managed to get my beloved Uchi, I've killed the first boss and gotten down to the next area after raising the banner.

However, I've gone back to the starter area as there is still a lot to be explorered. A guy locked up, doors to unlock etc.

Plus, I don't like the knights, they are still a bit too tough for me. So until I can comfortably take them down, I won't progress.

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