Reading a lot of these comments makes me realise how much i've missed on this playthrough. I don't think there has ever been another game where it was possible to miss so much by not using a guide or asking advice etc.
It's even easier to miss things than Demon's Souls.
I've killed the Pyro guy, and so have played most of the game without much in the way of Fire spells for my Pyromancer except the odd one I found. I also seem to have poor endurance, strength, vitality and no where near enough Faith for any of those spells. My Intelligence is high but didn't seem to help with damage so was probably a waste.
I've no idea what I did regarding the firelink firekeeper. Never even seen them once, then next thing I know they are dead.
I go in to kill the people who did it but all I got was some item saying i'd got retribution or something. No soul of the firekeeper.
I also have a lot of other items which I don't have a use for right now.
I'm just at the end of Tomb of the Giants to gain the final Soul for the Lordvessel.
Think i'll just plough through the end of the game to reach NG+ and go again, paying mroe attention to things from the start.
I never intended this playthrough to be complete, I was going to start again but I ended up sticking with it...shouldn't have as I didnt plan my build out enough.
I can handle most things ok but I was more than 10x this powerful in Demon's Souls at the same Soul Level!!