Dark Souls 3

I've spent 24hours and must only be 1/3rd through, but I have checked literally every corner, not using my guide though, not as much fun for me personally, I love surprises(in games) :)
I only used the guide for 1 secret part its almost impossible to find otherwise a hidden wall which leads to several more secret areas you also need to use a specific emote in this area & 1 other......... I doubt many people will find it without looking at a guide or by accident somehow !
How far into the game is Irithyll?

Also how easy is it to potentially fail NPC quest lines? I completely forgot about Anri (?) after she made her return to Firelink Shrine. I got summoned to someone else's world in Irithyll and notice that there was the ghostly figure of a NPC who was not in my world. I'm guessing this might be her, considering she's the only other NPC I know who's gone wandering off. I'm guessing I need to go back and interact with her since I apparently missed her somehow (wherever she is :o), but is it possible to go too far ahead in general story progression and screw yourself over?

I've been going your typical strength-knight build for my first play through, but really feeling the need to change it up. Given the faster pace and the emphasis of rolling around more, I'm tempted to just forgo a shield all together and focus on choosing weapons with more interesting move sets. Like I tried out the Farron Greatsword last night and the break dance moves you could pull off were crazy. Definitely beats the usual turtling behind a shield strat :D I like using all these big ol' great swords, but they seem too impractical against some of the faster moving enemies (amongst other things, like poise not being all that important anymore, etc.)
I only used the guide for 1 secret part its almost impossible to find otherwise a hidden wall which leads to several more secret areas you also need to use a specific emote in this area & 1 other......... I doubt many people will find it without looking at a guide or by accident somehow !

you would be surprised.

How far into the game is Irithyll?
Roughly half way, depends on route though as you can do Cathedral of the Deep before Catacombs (which I recommend)
Also how easy is it to potentially fail NPC quest lines?........but is it possible to go too far ahead in general story progression and screw yourself over?
Very, and yes easily.
I've been going your typical strength-knight build for my first play through, but really feeling the need to change it up.
git gud and you can play whatever you want :p But no seriously the more you understand the game, the more confident you will be to go shieldless etc...
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My girlfriends brother messaged me this this morning...

It just is buddy, it just is.

Does anyone else find its really hard to sink hours into this game in one go?

I'm really enjoying it, but I find it so... draining that after an hour I feel like doing something else for a bit, then an hour later, the itch to play is back lol.

It's my first souls game. I was getting absolutely destroyed for the first 6 hours or so. But I think I'm starting to get the hang of it a bit now.
Does anyone else find its really hard to sink hours into this game in one go?

I'm really enjoying it, but I find it so... draining that after an hour I feel like doing something else for a bit, then an hour later, the itch to play is back lol.

It's my first souls game. I was getting absolutely destroyed for the first 6 hours or so. But I think I'm starting to get the hang of it a bit now.

I'm the complete opposite. I can sit for hours and play them. I've not had a great deal of time to sink a tonne of hours into this yet but I put about 24 hours into Bloodborne over the weekened it was released. :eek:
Does anyone else find its really hard to sink hours into this game in one go?

I'm really enjoying it, but I find it so... draining that after an hour I feel like doing something else for a bit, then an hour later, the itch to play is back lol.

It's my first souls game. I was getting absolutely destroyed for the first 6 hours or so. But I think I'm starting to get the hang of it a bit now.

I felt the same until I decided to just uninstall it :( I found the challenge not so fun after a few days and felt there are better games more suited for me. At least I can now say I've tried a Dark Souls game.
The thing about the Souls games and all the games from Software make, aren't actually that hard....it's just that dying and subsequently learning the enemy mechanics or level design is part of the process...people with small amounts of patience or inability to learn the mechanics on offer will never enjoy a game like this...having played them a lot I'm finding this one the easiest by far, purely because the mechanics are very similar to the games before it.

If there was no challenge the game would be pretty poor....as you would just be running from environment to environment to get to the end.
The thing about the Souls games and all the games from Software make, aren't actually that hard....it's just that dying and subsequently learning the enemy mechanics or level design is part of the process...people with small amounts of patience or inability to learn the mechanics on offer will never enjoy a game like this...having played them a lot I'm finding this one the easiest by far, purely because the mechanics are very similar to the games before it.

If there was no challenge the game would be pretty poor....as you would just be running from environment to environment to get to the end.

I can see that, of course, it's enjoyable for DS fans. But as someone who has never played DS before or any game similar to it for that matter, I don't enjoy playing a game that tests my patience on its controls. I find the action sequence and the rolling to be really clumsy, maybe not for DS veterans. If I press a button I would like to see my character carry out the action immediately, not wait 5 seconds for the whole thing to carry out.
So yeah.... I knew this game would be hard... But Jesus I need some divine intervention or something! Not even gotten past the tutorial boss yet, got him down the 1/5hp on my like 6th or more try.. Then watch a film :p

Never played the previous games or any bloodborne etc etc. I knew it would be hard but holy hell! Trying to get used to the control and the timing and I just suck at it. But slowly improving!

Starting trying with mouse and kb but the button combos seem weird to me and thy no to control the movement was horrid. Had no issues with mgs5tpp which uses similar movement but this just seems I dunno..... Clunky and glitch. That and all the tool tips are for controller. Trying to navigate the menus and having to right click and then select back is just stupid. Lazy console port devs!

So then I switched to controller. Buttons make a lot more sense and movement is more fluid. So making progress. But still really suck. Guessing it's all about the timing, e. G. Counter block/attack. I try but always seems to either just hit me regardless or I'll parry but as I'm swinging my attack the enemy gets another swing in?! I then there's the dodging with the tutorial boss.... I've been behind the guy and he's still hit me with an attack going forwards?! He'll be half way through his swing and I'll roll to the side and he'll just snap his aim at me or just miss..... But still somehow land a perfect blow.

Blarghhh..... I will beat it though! The first boss that is.... Think I'm screwed for the rest of the game haha xD
So yeah.... I knew this game would be hard... But Jesus I need some divine intervention or something! Not even gotten past the tutorial boss yet, got him down the 1/5hp on my like 6th or more try.. Then watch a film :p

Never played the previous games or any bloodborne etc etc. I knew it would be hard but holy hell! Trying to get used to the control and the timing and I just suck at it. But slowly improving!

Starting trying with mouse and kb but the button combos seem weird to me and thy no to control the movement was horrid. Had no issues with mgs5tpp which uses similar movement but this just seems I dunno..... Clunky and glitch. That and all the tool tips are for controller. Trying to navigate the menus and having to right click and then select back is just stupid. Lazy console port devs!

So then I switched to controller. Buttons make a lot more sense and movement is more fluid. So making progress. But still really suck. Guessing it's all about the timing, e. G. Counter block/attack. I try but always seems to either just hit me regardless or I'll parry but as I'm swinging my attack the enemy gets another swing in?! I then there's the dodging with the tutorial boss.... I've been behind the guy and he's still hit me with an attack going forwards?! He'll be half way through his swing and I'll roll to the side and he'll just snap his aim at me or just miss..... But still somehow land a perfect blow.

Blarghhh..... I will beat it though! The first boss that is.... Think I'm screwed for the rest of the game haha xD

I'd start with Knight, easiest class for boss. Stay as far away from the boss as possible and when he does his leap attack roll to the left, get a couple of hits in. Rince and repeat. You do not need to stick with a Knight build all game you can be whatever class you want. When the boss mutates, get close use shield, watch your stamina and get a hit in here and there. You'll do it.
Stay as far away from the boss as possible and when he does his leap attack roll to the left, get a couple of hits in. Rince and repeat. You do not need to stick with a Knight build all game you can be whatever class you want. When the boss mutates, get close use shield, watch your stamina and get a hit in here and there. You'll do it.

Easier said than done :D
Wouldnt bother with parrying if your new, its not needed and can leave you open to the pain train if you fail.
a lot of the game is about timing, when you should attack, or roll, or block and yeh its super weird if your new to it, You gain confidence through dieing and understanding enemies/bosses which is a super strange mentality to get into if your fresh to it but once it clicks its the best feeling in any game ever.

Still I think out of all the DS games this is the most beginner friendly by far, the opening area is tutorial heaven, and the first boss teaches you the pain train pretty quickly.
I hated DS1 when I tried to play it the first time for a few hours, literally thought it was the biggest POS ever, went back to it months later completed it once, DS2 8 times, and now I feel the games are some of the best ever released in recent times. The risk/reward nature of the game is unmatched.
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What class did you start with?

I'd start with Knight, easiest class for boss. Stay as far away from the boss as possible and when he does his leap attack roll to the left, get a couple of hits in. Rince and repeat. You do not need to stick with a Knight build all game you can be whatever class you want. When the boss mutates, get close use shield, watch your stamina and get a hit in here and there. You'll do it.

Yeah I started with Knight as looks cool and shield :p thanks for the tips. I was going to start with the deprived..... Glad I didn't.... Probably a one hit kill on you can dread to think how many hits you need to get in with that club haha!

Yeah on my best try I just hugged the boss and blocked his attacks and waited till he Deffo wasn't going to swing and got a few cheeky hit in. Can you counter the boss? Also what's the timing for the counter? Does it need to be almost instantaneous LT then RB or can you have a bit of a gap? Or would that just be a normal attack?
I never played the first two games but loved Bloodbourne. Its very similar and Ive found myself rinsing the dragon part a few times to get 30,000 souls in an hour and a half. BB was the same for me though in that the first 5 or 6 hours were punishing and then it clicks into place so I dont need to grind souls as much until the late game.

It was late last night though and I ploughed a lot of souls into vitality thinking it was HP! Oh well, a grinding we will go again
So yeah.... I knew this game would be hard... But Jesus I need some divine intervention or something! Not even gotten past the tutorial boss yet, got him down the 1/5hp on my like 6th or more try.. Then watch a film :p

I got DS3 last night (first Dark Souls game) and played for a few hours. I've decided to re-roll as a knight but originally I rolled a sorceror. It's a bit less tanky than the knight (obviously) but you do start the game with Soul Arrow and Heavy Soul Arrow which are ranged attacks.

At first I tried taking on the first boss with my dagger but after trying the heavy soul arrow it made it easy mode. Keep range, dodge when necessary and spam HSA until dead. It only took 5 or 6 shots.

I found it a bit cheap though which is why I switched.
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