Dark Souls 3

yeah the first boss is pretty easy once you know his technique, keep you distance in the first part and when he lunges dodge to the right, be careful cause if you leave it too late the radius damage when he lands can hurt you.

second part is the opposite and can be tricky if not careful, as soon as he mutates hit combo, then retreat again he will lunge with the big claw dodge then hit combo close and use flask if health is low. I just kept really close in the last part and just dogde. dogde dodge, I found pontiff hard, dragon slayer only because of those fire birds or what ever they are.

easy bosses, 2nd Boss, the Mouldy Tree and the Skeleton.
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Also, you need to become aware of both enemy combo variations and recovery time and your own stamina management.

Different enemies will have different attacks that they will string together in different ways (one, two, three hit combos, etc.). You need to learn when to dodge which attack, in which direction, and when the window for you to attack begins.

Different attacks also have different recovery times for the enemy in question. You can only attack as many times as you can fit in before the enemy can strike again. If you get greedy and try to grab one attack too many you can get punished. And in Dark Souls, punishment often means death. Fights require time and patience.

Then you need to be aware of your own stamina. It's seldom a good idea to use up all your stamina on attacks during an enemy's recovery, as then you won't have enough to dodge or block the next attack, leaving you wide open and defenceless. Try to ensure you have enough stamina remaining to roll away or block the next attack. Be aware that stamina regenerates much more slowly with your shield raised, so lower you shield when it's safe to regain stamina.

These are things that become second nature after 10 hours or more and will carry you through all of the Souls games. For everyone the hardest Souls game is the one they play first!
^ correct.

I found abyss watchers a beast to complete so much damage on hit when he comes in for the strike.

Cathedral of the deep was a pointless boss stupidly easy. The one which is impossible is dancer of the boreal valley or the nameless king. I'm having to start again but I had got to NG+3 on Knight with Dark Sword such a awesome build.

I see that they nurfed the dark sword and deals 5% less damage, and now the broadsword is the weapon to have lame
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What's going on with the cleric???? I started a new game on my partners PC. Picked the Cleric as the starter class. So much fun! MACE TO DA FACE! Oh, with a cheeky heal spell :D

I'm no expert playing Dark Souls, by a long stretch. I play solo and have no chance ever winning PVP. So I'm a casual. But the cleric is damn fun! Any suggestions on the build? Going to start it tonight on my own machine.
What's going on with the cleric???? I started a new game on my partners PC. Picked the Cleric as the starter class. So much fun! MACE TO DA FACE! Oh, with a cheeky heal spell :D

I'm no expert playing Dark Souls, by a long stretch. I play solo and have no chance ever winning PVP. So I'm a casual. But the cleric is damn fun! Any suggestions on the build? Going to start it tonight on my own machine.

Just use buffing//healing miracles. DPS miracles are plain bad in 3 :(
Well I've made it as far as the wall of lothric, but wow... It's just insanely difficult and utter repetition. It's going to take me about a year to complete this.

This game is not good for stress levels!

High wall of lotheric is pretty easy, things don't get hard until you reach the catacombs.

I'm just about to hit the woods with the crystal sage boss.
Well I've made it as far as the wall of lothric, but wow... It's just insanely difficult and utter repetition. It's going to take me about a year to complete this.

This game is not good for stress levels!

It's difficult at times, but once you get your head around the play style and mechanics it becomes a lot easier. It really makes the combat in games like tw3 feel very basic hack and slack button bash.
High wall of lotheric is pretty easy, things don't get hard until you reach the catacombs.

Oh well, I'll need to give this a miss if that's the case. 20 minutes spent getting past everyone, only for an enemy to lurch from the shadows and boom, back to the start and repeat it again... and again... and again.

It's a challenge, but I just don't see the fun in it. The main problem I think for me, is that there's no flow because of all the repetition and it just breaks the immersion and story.

EDIT: In fact, I'll have a go with K&M and see if that helps... There must be something about this game if it's so popular, I'm obviously just not seeing it yet.
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Oh well, I'll need to give this a miss if that's the case. 20 minutes spent getting past everyone, only for an enemy to lurch from the shadows and boom, back to the start and repeat it again... and again... and again.

It's a challenge, but I just don't see the fun in it. The main problem I think for me, is that there's no flow because of all the repetition and it just breaks the immersion and story.

EDIT: In fact, I'll have a go with K&M and see if that helps... There must be something about this game if it's so popular, I'm obviously just not seeing it yet.

Also don't forget to level up when you get souls, I currently going for another tank build. Broad Sword with rare gem level 28.
You don't need to kill the same enemies over and over, you can run past them.

Run past my enemies pffft, I am a barbarian they see the might of my sword :D

this is quite easy compared to pontiff's map, some mobs do multi combo's or high damage for example :Lycanthrope

The main problem I think for me, is that there's no flow because of all the repetition and it just breaks the immersion and story.

The whole point of the game is understanding the flow.
You just haven't played it enough to get that yet, once it clicks it really clicks.

DS games tend to get easier as you progess, because you have figured out all the nuance within the specific game, but obviously if you have never played DS or BB before then the curve is going to be much higher for you initially.

I was like you with DS1 and didnt get it on my first attempt because I was too used to the hold holding of modern games. I came back a few months later and it really clicked.

All 4 of the games are without a shadow of a doubt some of the greatest games ever made.
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You're not alone, I've seen all the praise for these games and kind of wonder what I'm not seeing as well. I've actually only played Demon's Souls on the PS3 so far. I did maybe 2 or 3 acts so far, and even those were a struggle. I haven't gone back to it for a few months now, I started to lose interest as you said, with death, after death... after death. When I would (finally) get to the boss, I'd die after a few moments, not really learning anything, and my enthusiasm for wanting to learn slowly decreasing. I just ended up getting frustrated and turning it off. I don't have much patience at the best of times, and as an aging gamer I find that I want enjoyment rather than work, and I found this work.
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